Who are the people in charge of maintaining the Bitcoin Core code repository and what kind of influence does GitHub have over the development process? We also discuss the Lightning Network, as some people in the crypto space claim that Lightning Network was invented by the banks…
Who Controls Bitcoin Core? (article by Jameson Lopp) from Bitcoin
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Ivan on Tech by Ivan Liljeqvist
Ivan likes Blockstream money
Talk about interoperability?
Great info Ivan, I agree mostly, I do worry about leadership in Bitcoin core as the lead devs are essentially in a position of political power. Were they elected into that position? Who voted for them? As certain countries begin to consider the integration of blockchain into their national infrastructure, these questions become more and more relevant.
ivan is love
Of course the Elite control it otherwise it would never have been allowed any publicity – it would have been DOA.
And you can bet its all back doored as well.
It's the internet; I can say any stupid thing I want and any fool is free to believe me or not. Merry Christmas!
As a regular lurker in the Bitcoin Cash space, I have NEVER heard a member of the community promote/want Lightning Network… I call BS. Also, before the story went that Gavin's access was revoked due to them thinking his account had been compromised. I've never heard anyone but you claim that it was due to inactivity. It kind of seems like you're making some things up.
As a non- IT person I really appreciate your analysis and it begs me to learn more. For example, what about the architecture of "layer one" prevents changes in "layer two" running on top of it from affecting it, but yet transactions records are running on both? Are the same tranactions running on both (redundancy?)?
And again standard boogieman soros. Naughty naughty ivan. Why every crypto youtuber tend have to be into conspiracies
awesome video Ivan. thank you for all the great information
Great explanation of Bitcoin Core, side chains, the Lightning network and forks Ivan!
So who will be the first to launch Lightning SV?
Excellent as usual Ivan.
Can you not misrepresent the position of bitcoin cash supporters? They specifically stated that they are not against lightning. They are however against the idea of using lightning as a pancreas to solve all scaling issues to the exclusion of improving the base layer, aka blocksize increase.
Lol LN 18months away.bsv/scale/0conf/bsv for the win.
the jews can infiltrate any and every thing….ur too trusting in the tech….they have ALL private keys!!!!
Im soooooo tired of these old shitfaced 100 year old billionaires manipulating everything and ruining good things for common people……..i wish they would just hurry up and die
Something clicked in a head, about lighting network, thank you
when you come to BCH ?
Guys! The FOMOtrain is riding! Jump on the FOMOtrain or you will miss the FOMOboat!
Netscape!? You are much older than you look!
Thank you again for a great video. Your calm fair nature, combined with excitement for the industry and consistent delivery are why people put their trust into your content.
ignoring completely the fact that many of the Bitcoin devs work/ed for Blockstream who's major shareholder is AXA
Will the LN work in a way, where every business who wants to accept bitcoin just opens their own node for transactions, or will there be many businesses and individuals on every node?
why is it 5 Dollars here? why i can't pay in crypto my friend?
Blockstream controls the core devs who control the github, the website, everything. BTC is a broken dead end, by design.
What happens if van der Laan dies and who would decide what changes get added to the main branch?
Idk how old u are but I can tell u nobody ever said let’s search on Netscape. They would have said internet or aol then yahoo
I wish YouTube had a “Love” button for this video !
great job!
One of your best videos yet! Very relevant and informative. Thank you!
Sorry Ivan, you're young and definitely naive. The MO of the controllers is to take over anything that becomes popular in the current western culture. BTC is no different. If you think it is you're just naive. BTC is no closer to mainstream adoption than 2 years ago and Lightning has yet to prove anything.
Can you make a video about cardano plutus and marlowe how they work
Forcing out the most competent original developers such as Gavin Andresen and Mike Hearn from the Core team and calling them unqualified because they don't have doctorate degrees is just one of Blockstream tactics to take over BTC. Replacing the team with Blockstream employees is another. Then sucking and destroying value of BTC by moving on-chain transactions to Lightning is another. Lightning can now be easily centralized and controlled when everyone is forced to create payment channels to a handful of giant hubs/nodes who can easily track payments. These mega lightning nodes are worse than the tracking capabilities of a bank. Let alone that Lightning is flawed because it is a specialized payment method, not a general one that consumers use. It is a netting system among peers who transact with each other very frequently then settle the net differences at a later date. But consumers don't pay this way because it's inconvenient, ties up BTC in the payment channel, and they must plan ahead for every cup of coffee and stick of gum they want to purchase. Stupid.
Who calls it "bitcoin core" anymore? It's just "bitcoin." The one and only truly decentralized cryptocurrency. That's it.
BTC is ded. It isn’t peer-to-peer cash. It’s been 10 years. Dev circle jerk.
yooo… question for you mr. ivan…. I love the purpose the creation of crypto, especially bitcoin. But I afraid bitcoin would be inflated also by hardfork all over and over again. Just like fiat kept printed again and again.. Yes it's bitcoin. The one crypto and the first digital currency that cant be inflated, had a fixed supply 21000000 and nothing more. gonna have lighting network upgrade, great…. but.. more times goes on, there's a risk of some different person within the community keep adding copycat bitcoin's' because some reasons. Like bcash sv and bcash abc, like Eth classic and ethereum.. I afraid list getting longer in the future and crypto are more worst even compare to fiat money overall. So.. enlight me please mr ivan with a great answer…
The 25 minutes I spend with you every morning flies by faster than [almost] any other 25 minutes of the day.
Hey, no Saturday or Sunday any more? What happened to CryptoNeverSleeps? You must be organizing your life for maximum efficiency (also known as "getting old"). Welcome to the club. -Grandpa
News reader,not usages information
I´m stuck in the last academy product. I thought it would be more commercial and business oriented, not only programming side. I´ve been on the hole 3 courses.
Without Blockstream, and just increasing the block size. Bitcoin might still have been in the $20k or higher range. As they say, when retail investors miss the boat, they miss the boat. When institutional investors miss the boat, they bring the boat back…. 20k to 3k…..we're almost back at the shipping port. Lol
Can we please change the feet back ground?? To literally anything else…
You are a great educator, Ivan. Thank you for all your work.
These click bait titles… Geez.