Here’s what we know – or think – every one of Microsoft’s dozen first-party development studios are up to. Halo Infinite Reveal Trailer (Halo 6) – E3 2018: …
Can someone explain to me why do we need a next gen already in 2020?
Xbox ultra
The forza team should do need for speed underground 3??
that would be a long way to go for Xbox
Sony is far ahead. Plus, I don't think developers are going to fall for Microsoft's shady practices
I think halo infinite going to be the best ever halo for some reason. I mean this engine it's using sounds hard and the details dropped sound promising
Gears 5 will be godlike!
It's too late
Wtf is this? Where are my psfanboys, come on guys show them what u think about this
All Microsoft does is they release sequels to their go-to exclusives (forza, gears, halo) instead of making new games like PlayStation's horizon zero dawn and Detroit become human
None of these games can ever hold up against Ps4 exclusives.
Really IGN?
Microsoft is acquiring studios for the next generation however there is a pretty huge problem. They seem to be going for Quantity above everything else which is a huge concern. They also seem to be sticking with releasing those "exclusives" on PC which will hurt them again and by again I mean the sales for the console. If I'm going to be honest I don't see the studios they're acquiring completing against Sony's first party studios which are pure quality.
Let be honest here PlayStation first party studios still going probably destroys Xbox first party studios even with the new studios Xbox acquire none of them still ain't on the level of sony studios like naughty dog,Sony Santa Monica, Sucker Punch, and so on .
PS5 vs XBOX TWO E3 2020
Sony may have Guilty Gears and Street Fighter, Blaze Blue, but dammit we got Killer Instinct. Which is almost as badass as Mortal Combat. Almost.
I believe 343 said that Infinite will be on Xbox but don’t quote me on that
Xbox needs more triple A, action games to comepete with Sony if they can make some exclusive star wars games maybe an exclusive superhero games avengers or x-men
Who else is excited for Gears 5 and Halo Infinite? Also I can’t wait for The Initiatives game and Ninja Theory’s new game. Both I believe will have great story telling and experiences
PlayStation Advert For a Xbox Related Video. ??
Im.happy the criticisms made xbox do the right the right thing. Focus on making quality exclusives. However. I hope people would start shitting them too in putting microtransactions in their games. Halo 5 had it. Gears 4 had it. Forza motorsports had it and some of their other games. Something both sony and nintendo rarely do in their exclusives nowadays.
Xbox is on the rise! Watch out
somebody needs to truly revive ninja gaiden
Fuckin love Ryan, he's the best part of IGN
Just nail Halo, Gears and Fable and I'll be a happy chappy.
Viva piñata 3 please PLEASE !!!
Super excited for Halo Infinite (IMO) 343i has done a great job with the Halo franchise can't wait to see where they led us in the future.
Give us a new Conker!!
Can someone explain to me why do we need a next gen already in 2020?
Xbox ultra
The forza team should do need for speed underground 3??
that would be a long way to go for Xbox
Sony is far ahead. Plus, I don't think developers are going to fall for Microsoft's shady practices
I think halo infinite going to be the best ever halo for some reason. I mean this engine it's using sounds hard and the details dropped sound promising
Gears 5 will be godlike!
It's too late
Wtf is this? Where are my psfanboys, come on guys show them what u think about this
All Microsoft does is they release sequels to their go-to exclusives (forza, gears, halo) instead of making new games like PlayStation's horizon zero dawn and Detroit become human
None of these games can ever hold up against Ps4 exclusives.
Really IGN?
Microsoft is acquiring studios for the next generation however there is a pretty huge problem. They seem to be going for Quantity above everything else which is a huge concern. They also seem to be sticking with releasing those "exclusives" on PC which will hurt them again and by again I mean the sales for the console. If I'm going to be honest I don't see the studios they're acquiring completing against Sony's first party studios which are pure quality.
Let be honest here PlayStation first party studios still going probably destroys Xbox first party studios even with the new studios Xbox acquire none of them still ain't on the level of sony studios like naughty dog,Sony Santa Monica, Sucker Punch, and so on .
PS1 > ?
XBOX 360 > PS3
PS5 vs XBOX TWO E3 2020
Sony may have Guilty Gears and Street Fighter, Blaze Blue, but dammit we got Killer Instinct. Which is almost as badass as Mortal Combat. Almost.
I believe 343 said that Infinite will be on Xbox but don’t quote me on that
Xbox needs more triple A, action games to comepete with Sony if they can make some exclusive star wars games maybe an exclusive superhero games avengers or x-men
Who else is excited for Gears 5 and Halo Infinite? Also I can’t wait for The Initiatives game and Ninja Theory’s new game. Both I believe will have great story telling and experiences
PlayStation Advert For a Xbox Related Video. ??
Im.happy the criticisms made xbox do the right the right thing. Focus on making quality exclusives. However. I hope people would start shitting them too in putting microtransactions in their games. Halo 5 had it. Gears 4 had it. Forza motorsports had it and some of their other games. Something both sony and nintendo rarely do in their exclusives nowadays.
Xbox is on the rise! Watch out
somebody needs to truly revive ninja gaiden
Fuckin love Ryan, he's the best part of IGN
Just nail Halo, Gears and Fable and I'll be a happy chappy.
Viva piñata 3 please PLEASE !!!
Super excited for Halo Infinite (IMO) 343i has done a great job with the Halo franchise can't wait to see where they led us in the future.