The latest Bitcoin Cash (BCH) network update has resulted in a complex battle, and the blockchain has been split into two: BCH ABC is in one corner, and BCH SV is in the other. In This video we will look at the current state of bitcoin ABC and Bitcoin SV hash power and who is winning the current battle
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➤ Why you should never sell-short: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06lNEpBGTtk
➤ BTC price prediction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3d_hgpvL3o
➤ Can BTC hit Zero: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vl8QGbELQEM
Thank you so much for watching!
bsv will replace the bitcoin in the future.
I would never put a dime in btrash…abc or sv. Imagine Facebook abc came out….. wouldn't surprise me if they're all working together.
Let the bunch of greedy hyenas fight and die.
Coinbase wont distribute our coins
Faketoshi has big ego.
Man its dropping more…
If Craig Wright was the real Satoshi, Roger and Jihan wouldnt stand a chance. Roger Ver and Jihan are finally separating from this imposter.
All it's scam?
We all hate Craig Wright, but he is indeed powerful, for him to almost single handedly crash the whole crypto market cap. Amazing!!!
Satoshi vision was BTC SV he/she/they would have called it so right out of the gate. what next Bcash? BTC OV (original vision)? all of this nonsense is just to get a free coin without actually having to do anything original. like BCH from BTC. that is more of the TRUE reason
Pure scam!
BCH getting hammered. Roger should have stuck with BTC. He has probably confused many people who are now at a huge percentage loss and might not recover. BTC is lower but will survive and surprise.
Damn faketoshi wants to destroy All crypto!!!
Great again
this is the real news! best crypto channel
I dont understand how moving hash power from BTC to BCH would make the BTC price drop. I thought the only difference would be transactions would take longer to be confirmed?
Think they are both going to lose in the end as they should. The market has a way of pushing out nonsense.
BTC is best!
Any version of Bcash is Btrash!
Not sure how can call ABC conservative. Totally changing foundational code sounds radical to me. SV is conservative as they are going back to original recipe.
BCH just dropped to fifth place. XLM hopefully will be added to coinbase soon! I'm riding this rocket to the moon baby!