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You can already buy real estate with BTC, it’s called PROPY
Yes USA are desperate to continue their manipulation and hold on world money markets, and keepin us as tax slaves..this is a REAL agenda btw
TMI press F11 when your browser is open and see the magic !
The only thing that will grow bitcoin fast is people talking about it more again. It needs to trend again.
Its real Im excited
Don't get your hopes up for a 2019 rally.
imo 2019 will be a year of consolidation
2020-2021 though… Just make sure you accumulate some bitcoin. >_<
plug in your laptop bro
In China it happened already…. I tried to pay with cash, they told me they had no change and if I could pay with WeChat Pay on the QR code that they have…..
lol man, you saying João is friggin' funny.
'maybe u havent been paying attention to the last 700 videos i have made…' XD dude i almost blew milk out of my nose XD ; rock on TMI thanks for everything that u do man =]
Insurance iIS available – need to be sure D&O and cyber/crime policies include crypto in definition of money.. I work in the insurance industry.
Lightning will be awesome, but I believe you are missing the real reason why Bitcoin and all other POW cryptos will not go up tremendously in value which is the financial cost to operate the network.
Remember, the miners get 1,800btc/day most of which they currently sell on the market immediately(look at the blockchain). That means the higher the price of btc the more downward pressure on the market.
This explains the extreme volatility of btc perfectly because as the price rises the downward pressure also rises in a near linear fashion.
When the market hit $20K last year the miners were getting:
1,800btc/day x $20K/btc = $36 million/day.
In my world $36 million/day is a lot of money/downward pressure.
If btc ever got to $100K the miners would get:
1,800btc/day x $100K/btc = $180 million/day.
Why is Vitalik trying to get away from POW so quickly with Ethereum? Same reason.
Does anybody really think any asset on the planet could handle $180 million/day in downward pressure?
Every other defect in Bitcoin is fixable, but ^ likely is not, so in the end lighting may not matter unless other aspects of Bitcoin change.
Wall Street does the math, and the math does not work out for Bitcoin unfortunately. If the btc reward halvings happened every year instead of every 4 Bitcoin and other POW cryptos may have a chance. I vote for changing to this model immediately. It seems the only chance to save Bitcoin from being below $1K for good within 2 years. The miners will make more $ in the long run as a result because Bitcoin will survive. It definitely will not at any significant price without a change such as this.
That does not mean that crypto is dead. It means Wall Street will go with a crypto that does not cost $180 million/day to run(as the price goes up). There are established cryptos out there that are virtually free to run. They run under the same model as early Internet protocols where companies/people voluntarily run them for free(SMTP, gopher, "Usenet", etc.) .
Tim Draper is part of DCG. DCG, Nasdaq, and are all related. I sent you a YouTube video about. They cover it 14 mins in. They are shaping the crypto space. Charlie Lee is related to them also.
OMG! < ~~ (pun kinda intended) Im about to go ALL-IN on Cardano!! Just listened to Charles talk about the future of ADA, or should I say dApps!? DYOR rite now! Listen to the recent Holiday AMA and hear all the great thing that are coming! 😀 Bye Bye ETH! Sorry for you HODLers of Ether, but you must agree they failed to upgrade fast enough.. There is still time to get ADA at an excellent price.. AS ALWAYS DYOR < ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I invest with Mr Kelvin peter every time with confidence because at the end the outcome will be positive
16% is technically a bear market according to research. The stock market has already hit that. 20% is just when the masses / CNBC start reporting it as such. “Ahead of the curve” means what it means for a reason, especially with institutional money being in and out of positions.
happy christmas and eoy TMI!
You must forget what happened in the last bull run, it was the exact same talk of adoption. There is no reason companies will want a part of btc yet. Too much volatility and non proven use case. Lighting is far from being used or safe for companies to get involved. I fell for all that hype last run because i didn't realize how slow and inefficient the btc network was, now its happening all over again with lighting……… it ain't ready or tested and personally i think it will fail in many ways from what i'm seeing. I won't be unhappy to see a bunch more suckers supply the next btc bull run, so I can cash out. The strong projects will begin to outshine btc and eth.
Peter *(Teal) Thiel I believe
I use SHIFT today…… Not for a car tho…. #GoCrypto
back in 2016 they said all these great things were gonna launch and happen in 2017. in 2017, they said it will be 2018. now everyone says it will happen in 2019 lol
how do u buy node?
This is literally the best opportunity to get into crypto since 2014
i dont really understand why we need the institution especially the ETF. What we really need is more utilisation and we will moon.We dont need to include all these wall street. money They are actually the reason why crypto was invented in the first place so as to exclude them.
Nice content, Subbed.
I’m going to call it & say that Coinbase might add XRP shortly after Binance adds XRP as a trading pair.
The few exchanges that are insured only insure Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, zCash & some ERC20s – of the 150B in market capitalization only about 85B (half) or less is insured. Many alts are insured for institutions, but retail investors should never forget that Coinbase/Gemini/BitGo/Xapo aren’t ideal industry leaders. They aren’t in it to protect the market as a whole. A huge priority within this market is custody. As much as people boost about hardware wallets, it’s still a counter party risk associated as it is manufactured by an intermediary. We’re dealing with CEOs that are thus far satisfied with last years gains & the gains the years before, they could care less about adding XRP, EOS, TRON, XLM, ADA. You’d have to have at least a million USD worth of alts for them to consider custodial or insurance services. They forgot how humble they were 5 years ago. No matter how inspired Brian Armstrong portrays himself to be all over Twitter, if he we’re really passionate about the space, it wouldn’t have taken 5 years to add something other than BTC/ETH/LTC.