Tom Lee of Fundstrat Global Advisors joins ‘Squawk Box’ to discuss the bitcoin fallout and where he sees it going next.
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Zero is future of Bitcoin.
Haha lmao
You crypto people need to get on the next big train…..URANIUM!!
I like this guy. Always the older people are like "What is this digital stuff, buy Stocks" LOL 2020
We need a better money than fiat
Why don't you stupids don't get it*…
That last comment was spot on: "The problem is, young people don't have the money."
Yep, the last two generations took it for themselves.
Where is his Neck ?
You might want to cut it lower than that
Quadruple as of 11/27/18
Commodity that's not an actual commodity…excellent!
this big pig is a clown
If you think Lee should be kicked off the news forever for poor judgment and misleading facts. like this post. ?
Taking 33 days. From 1000$ to 20k$. December is coming
15000 pesos?
how come Bitcoin and ripple are changing value but the total crypto market cap doesn't change, that is a broken block chain
When investigation prove that bitcoin had been prop up using other crypto money, $0 will be the bottom. Institutions investors are accumulating? It should be scammers are trying to prop and make another round of money from idiots.
A leaf dropping or not from a tree will change dramatically the outcome of everything on earth…prediction is useless. A wrong turn, a good turn, one inch to the left many people would be alive today. Predicting short term the price of Bitcoin will so many participants in the market, is useless!
Deustche Bank's first hart stroke will remind the world about descentralization importance.
Look at this guy and how pathetic he is… His body language is of a defeated one, who has no confidence and belief in his own words.
For his sake, he better light up a shit ton of candles and pray a lot to God for this prediction be true… His accuracy has been ZERO this year.
remove one zero from target and you'll get real value (if so)
Remember why BTC was born?..mr too big to fail
Apples to orange ..PayPal to BTC
I could only imagine these bozos were reporting BTC last downturn $1k to $150..worlds coming to end
I think they added one to many zeros
Dude trying so hard not to laugh
Anyone with half a brain can see what’s happening with crypto. It’s being manipulated. Every single coin dumps at the same time! I don’t think so, give me a f’ing break. Then you have these fk heads on here talking sheit, all theater. They are terrified of losing control of this market. Notice how they are dumping it so hard, trying to keep people from fleeing the stock market to crypto. They are saying stay in our puss filled cancer illusions or else will buy up your free market and dump it for fun. Real freedom with decentralized sound money will win in the end!
Tom is like me when I'm down 50 points against an opponent in fantasy football and the only player on my team who still hasn't played is the kicker.
NEVER buy chinese products.
what goes up must come down.
u can't control the price. so whats the point of setting a target? how about $30 in 2019
Please fire TOM LEE!!!
Tom Lee looks soooo STUPID!!!!
Looks like he walks around with a dirty diaper
This has got SNL written all over it.
i think he meant 1,500 remove a zero.
We still need to see what happens next to the price (I think it's going close to zero) and what cryptos will serve as in the future. But that being said…. one thing Peter Schiff said that is SO TRUE is that if he made a prediction with gold saying it would be 5X its price today by years end….. HE WOULD GET KICKED OFF OF CNBC AND BE LAUGHED AT!!!!
oh ya xrp holding up great
$600 less per coin since the start of this video
This is why you don’t put your name on the line and make long-term predictions. I like Tom, though.
Bitcoin a commodity? The first commodity with absolutely ZERO intrinsic value.
They know its a ponzi…they just won't admit it until they've finished selling too.
15 cents by the end of the year. It's burning down.
The problem with digital is you have fake money controlling the price of fake money. Take physical delivery of gold and watch the beauty of supply and demand
Didn't he mean 5,000?
If people wanted a sound system, then they would buy gold and make them deliver it….none of this paper or digital nonsense