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► Coinbase Convert Adds Crypto-to-Crypto Trading for Retail Customers – https://www.coindesk.com/coinbase-adds-crypto-crypto-trading-pairs-for-retail-customers
► Blockchain Transparency Institute’s December 2018 Exchange Volume Report – https://www.blockchaintransparency.org/
► Iran Official Believe Blockchain Can Drive Economic Growth –
► Teen Bitcoin Millionaire Erik Finman Declares Bitcoin Is Dead Long-Term – https://cointelegraph.com/news/teen-bitcoin-millionaire-erik-finman-proclaims-bitcoin-is-dead-long-term
► Tron Launches Odyssey Update – https://dailyhodl.com/2018/12/17/etoro-crypto-analyst-reviews-ripple-and-xrp-institutional-bitcoin-traders-shift-markets-and-tron-launches-odyssey-update/
► Blockstream Satellite API & Other News – https://blockstream.com/2018/12/17/Blockstream-satellite-asia-pacific-phase-2-coverage/
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00:00 Introduction
00:42 Market Overview
05:05 Coinbase Convert Adds Crypto-to-Crypto Trading for Retail Customers
07:10 Blockchain Transparency Institute's December 2018 Exchange Volume Report
08:35 Upcoming Halvenings
09:29 Blockstream Satellite API
11:27 Tron Launches Odyssey Update
12:30 Underground Nodes / Solar Flares
13:55 Anniversary of Bitcoin Crash
19:45 Teen Bitcoin Millionaire Erik Finman Declares Bitcoin Is Dead Long-Term
22:39 Hong Kong Bitcoin Millionaire Arrested After Throwing Cash off Apartment Building
24:09 Reasons to Buy Bitcoin
32:55 Tron (cont.)
33:25 ICO Projects Selling ETH
34:55 Other News
35:48 Federal Reserve
36:48 Upcoming Interview: Horizen (Zencash)
Whats the deal with ARBITRAGE?
How little we’re taught about money, indeed! Why isn’t there a middle school or high school class?
Your the man Omar!
Bitcoin hit it's all the high… for the week, words from a true bull haha
nice video, the accumulation period has begun IMO.
Newbie here. Can you give us some suggestions on how to do the fundamental analysis to decide whether a project is worth it or a scam?
how do we start if we don't have the tech jargon? i can't even understand the bitcoin whitepaper. How can I make a sound decision and not lose my money trying?
Omar goes from EOS hater to pumper. Hmmmm…
As usual.. great video, but who is finding Blockstream?
Thanks for videos man. Keep up the work bud…. nexus earth ? is beautiful ask a network guy why bitcoin scars them. Glad to see bitcoin core trying do something about it but that one company that can get walked into and get to hear shut them down or we shoot them down
Please grow back the mustache. This just looks off
00:00 Introduction
00:42 Market Overview
05:05 Coinbase Convert Adds Crypto-to-Crypto Trading for Retail Customers
07:10 Blockchain Transparency Institute's December 2018 Exchange Volume Report
08:35 Upcoming Halvenings
09:29 Blockstream Satellite API
11:27 Tron Launches Odyssey Update
12:30 Underground Nodes / Solar Flares
13:55 Anniversary of Bitcoin Crash
19:45 Teen Bitcoin Millionaire Erik Finman Declares Bitcoin Is Dead Long-Term
22:39 Hong Kong Bitcoin Millionaire Arrested After Throwing Cash off Apartment Building
24:09 Reasons to Buy Bitcoin
32:55 Tron (cont.)
33:25 ICO Projects Selling ETH
34:55 Other News
35:48 Federal Reserve
36:48 Upcoming Interview: Horizen (Zencash)
Keep doing what you do…. daily up date …dude you Rock …. The Crypto Community Thank You >>>
People should definitely close their shorts, that's gross!
Shitcoinfest in your newsfeed….u are taking a bad road bro…
damit where is the guy that cuts the video into section so i can skip to the EOS news
Doge was up nearly 50% and settled at 20% for the day.
People said Vinyl would die with the advent of compact disc& other digital formats which offered a much more user friendly experience- yet DJs will pay phenomenal ammounts for rare sought after dusty gems- which may have been bought for pennies back in the day& now cimmand 5 figure prices- Northern Soul being a prime example- ?Keep the Faith Bitcoin – Hodlers of Last Resort! Nice1 Omar- all the best 4 the Solstice 1& All-&where is the Flat Earth Coin ? Gonna b massive in 2020! ?Smash that (Fake) Moon & Get a Donkey! X
Binance has banned many countries.
In Yugoslavia, daily inflation rate was 65%, prices were doubling every 34 hours (something like that, 1992.-1994.).
Greetings from Belgrade
+++ well done!
Great Video!!
Bitcoin going to zero lol… A joke can be made out of that.
Tom Lee’s prediction coming true? Santa Claus ?? rally?
Or is it Trace Mayer’s Proofofkeys campaign set for 3rd January 2019 (10th anniversary of the Genesis block)?It may force exchanges to buy crypto to cover their positions for those withdrawing crypto to put on their hardware wallets!
‘Annual January 3rd Proof of Keys Celebration of the Genesis Block’
Hey, I was wondering what your opinions are about Elliot Wave Theory. It seems pretty interesting for diversification, from a hodling standpoint. Love your content, keep it up man.
Look into Alan Greenspan's history. It wouldn't surprise me if he had at least a hand in BTC's creation.