GLADIATORS vs LIGHTNING ENHANCED WEAPONS IN VIRTUAL REALITY (Blade And Sorcery VR Funny Gameplay) ProjectJamesify — December 24, 2018 19 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Gladiators VS Lightning Enhanced Weapons in Blade And Sorcery VR Virtual Reality! ▷GET FIRST EDITION MERCHANDISE! source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Merry Christmas everybodyyyyy!!!!

merry Christmas James and i have an idea can you mention me in your next blade and sorcery video?
Perfect vid like normal
tell a ca ne sis
Same to u james
I love the video so much you are so cool ?
It's called telekinesis.
Jame's date didn't go to well…
Last Christmas I give you my heart , but the very next day you give it away
James it is called telekinesis or telekinetic energy
Telekinesis is not a mod
I love you merry chirsmas
Huge fan
Hit dat little bell and sub
Hiiiii James you da bomb
Feels good to be on time