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Not only is Bitcoin correcting, U.S. Stock markets are all coming dangerously close to entering bear markets of their own. In this video, we discuss the possibility of a U.S. stock bear market, and a new global recession.
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*I am not a financial adviser, this is not financial advice. I strongly encourage all to do their own research before doing anything with their money. All investments/trades/buys/sells etc. should be made at your own risk with your own capital.*
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BCH $55 BTC $2800 soon!! bitcoin and all crypto will be back where they were befor this pump by christmas.
Bottom at 3000 or at 1500 is actually not important at all. If you believe in Crypto, and invest long term, all the current prices are good investments! Patience is a virtue guys
its been stable 4k all fucking day whats going on
I liquidated all my stocks into cash last week and am patiently waiting for BTC boom sitting on crypto I bought up the last 12 months
Awesome. Liked your video.
Good job. Happy holidays.
Depression coming . Please talk more about the markets Please
Buy silver and crypto Will save you
Great presentation, very informative tying all the related parts in to summarize the potential overall downturn for the US and likely for the world. Please include as much content of this type as you can. We all really appreciate your time and effort and look forward to becoming part of your study group.
Awesome content. pulled 50% back, looking for a dip to buy back next week. still quite skeptical if hedging with bitcoin in a thing…
A bear market is coming. A whole past week of "blood on the street". Selling off stocks now before year end, take off the LOSS of the capital gain taxes.
Always keep at least 5-10% in pm’s. But I’m holding dry powder on the sidelines for the crash.
I'm not looking foward to a 'Mother-in-law pump'.
Why are talking too fast, please reduce you speed!!!
Do you get your content from YouTuber The Moon? Seems like it
I have been in on this bitcoin thing for a while now and I personally feel that it is directly pegged against the US economy. Bitcoin will go through the roof if the stock market crashes. They created it to takedown this Oligarchy.
Hello, you're talking about global economy but you only focus on US indicators. You also focus on US debt and US citizens rely a lot on debt. I think you miss on piece of the puzzle which is the rest of the world. However I do agree that signals coming from the US have a significant impact on the rest of the world's economy.
Im 56 and debt free thanks to God.
They will just print new money and the cyclus can continue… there will be no repeat of 2008, thats the point of printing and pushing new money in the system.
This market crash is going to be ugly. I for example have been contributing about 20% to retirement, well I'm going to put all that toward my loans now that we are in a market, I will not be buying the falling knife for the next for years.
Permabull is death!
The Bitcoin rally is not jeopardized, Jebb are you drunk lol, in a recession, you hedge with some Bitcoin, you might not believe that, but even a small portion, will bring billions, if not a trillion in crypto.
You need to look at the big picture. Around oct. 15th 2017 we formed a left shoulder that peaked around 5k then dropped to around 3k. Currently we are tracking to 5k right now to form the right shoulder to give us a head and shoulders on the daily charts.. head and shoulders are bearish. We are tracking our way to 5k now then back to 3k..if we can't hold around 2800 then 1500-2k will be support. Bear market could last till end of 2019. Depends how the whales want to turn the market around.. 2800 could be bottom by Feb.. but could get worse if they want to bring the market cap below 100 billion ?. Read the charts
Cardi B calls money shmoney ‘retrashement’
Crypto Jebb, THANK you sooooooo much for sharing your wisdom! Happy New Year 2 ALL
All in to bitcoin and alts coins and I have zero debt
Real Jebberdy.
That so-called head and shoulders is a bit weak imo. I think Bitcoin will go sideways for a week or so, and then go up to around 6k, to then go back to 3k and tumble around for a couple of months, and from there on, it can go either way.
I'm gonna say Jebb is 37.
But the economy is booming. I heard it on tv. ??? buying silver, gold and crypto. I'm 45 and debt free thank God
Gah, I need to recreate a new bitmex account or go find a better place to short and long from, and quickly!
Recession incoming. Bitcoin to the moon.
Damn it I'll wait
Your content is great! but Bitcoin price does not show weakness maybe in like the next four to eight hours.
Don’t worry I’m trolling everybody with a shitty headline like this.
Global recession is right around the corner, for sure!
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