Really loven the fact that I wasn't the only pne that shoke my head when he said the story was bad, in all honeety im kinda worried about the darksiders 3 storey being dull in comparison
"Zelda like" go home IGN you drunk
I am Death ? knock knock
IGN you failed
I've platinum both Darksiders(PS3 & PS4) but only played the story campaign of Darksiders 2 (68% completion). I wanna platinum Darksiders 2 cuz it doesn't have those annoying online trophies but I'm not sure if I'll enjoy another playthrough for a 100% run..
IGN is dumb. I'd rate this game a solid 8.5
whos here cuz of the humble bundle?
Did this autismo just say that the story was dumb?
A review that’s 2 mins long, uninspired and just gives the exact same score.
IGN – "Not COD" 7.5
don't get me wrong. I LOVE darksiders. But the deathinitive edition is not worth full price. when i played it there were soooooooo many audio errors. it gets really annoying. but gameplay wise there were not any bugs (that i found anyway, and i played for a total of 30 hours on xbox one. if you're willing to deal with the audio errors, its a great time. (P.S the story is not really 'dumb' )
Subpar graphics?! What?!
Just got this game and the warmastered version on a steam sale for 7.99 or so. YISS
Thanks for spoiling the ending for those who have not played
I would note the Legacy of Kain, and SoulReaver games did offer this kind of gameplay on PC, rather than Zelda.
i need ps plus to play this game plz yes or no ???
The story is one of darksiders strong points!! I've always disagreed with the IGN review of darksiders 2,
Story was really good. I don't know how you can say that it has dumb story.
This game was awesome almost god of war statice
I love this game and disagree with it being a dumb story. The idea of death being the most remorseful of his siblings is fascinating and why he's one of my fave game characters. This is an easy 9 for me.
This game was great even back on the PS3. I dont know what jaded approach IGN has and why every game has to be a groundbreaking revolution in mechanics, but the game was and still is great and I dont think the remaster was a bad idea either
Who recommends Darksiders I've been thinking about getting it
10 bucks right now, worth it?
All-Time favourite game.
my nickgur friend plays this game
Having played it on a PC I would have to disagree.
Really loven the fact that I wasn't the only pne that shoke my head when he said the story was bad, in all honeety im kinda worried about the darksiders 3 storey being dull in comparison
"Zelda like" go home IGN you drunk
I am Death ? knock knock
IGN you failed
I've platinum both Darksiders(PS3 & PS4) but only played the story campaign of Darksiders 2 (68% completion). I wanna platinum Darksiders 2 cuz it doesn't have those annoying online trophies but I'm not sure if I'll enjoy another playthrough for a 100% run..
IGN is dumb.
I'd rate this game a solid 8.5
whos here cuz of the humble bundle?
Did this autismo just say that the story was dumb?
A review that’s 2 mins long, uninspired and just gives the exact same score.
IGN – "Not COD" 7.5
don't get me wrong. I LOVE darksiders. But the deathinitive edition is not worth full price. when i played it there were soooooooo many audio errors. it gets really annoying. but gameplay wise there were not any bugs (that i found anyway, and i played for a total of 30 hours on xbox one. if you're willing to deal with the audio errors, its a great time. (P.S the story is not really 'dumb' )
Subpar graphics?! What?!
Just got this game and the warmastered version on a steam sale for 7.99 or so. YISS
Thanks for spoiling the ending for those who have not played
I would note the Legacy of Kain, and SoulReaver games did offer this kind of gameplay on PC, rather than Zelda.
$2.99 CDN
i need ps plus to play this game plz yes or no ???
The story is one of darksiders strong points!! I've always disagreed with the IGN review of darksiders 2,
Story was really good. I don't know how you can say that it has dumb story.
This game was awesome almost god of war statice
I love this game and disagree with it being a dumb story. The idea of death being the most remorseful of his siblings is fascinating and why he's one of my fave game characters. This is an easy 9 for me.
This game was great even back on the PS3. I dont know what jaded approach IGN has and why every game has to be a groundbreaking revolution in mechanics, but the game was and still is great and I dont think the remaster was a bad idea either
Who recommends Darksiders I've been thinking about getting it
10 bucks right now, worth it?
All-Time favourite game.
my nickgur friend plays this game
Having played it on a PC I would have to disagree.