In today’s Live interview, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports, Bitcoin Market Crash.
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In this course you will learn:
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9. Common Pitfalls / Security – How to secure your offline wallet with confidence and product reviews
10. Guest Interviews / Commentary – Leading commentators from around the world in the crypto community
11. Private forums and Livestream Q&A w/ Christopher Greene
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One week later 10 % up
Hope all of you greedy people lose everything! Cryptocurrency is based on greed!
TRUE FOREX TRADER—–(Mr Gregory Davids) this man has helped me clear so many debts, feel free to write him up on his email address <gregorystevedavids@gmail.com>
UNHINGED much? hahahah
this dude is 100% a FRAUD
rite clever clogs why is it that bitcoins not being used for what it designed to do ! ill tell u because its outmoded outdated stupid crap ! the elites know it ! the market knows it ! and the informed know it ! why dont u ? its played out thats why it forked lol
What’s with all the bitcoin haters on here? It looks as though the haters are grossly uneducated about the bitcoin revolution!
you are an annoying idiot
You sound a lot like a Preacher trying to steal money from his congregation. You are feeding the ? false dreams. Bitcoin is simply a Pyramid Scheme. You even said it yourself, the first people in make all of the money. You are nothing but a 2 bit thief.
fake man
I invested in fine wine to store away but I drank it all it was great
this guy is sounds really desperate, obviously never saw the source code of bitcoin there is a huge scalability issue in it
Yep if the world only knew whats about to happen with Blockchain/ #Nasgo #Sharenode. Some people still don't believe me. If you're reading this and you just need more info I'm leaving my real contact. I'll Help You Set Up Your Sharenode Account with detailed instructions. Dj 904-476-2680
You can tell this guy has no idea what he's talking about when he said, "Bitcoin is the blockchain!!" Bitcoin is a blockchain. It's far from THE blockchain. His statement is flawed. I don't own any Cryptocurrency but Ethereum has far more potential to be "the" blockchain than Bitcoin. But even that is not accurate because blockchain will be everywhere, private, public. Obviously private blockchain defeats the original idea behind all this but it will come in handy for some businesses and corporations.
We'll see him going to jail.
This makes me have no faith in humanity
Goal is 33 BTC!
The dream place for homeless puppies.
Waiting for charity, welcome warm-hearted people
Sounds like he should have prayed harder.
Sell, sell, sell.
Bitcoin is the scam of the 21st century. Fools gold. Keep drinking that cool-aid people.
I cant buy more right now i already spended all in crypto past months and lost 90% of my invesment, i wont sell, at this point if it goes to cero it does not matter to me, i am already fucked, little more or less fucked it wont make any difference
I know BTC will never go to zero. Why? Because I live in Atlanta and there are over 150 BTC ATMs in the Metro area. MOST major cities have these now. It's a silent creeper..
Fuck these guys for fucking with my vid card prices. Assholes!
This guy is so full of shít
Invest in XRP. This is not financial advise but you need to check that out before it's too late
Successful multi millionaire or idiot talking their book?
bitcoin is for cucks..lol
Guys, I'm in the XRP camp, but bitcoin will still be around and will have significant gains on the next crypto bull. I just know XRP is going to the moon
It sounds to me he might have used the buy high sell low strategy.
lol it must be sad to be this deluded. Just accept you were wrong and move on lol
Dude Shut to hell up
Who is Satoshi? I don't think it is Craig Wright. But I think there is a good chance that he knew Satoshi and maybe even that he had access now to some of all of his bitcoins. They might have collaborated earlier.. Someone should look into who he collaborated with and whether one of them has dissappear
The entire infrastructure is falling apart. The huge mining complex has gone belly up into bankruptcy. It's dead.
What are you smoking? It's not the biggest thing in the world. It's a highly inefficient database/ledger. Only application it has now is fulfilling its own transactions, like a dog catching its tail.
Bitcoin is the feminism of the future.
bitcoin is not the blockchain….but buxcoin has it's own blockchain that can transact 7k to 8k transactions per second….and also has it's own coin exchanger
Im going all in when Bitcoin hits $1.
well said I agree with you. I dont understand why there is such huge wave of hate but its not without reason. Its amusing that people cant take notes from the past and see that btc/ crypto had cryshes like that and back in the days people were saying the same things like btc is dying, btc to 0 $. In my opinion its clearly because they dont understand the potential of the technology and market.
8:40 is such a lie I can’t help but think he’s totally evangelized into the cult. Bitcoin’s price Dec 8th 2017 was $15,310. Dec 8th 2018 it was $3400… how can he say it was the best performing asset over the last 12 months??? That’s a 78% drop and that’s not even from the high..