Holy fuck I actually guessed Splatterhouse at 10pts, I've never even played that game how did I just subconsciously know that, what
EDIT: And I got Owl Boy at 7 points! Take that CJ!
Marty Sliva is still the reigning champion
Has anyone ever guessed it all the way zoomed in?
I love me some Zach Ryan
I thought the 3rd one was Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire.
Yes, it's back! I have a tiny bit of feedback:
I think a better way to do this game is to use the "cutout" filter in photoshop on the image, with "edge simplicity" applied at a high value to begin with, then progressively diminished as the guessing rounds increase. This causes the whole image to be abstract in the beginning, then clearer as you go on! Give or take the advice, just keep these coming!
CJ killed it. Also, I got Owlboy at 7.
Yea the old Doom
Love these. Please keep em coming.
Holy fuck I actually guessed Splatterhouse at 10pts, I've never even played that game how did I just subconsciously know that, what
EDIT: And I got Owl Boy at 7 points! Take that CJ!
Marty Sliva is still the reigning champion
Has anyone ever guessed it all the way zoomed in?
I love me some Zach Ryan
I thought the 3rd one was Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire.
Yes, it's back! I have a tiny bit of feedback:
I think a better way to do this game is to use the "cutout" filter in photoshop on the image, with "edge simplicity" applied at a high value to begin with, then progressively diminished as the guessing rounds increase. This causes the whole image to be abstract in the beginning, then clearer as you go on! Give or take the advice, just keep these coming!
This needs to happen much more frequently