Are crypto markets recovering? Let’s take a look at the sentiment and do some discussion and Q&A!
Hope you enjoyed the tax interview yesterday!
Google Searches for ‘Bitcoin’ Just Hit Their Highest Level Since April
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Good Morning Crypto
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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. This is just my opinions. I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.
Ivan on Tech is all about cryptocurrencies and the technology behind Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, IOTA. We also cover Bitcoin price, altcoin price, investing, analytics, different altcoins.
Ivan on Tech by Ivan Liljeqvist
Ivan, thoughts on Monetha?
I am from USA and I know climate change is NOT a scam ?
Who does not believe in climate change? Of course the climate is changing! It has for as long as the material universe has existed!! No rational person argues that point. The point where we (rational people) and others (irrational people) part ways is the degree (no pun intended) to which it is and will impact the globe. Irrational people create a mountain out of a mole hill. Rational people do not.
afigel….ne schrot kartoshky…-.- ti ne nastayashey belarys
-1000% down and +15% up doesn't make a bull run
Ivan’s courses are good.
Climate change is real it’s happening in Australia no doubt about it.
Enrolling my boys for the etherium gaming course.
24:15 Khabib Nurmagomedov's brother or something. lol
The scam about climate change is, not that it's not happening, it's what's causing it.
Google is such a powerful tool, it's really incredible, you can basically tell what the world is thinking at any given point…scary as f*ck if you ask me
Credits Update is coming… nice
People in the US do not think climate change is a scam. The smarter ones think climate change is very real. We just believe that man cannot interfere (good or bad) with a 60,000 year weather cycle that is occurring now. Raising money and making laws to prevent the change is a SCAM.
I think bitcoin cash abc is now just bitcoin cash as the exchanges are letting that chain use the BCH ticker symbol. Yes?
Only pump for Bitcoin Private, no dump
Ivan, took notice of the following in your live chat:
"basha bitcoin shit version (BSV)" posted by alex Balex. Want to make sure your channel continues being the BEST channel where we stay professional and constructive.
Smashed and Liked as always.
Tack Grabbar!
mvh Joakim Holmer ???
H e y Ivan ? good to know you’re coming to New York will it be for a conference or just for fun? Either way I’d love to see you and talk crypto I’m born an rises from New York and love you’re content it’s made me a one world crypto currency believer
Bitcoin has been suffering greatly as of late, but is it possible for the father of crypto to sink even lower? According to most analysts, the answer is an unfortunate “yes.This is a serious nosedive from last week’s not-so-prominent $6,300, but even that is looking pretty good by comparison. In addition, Bitcoin is not showing any signs of momentum, nor does it appear poised for a strong recovery, and technical analysts believe the worst is yet to come. If bitcoin drops below $4,000 which is very likely, the next and possibly ultimate target for Bitcoin will be $3,000, which is a full 100 percent retrace of the 2017 move that led to BTC reaching its all-time high near $20,000. Just as much as people all over the world are crying over the fall in bitcoin, i am still making good profit and just cashed out $38,000 in profit from my portfolio 3 days ago. I am giving this message cos i want to help as much people as i can from this crypto love that will make millions of people go broke long-lasting regrets. I will recommend Mr Wesley Wills (wesleywillclinic@gmail) for you when it comes to all crypto related issues cos he is someone that has helped me tremendously on my financial journey. He thought me how to find a great broker and not just use the popular demand, he also provides me with trade signals which has helped me better understand entry and exit and the reasons for those points, he also introduced me to a winning strategy he created specially for very bearish conditions which the markets are currently experiencing.
Re : Checkpoints again — The longest chain still win with checkpoints – plus they are in the code – so you can choose to run the code without the checkpoint – so there is a consensus and it is no more centralised than any other of the code ……
Hey Ivan
I´m also no big fan of XRP, but how can you say that it has no use case, if it's required to use XRP on the xRapid platform? I think that's a BIG use case for the token and we shouldn't underestimate that…
Mystery solved: no more daily posts cos he overplays Starcraft
What was the address again for your course??
Bitcoin 2018 is not the same Bitcoin from 2016. It is a compromised mangled version of what Satoshi envisioned. Off chain payments using Lightning is not what Bitcoin is about. All transactions must be on-chain. If it isn't then it isn't Bitcoin. Simple. Why would I pay 4k for Blockstream's Bitcoin Core?
Ivan said: xrp hodlers are sitting on their behind wanting to become rich…. come on man, if u are coming with an argument, don't use one that you can apply to all 2080 coins.
Really enjoy your videos Ivan!
Could you shed some light on Amazon QLDB?
Another question I have is what is the benefit of a centralised blockchain over traditional database with simple cryptographic features built over them?
Academy is awesome – I took two courses already, just had no time for the third one (business stuff)
Ivan what do think about mcaffee playing the next scarface movie …:)
Ivan on Tech is amazing!
Price goes up, price goes down. Nobody can predict the future but we know there will be volatility. That’s why I trade with algorithms that maximize my chances of taking advantage of the market moves.
Terran FTW!!!
Academy = great;
Climate change (caused by mankind) == scam; giving governments the possibility to tax the air we are breathing. Not asking critical questions about "scientific" reports, ordered by governments, is insane.
Ivan you need to get a coffee brand to sponsor you. You make that morning cup look good!
Bitcoin Pivate isn't pumping as part of some pump'n'dump – it's mining reward is due to halve this January.
What do you know about AUX?
Ask Richard Heart, ??. That guy is a bastard, ??
Just go Protoss and build 10 Carrierships and you always win
The Academy is awesome. I'm currently taking the Smart Contract Programming course. No need to spends thousands of dollars at a school. True education is on the internet.
yeah baby, the bulls are back!!! BTC went down from ~ 19 500 USD to 3 180 USD, and it bounced back above 4 000 USD, yipii, i am fckn rich!!!!! i am sure that next stop is the moon mthfckr
regarding your monthly membership: can the membership be cancelled at any time or does the membership include 12 months minimum?
Thanks Arnold
No they're not
Dont waste time doing ELASTOS video.
@Ivan on Tech – when are you going to interview
Ivan I have been to a few cities in Sweden and like Moose, Deer and caviar (fish eggs). Do you?
guys i wanna ask a question.. i want to make an applications about traffic situation. users are logging some crash on the map.. how can i eliminate the wrong information? and how can i make a system that users avoid to publish wrong information.
Do Elon Musk and his US customers think climate change is a scam? ? I think not.
Idiotic statement is idiotic. As is stereotyping, especially based on geography.
You set a high standard, try to maintain it.
This is the Wave 4. Then will drop again
Here is to hoping!