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5 december is the most important celibration day in The Netherlands: Sinterklaas.
Sehr interessant, sollten uns mal unterhalten, Liebe Grüße Thomas
Hey Mario, check out this old vid of Donald Trump (no less), giving his opinion on what brought down the Twin Towers in 9/11:
https://youtu.be/MgeAmlIHlTo?t=347 – he says they had BOMBS too…
Hi Mario, I listened to about half of your livestream but had to do something else, so I had to leave. I hope you can re-upload it, I enjoyed the first part and was looking forward to the rest. Always enjoy your livestreams, very interesting and audience participation is good.
My husband is waiting for corn and soys to spike Monday morning and he’s ready to sell some .
Thanks for the great content, but I'm only here to see Billy.
wow that's hilarious… the arrogance of expectation that all people be clueless and reverent
buy this!! pure silver cryptonised
Btc may have dropped the same percentage but it didn't fall from 20,000 did it.
So really there are no similarities between the two drops.
Btc is going to zero!
Thank you London for the LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) Duerches Bank manipulated the LIBOR rate. Forty-four Attorneys Generals in the U.S. sued them and won a 220 million judgement. It was announced this morning that our State, Louisiana, will get 11 million of that for much needed projects. Way to go DB.
Bit Coin is a Tulip?
Barbara "Bush" was the illegitimate daughter of Aleister Crowley. Just a side note. For all his evils, a suitable fate for daddy Bush is conciousness. He should be cursed to be awake for eternity. In that box. Blackness. Confinement. Silence: Save for the eventual deafening echo of your own tortured screams. Epitome of godless genocidal subhuman incubus in human form. F*** the entire Bush clan.
Yay…China truce!!!! USA will be enriching wall street for the Jesus season! Good for our savior trump.
So bitscam is going to drop 90% of it's value every few years? What if you put money into it when it was 20k? You'll have to wait 5 years for it to come back? That's if it doesn't drop any further. Right? What investor would put up with that kind of nonsense? Why anyone thinks something run by dorks and nerds will have any value is beyond me. It's only a matter of time before some scammer steals millions of bitcoins, cashes out and brings down the whole thing. People putting money into this crypto crap need to have their heads examined.
Hi Mario, you mentioned panning for gold this week in a previous video, seriously how about we (some of your subs) along with yourself, organise a weekend of gold panning in North Wales? It would be a great chance for some like minded people to get together for an enjoyable, and hopefully prosperous, weekend? I am up for it!
George Bush was an evil man and traitor to the U.S. CIA, NWO, Thousand points of light, Paper Clip, Franklin boys cover up. Comey tweeted about his dog dying on Nov14th. Obama met Bush Jr Nov 27th in Dallas for a friendly chat. Funeral on Dec 5th same day as hearings. MSM will be streaming funeral 24/7 . Coincidence? See Blessed to teach video on Saturday.
"Out of the mouths of babes."
The impetuous storm is brewing…..just a matter of time.
Keep the tariffs at 10%? My company is paying 25%, so all they're saying is they're going to stick it to us for another 3 months at 25%! Just stealing our money in the form of a hidden tax. As if 38% tax plus state tax plus 25% tariff, why bother to work.
As far as numbers on Poppy go, I prefer 11-22-1963.
Thanks Maneco64??????