? PUBLIC TRADE ALERTS- https://t.me/AltCoinParty
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Is a capitulation crash next for Bitcoin (BTC) after this most recent crash! Let’s discuss this and some cryptocurrency trading technical analysis (TA) + current market news on today’s video!
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Disclaimer: The content covered in this video/live stream is NOT investment advice. I’m NOT a financial adviser. These are only my own personal opinions, ideas, charts, technical analysis (TA), insights, news and price predictions. Always do your own research and only invest solely based on your own findings and personal judgement. Deciding to invest in and/or buy Bitcoin (BTC) or any other type of cryptocurrency is extremely high risk and the market can crash at any time! This video/live stream is purely for entertainment purposes only!
? PUBLIC TRADE ALERTS- https://t.me/AltCoinParty
Follow @ https://twitter.com/CryptoKirby
People wanting lower prices is a bullish indicator. People shorting because others are shorting is a bullish indicator. Don't underestimate the bulls and the randomness of a market.
Parabolic, green-buyin', Average Joes… Lmao
Well done Kirbs !
Lambo rocket-ship?
Anyone knows how to increase my 70 dollars?
Whtz the best exchange for short selling
What I love about your videos is . Well it happens most of your video show people the facts and they don't accept /acknowledging the information. I find it amusing
How can we short living in USA ?
Basically you are a hyperbear like JonMcCafee is a hyperbull. $1.3k vs $1.2M lol. Too much expectation on both ends.
Can someone explain how you "take profits" when the price is going down.
Preach Brother
KIRBY even 2000 usd is great return on btc. for those who are from 2016
I got wrecked big time again. Does anyone just want my money, I can just wire transfer it… less stress
So basically short bitcoin now. Where is the best place to do it? Maybe a V-bottom still possible or a post breaking market structure uprise. descending triable does have a 72% chance of completing downwards, which it has now. Let’s see what happens.
Thank you, Kirby. Always appreciate your TA and insights.
Kirby can you employ me to be a voice so you don't have to 3rd person yourself? I can bash my fist on the desk really good too. I can do Average Joe, James and Patrick.
"Final flush out" ! yeahhh ! its coming ! Hold on to your pants !
Peace and Love my friends!
I'm Satoshi Nakamoto
Hey Kirbs a bottle of Yo Ho Ho always makes me think of Moonshine, am l right ???
Where can you short Bitcoin in USA?
Bitcoin to the ? in 2019
Only ? moons this year is ur likes lol ?
I already shorted BTC yesterday. This morning I went long in XRP. Stop-losses allow me to sleep like a baby without a care in the world.
that "mickey mouse voice" is so funny. keep me fired up and finish the video. keep it up.
Oh Kirby we are still bullish…..
wow a full time swing trader killing it everyday,sooooooooooo why do 2 youtube videos a day and shill your private elite bullshit group…Kirby is a fraud…LOL
I think we're at the borderline of capitulation and despair..
What are the chances this was the capitulation and that this was the associated bull wick?
Fakket were going to the moon !!!
Yo Kirby, it's Liquidation Lane… should work well with your repertoire
xrp just overtook eth!
You are right we are all in a "DENIAL Phase" could continue. But long term does not matter. Short term holders obviously care about this.
when will BCC be unfrozen?
I'm so excited!!!!!! :)))) come on 3k!!! Come on 1 k
start the live streams up again Kirby love your show keep up the great analysis
I can't tick the little bell
Still a bear m8
We are still in the first sell off of that chart. Institutional Money has been getting in all of 2018. They are preparing for the "Public" phase… which we haven't reached yet;)
What ever happened to that etf hype tho…lmao
Your ultimate targets are lower than mine. Appreciate your thoughts. I’ll reevaluate my targets
Do you know of any ways to short for US investors?