how about uploading your sculpts into Google Poly? I know AltspaceVR lets you build your own spaces and import 3d models from Google Poly. You could literally have your own virtual art gallery
Is this program available for Oculus Go?
Oculus medium = fastest way to make 3d assets/chars for games. Often no 100% accuracy needed, just need to do the animations in blender afterwards and then WAAMM!
what software did you use to sculp in VR. That being said how did you export it to the printer?
Very cool. Suggestion- Turn down the volume on the funky music, or turn up the recording volume on you. The music competes with your presentation so it's not working as "background music" in your video.
I'm new to the 3d printing part! What printer are you using and what is the printing material?
Thanks for sharing. Very cool. But please, please turn that rubbish background music off. It is so annoying!
Its looking a LOT like Dreams from Media Molecule. (I mean the mechanics not the whole thing.)
I think I'm more impressed that this video isn't time-lapsed, it's real time just ripping through design with what appears to be relative ease. Let's hope this software develops further to get to some CAD mouse/keyboard modeling to flip between rapid design and clean-up work or perhaps exporting some open file standard to be used in other software(s). Either way – this seems like an awesome starting point for more making.
Worst Pokemon Music Ever!
you're awesome Caleb kraft
when is there anything like this coming for sale/on the market?
Greetings from Russia!VERY COOL VIDEO!
gimmi more
Is this VR bad for your eyes? (i mean, worse than a monitor/laptop screen? )
voglio proporti una sfida creare una pistola tornador extractor
Good stuff, but I would have much preferred to see the demo videos swapped with the 3d view full screen and your camera as the inset. Cool octopus though. Are cephalopods your current muse (reddit stalker here)?
This is nice. I could see doing this in SecondLife™ where you can collaborate with others in real time both in the creation and discussion of the creation. Surely you could use snapshots of an object in SL, import them to 123dCatch to make a printable 3d model.
…I just prefer box modeling.
So cooooll!!! 0.0
Quick question…I do R and D work under the supervision of an engineer, usually were working on dental equipment. Currently we are using sketchup, 123D, and a few other softwares to fixes error and that happen. Do you know any other good modeling software ? something that is a little better for finer and smaller parts? Sketchup is great for more engineering type stuff, boxes and all that, where as 123D is great for more artist smoothshapes…however they don't play well together. So right now i have to work on the basic shape and complex curves in 123d. Then take the STL, simplify it, then take it into sketchup do finer work, threading and that sort of stuff, and then export back to an stl then send it out to our Formlabs 2 and or our Rostock Max V2 printers. The problem with this system is sketchup is terrible for small things, and has a very odd problem with filling in holes even when scaling up, and then scaling back down before a print. And help, ideas, or suggestions are welcome. The engineer I work with is retired and really only worked with sketchup.
Dislike this music bed, ugh. Good content, lame music.
Octopus Rift?
future technology
Very interesting! Like!
3D printing is so lame. Quit trying to push it on people. It's not the future.
It's a cool little app, but at best novelty. Not really useful, but i can see the potential. Once the tools are refined or even get haptic feedback gloves would make this a cool thing. Also, something to compensate for the jitters.
oh my god
I had to jack up the volume to max just to hear this wtf???
Audio is a bit muffled on this one :/
AY sound – cool !
Epic! ??
what chiptune?
really? wowww…so coollll
Very nice!
That is frick'n cool!
Ooh, I just did this but with Kodon on the HTC Vive! It's so weird to hold a physical thing after making it in VR!
how about uploading your sculpts into Google Poly? I know AltspaceVR lets you build your own spaces and import 3d models from Google Poly. You could literally have your own virtual art gallery
Is this program available for Oculus Go?
Oculus medium = fastest way to make 3d assets/chars for games. Often no 100% accuracy needed, just need to do the animations in blender afterwards and then WAAMM!
what software did you use to sculp in VR. That being said how did you export it to the printer?
Very cool. Suggestion- Turn down the volume on the funky music, or turn up the recording volume on you. The music competes with your presentation so it's not working as "background music" in your video.
I'm new to the 3d printing part! What printer are you using and what is the printing material?
Thanks for sharing. Very cool. But please, please turn that rubbish background music off. It is so annoying!
Its looking a LOT like Dreams from Media Molecule. (I mean the mechanics not the whole thing.)
I think I'm more impressed that this video isn't time-lapsed, it's real time just ripping through design with what appears to be relative ease. Let's hope this software develops further to get to some CAD mouse/keyboard modeling to flip between rapid design and clean-up work or perhaps exporting some open file standard to be used in other software(s). Either way – this seems like an awesome starting point for more making.
Worst Pokemon Music Ever!
you're awesome Caleb kraft
when is there anything like this coming for sale/on the market?
Greetings from Russia!VERY COOL VIDEO!
gimmi more
Is this VR bad for your eyes? (i mean, worse than a monitor/laptop screen? )
voglio proporti una sfida creare una pistola tornador extractor
Good stuff, but I would have much preferred to see the demo videos swapped with the 3d view full screen and your camera as the inset. Cool octopus though. Are cephalopods your current muse (reddit stalker here)?
This is nice. I could see doing this in SecondLife™ where you can collaborate with others in real time both in the creation and discussion of the creation. Surely you could use snapshots of an object in SL, import them to 123dCatch to make a printable 3d model.
…I just prefer box modeling.
So cooooll!!! 0.0
Quick question…I do R and D work under the supervision of an engineer, usually were working on dental equipment. Currently we are using sketchup, 123D, and a few other softwares to fixes error and that happen. Do you know any other good modeling software ? something that is a little better for finer and smaller parts? Sketchup is great for more engineering type stuff, boxes and all that, where as 123D is great for more artist smoothshapes…however they don't play well together. So right now i have to work on the basic shape and complex curves in 123d. Then take the STL, simplify it, then take it into sketchup do finer work, threading and that sort of stuff, and then export back to an stl then send it out to our Formlabs 2 and or our Rostock Max V2 printers. The problem with this system is sketchup is terrible for small things, and has a very odd problem with filling in holes even when scaling up, and then scaling back down before a print. And help, ideas, or suggestions are welcome. The engineer I work with is retired and really only worked with sketchup.
Dislike this music bed, ugh. Good content, lame music.
Octopus Rift?
future technology
Very interesting! Like!
3D printing is so lame. Quit trying to push it on people. It's not the future.
It's a cool little app, but at best novelty. Not really useful, but i can see the potential. Once the tools are refined or even get haptic feedback gloves would make this a cool thing. Also, something to compensate for the jitters.
oh my god
I had to jack up the volume to max just to hear this wtf???
Audio is a bit muffled on this one :/
AY sound – cool !
Epic! ??
what chiptune?
really? wowww…so coollll
Very nice!
That is frick'n cool!
Ooh, I just did this but with Kodon on the HTC Vive! It's so weird to hold a physical thing after making it in VR!
that's very cool and you can model very good mate