It’s all about the vision and hard work, that I see in $BCH, but not in $BTC, $BSV and many other cryptos. Vision to be a peer to peer cash, aiming to scale onchain, keep transactions cheap, continue to innovate on protocol level, implement assets and privacy, embracing anarcho capitalism, voluntarysm, free markets & no censorship, no trolling/bullying. And all this while carrying the famous brand name Bitcoin.
Bitcoin Cash is not a knock off from Bitcoin. It is fair to say Bitcoin split in 2 versions last year, one that implemented Segwit and LN for scaling, Bitcoin Core, and one that raised the blocksize, Bitcoin Cash. Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin done right and eventhough today Bitcoin BTC can claim the short name Bitcoin thanks to being the largest. I believe there is a good chance that Bitcoin Cash becomes bigger at the end of next bull run by 2024 and gets known as Bitcoin …
I thought he was gay.
Bitcoin is the real Bitcoin. BTC. No other crypto is Bitcoin. That's why Bitcoin is called Bitcoin. Not Bitcoin Cash. Not Bitcoin Gold. Not Bitcoin Private. If those crypto were Bitcoin, they would be called Bitcoin. Nothing else. How hard is that to understand?
BitcoinSV looks more interesting now that they are not going to interfere with the code anymore. This means that anything built on the SV platform is guaranteed to work now and in the future.
Can't really say the same for Bitcoin cash.
marc de mesel: white guy exploiting black women from third world countries with his money
The smartest people choose BCH over BTC/BSV and get their wives in Africa. Here is mine: https://imgur.com/6GNsCKF
You made bad choices….
200 usd?? 150!
Cute girl
II bought some BSV. I think BSV has some good potential.
Doge Coin it's the most stable
Excellent. But Marc, you must realise that nobody is listening when your black pearl is next to you :). All the best Marc.
I like your way of making VIDS Marc – you don't bother with any fancy editing or grafix, you just choose clever and interesting scenes. It was fun watching Sara while you talk about BCH
…on the topic of Bitcoin Cash (s), you may be right, you may be completely right…. but I have a funny feeling about them – I don't really have a good feeling about either of their leaders (Roger or Craig) – just a feeling but they both seem very egoistic to me — hence all of these hard forks.
Craig Wright is screaming in the background
I think you are right Mark and BCH SV is full of shit.
What happened? There was a lot of squawking and your girl suddenly disappeared. Did one of the big animals get her?
Oops, sorry she's back again. Thank goodness for that.
Myself, for the time being I'm sticking to BTC but I'm not married to it so could move to another crypto if I change my mind. PS And say "Hakuna matata" to your gf from me.
what about byteball, its so cheap now, does it still has potential?
AWESOME video Marc! Your honesty and your ability to take risks within a video are amazing. As always, thank you for the content.
Even monkeys are having hard time surviving this bear market.
Great video. I am always the one being sceptical on your BCH videos. I am warming to the idea a little now.
Too much time having fun and not paying attention to what’s happening. You’ll get burnt. BSV is where you want your money.
Bitcoin Gold and Diamond also have Bitcoin brand… lol argument… You should really left Bitcoin Cash Ship… Stick to Btc and good projects like pundiX, Huobi, Neo, etc…
What about NANO? Superfast (tested it yesterday.. transaction in about 15 seconds) and free of fees. I sent 1 Nano and received 1 Nano)
Nice video btw Marc..I wish you two the best!
You say ETH will become bigger than BTC in the middle of the next bull. Why not go all in ETH first, then dump them for bitcoin cash if you still believe in it? It is pretty risky to go all in bitcoin cash as I think it has high likelihood to die because of lack of network effect. Bear in mind, the bitcoin community rejected it and dumped it for bitcoin core.
Marc, https://medium.com/@_unwriter/the-resolution-of-the-bitcoin-cash-experiment-52b86d8cd187
I am betting on BTC, Bitcoin Cash and BSV. If they all win. I will. If anyone of them win, I win.
She would want to invest in bunnycoin.
You 2 will make beautiful babies, best wishes my crypto brother!