Re 6 gameplay system is the best thoe…. But cnt wait to play re2 remake!!! ?
Guys between re:5 and 6 which one is better?
Resident Evil 6 was overstuffed, rushed, and often times felt clunky
I thoroughly enjoyed most of the set pieces, especially in Hong Kong; The city lights at dusk, the highway chases, etc.
Worst game ive ever played
Did I play the same game? Although visually stunning and great voice acting… The story was pure crap! In short it all happened because of a woman that feels betrayed in her love by another dumbass that could not take ada not being into him… That is the ENTIRE BASIS to destroying the world…. If anything I appreciate from this game …. Is that it actually saved albert wesker from having the dumbest motivation to destroying the worl
Resident evil 5 was the best.
Worst game ever made bruh
Cousin Richard is in
Best game of the series along with RE5
This game was a victim of the first wave of social media follow the leader IGN hated on this game when it was trying to be evolutionary and so every clown without his own brain fell suit. This generation is so dope and to think now I'm 2018 that's all the non online campaigns offer if the template of RE6 and yet they love these games to death but has talked mad junk about this game I still have mind on ps3 and love it just as much this was a very dope if you love artistic and stylized gaming with great graphics for it's generation . From a company not nobody really respects their reviews ….
Resident Evil 2 Remake is the Best!!
I honestly loved resi evil 6 as well as 5..the diversity was great
Too much action
Seems like a confused review…
I'm not spending the money….re 2 for ps 1 was the best out of all this
Am i the only one who accepts that resident evil 6 is a third person shooter? And i have played the old school ones too
4,5 awful
Cant wait for re 2 remake
Con: too much action Con: too much gaming involved
Well for me Re2 still is the best
Did Michael Bay make this game?
Resident Evil 6/10 lol
Seriously? Who doesn't like too much action? Are you a baby IGN fellas?
Too much action…LMFAO ???
Honestly felt the game was wayyy too over the top with the explosions and action, and just felt absurd a lot of the time. Also the controls were really weird like the over the shoulder camera felt way too close and made things awkward and movement felt janky. Cover system was terrible, and I felt like there wasnt enough ammo made available for the number of enemies they sent at you. I liked resident evil 5 a lot more.
Still like it to this day.
I love this game. I loved it way more than any other zombie game
Noteb: this game will destory your keyboard or stick.
Resident evil 6 is good but just to dam action packed
Bought for $5. Stopped playing after I finished one chapter for Leon. I enjoyed 4/5 , 6 is horrible in quality. Poor controls.
And final fantasy x and x2
Fake review
What u all came here for:
Leon fights OG zombies and not many new creature
Chris goes to asia and fights weird mutated bug like monsters zombies and creatures, who can fly or appear as giant spiders etc.
Jake fights similar zombies and creatures to Chris's story, but they are metal and mechanically enhanced this time.
4 is the best
lol a game rated just good for too much action… stunning!!!
I bet if this was a call of duty game it would have gotten a higher review score rating by ign lol
Too much action ? Lol????
just got it now for ps3 .. i only played RE5 , and i heard that RE4 is also very good..
For $20 bucks Resident evil 6 is a fun game, a must pick up
All they TRULY need to do is make a new horror RESIDENT EVIL with more scare and the tyrant and all that. Just with the controls of RE6, I mean the controls were awesome you can dodge fight move around quickly enough. Best controls of any resident evil game
re6 7.9 re7 7.7 really!!!
All the resident evil games are trash the o my good one is bio
Love how re6 has a higher score then re7.
re 7 7.7 and re 6 gets 7.9 ign is on expired coccaine
Re 6 gameplay system is the best thoe…. But cnt wait to play re2 remake!!! ?

Guys between re:5 and 6 which one is better?
Resident Evil 6 was overstuffed, rushed, and often times felt clunky
I thoroughly enjoyed most of the set pieces, especially in Hong Kong; The city lights at dusk, the highway chases, etc.
Worst game ive ever played
Did I play the same game? Although visually stunning and great voice acting… The story was pure crap! In short it all happened because of a woman that feels betrayed in her love by another dumbass that could not take ada not being into him… That is the ENTIRE BASIS to destroying the world…. If anything I appreciate from this game …. Is that it actually saved albert wesker from having the dumbest motivation to destroying the worl
Resident evil 5 was the best.
Worst game ever made bruh
Cousin Richard is in
Best game of the series along with RE5
This game was a victim of the first wave of social media follow the leader IGN hated on this game when it was trying to be evolutionary and so every clown without his own brain fell suit. This generation is so dope and to think now I'm 2018 that's all the non online campaigns offer if the template of RE6 and yet they love these games to death but has talked mad junk about this game I still have mind on ps3 and love it just as much this was a very dope if you love artistic and stylized gaming with great graphics for it's generation . From a company not nobody really respects their reviews ….
Resident Evil 2 Remake is the Best!!
I honestly loved resi evil 6 as well as 5..the diversity was great
Too much action
Seems like a confused review…
I'm not spending the money….re 2 for ps 1 was the best out of all this
Am i the only one who accepts that resident evil 6 is a third person shooter?
And i have played the old school ones too
4,5 awful
Cant wait for re 2 remake
Con: too much action
Con: too much gaming involved
Well for me Re2 still is the best
Did Michael Bay make this game?
Resident Evil 6/10 lol
Seriously? Who doesn't like too much action? Are you a baby IGN fellas?
Too much action…LMFAO ???
Honestly felt the game was wayyy too over the top with the explosions and action, and just felt absurd a lot of the time. Also the controls were really weird like the over the shoulder camera felt way too close and made things awkward and movement felt janky. Cover system was terrible, and I felt like there wasnt enough ammo made available for the number of enemies they sent at you. I liked resident evil 5 a lot more.
Still like it to this day.
I love this game. I loved it way more than any other zombie game
Noteb: this game will destory your keyboard or stick.
Resident evil 6 is good but just to dam action packed
Bought for $5. Stopped playing after I finished one chapter for Leon. I enjoyed 4/5 , 6 is horrible in quality. Poor controls.
And final fantasy x and x2
Fake review
What u all came here for:
Leon fights OG zombies and not many new creature
Chris goes to asia and fights weird mutated bug like monsters zombies and creatures, who can fly or appear as giant spiders etc.
Jake fights similar zombies and creatures to Chris's story, but they are metal and mechanically enhanced this time.
4 is the best
lol a game rated just good for too much action… stunning!!!
I bet if this was a call of duty game it would have gotten a higher review score rating by ign lol
Too much action ? Lol????
just got it now for ps3 .. i only played RE5 , and i heard that RE4 is also very good..
For $20 bucks Resident evil 6 is a fun game, a must pick up
All they TRULY need to do is make a new horror RESIDENT EVIL with more scare and the tyrant and all that. Just with the controls of RE6, I mean the controls were awesome you can dodge fight move around quickly enough. Best controls of any resident evil game
re6 7.9
re7 7.7
All the resident evil games are trash the o my good one is bio
Love how re6 has a higher score then re7.
re 7 7.7 and re 6 gets 7.9 ign is on expired coccaine