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#BITCOIN #CRYPTOLARK #Cryptocurrencies
Nice one! Taking this into account, I'll continue my usual (thousand dollars every payday) long term buy and hold routine. Of course I've been doing that since I paid off my house back in the late summer of 2017. I bought all the way up to 18k and all way back down to 5800, lol, and all the way back to today. Eventually, when I'm bitcoin retired. I may consider trading some of my holdings. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it then I meet Walter Aarav and I have been trading with him for a 2 weeks and my portfolio has increased with 9 bitcoins, how lucky I am to meet with such an experienced , honest, and his working strategies, if you have lost so much during fall or want to increase your portfolio like me considerate man. Y'all can reach out to him through His HANGOUTS and Mail *(Waltertrading12@gmail. com) .telegram +1 323 776 6410. Then maybe I'll make up for all of the years of just being mediocre and never rich.
why isn't he buying the shitcoins he promoted so hard?
Such a tiny percentage of retail investors have been burned that it doesn't really matter. Most people have no idea what bitcoin is.
ETHEREUM IS NOT MONEY. At least it's completely not a financial-centric crypto. It's a shitcoin ICO platform. BTC, LTC, Dash, ZCash, DGB are money. And no I don't hold all of them.
Luckily I bought Pure Global Cannabis in September, Lior.
ohhh …. the next crypto-LOSER …. cool, what IDIOTs, this LOOOOOOSER
ehhh, who is that guy
Great interview – the film ‘The Big Short’ based on real life events about the 2008 crash would make a good Christmas present for crypto enthusiasts to give out!
Stars Brad Pitt, Ryan Gosling and others!
Hi I'm hodling on been buying the dip will continue to buy still confident for the near future good luck peeps
Look the whole bitcoin chart, its an ugly Gauss Bell, its going to zero. I love blockchain but you will lose all your money in bitcoin, no doubt. Dont fool yourself, get out of cryptos right now. God bless you
Regulators attempt to regulate a product that is by it's nature was originally designed not to be regulated by an evil central power.
Pls lets stop talking about Bitcoin ETFs, they are not coming anytime soon. The hype around them contibutes to more Dumps anytime the SEC disappoints. A big Hello to Crypto Lark.
bitcoin can't die
My Boouy …….. The Crypto Lark>>>>>>>>>> THE BEST YOU TUBER IN CRYPTO!…….go sub to his channel follow him on twitter @TheCryptoLark
BTC under $1000 by February.
i dont care what price is …buying BTC every week . 2025 ill take a look at price
……we are a loooong way from 2017. And we have a long way to go!
Solid insights, enjoyed the conversation
I'm long btc. It's still the biggest crypto of them all and is the best best among ALL cryptos due to it's high trading volume and liquidity. Unlike btc, the major stock market indexes havent encountered a crash get, but they will
Hey Lior, great Qs. Volatility and uncertainty makes stressful times for investors and speculators. Thanks for keepin it real and keeping us educated. I read the /crash report and am excited about some changes I need to make.
Blockchain and crypto are here for the long term and time is needed to build infrastructure but I believe that crypto needs to breakaway from the traditional markets to be successful in way it was original created to do.
Downloaded /Attack. I want to be prepared for the next wave
Cool chat, thnx
I'm gonna say 2k for bitcoin bottom, too many want this-where we are now-to be the bottom along with too many ppl wanting 1k for the bottom.
Corruption is VERY real!! This sector wont be excluded.
interesting info about stellar and IBM
Brilliant…the possibilities are the greatest in times of great volatility if you have the tools to play the game.
These ICOs have been trash and its killed the market, so it's good to see blockchain jobs growing and investors involved in the space.
This is nothing new for bitcoin…but when do we see things turning around??
Great to see Lark on your show!!