**On Today’s Episode Of The Cryptoverse:**
You guys seem to like hearing about new and innovative uses of blockchain technology, so today we’ll look at a network of charging stations for electric cars that use the public Ethereum blockchain as a backend payment system.
The news segment begins at 6:45
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[Link To The Original News Article](https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/hundreds-charging-stations-electric-cars-blockchenized-ethereum-germany/)
[Watch The Blockcharge Explainer Video Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A0LqJ9oYNg)
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Chris – I'm not sure the best way to contact you other than leaving a comment, but I was wondering what your thoughts are on this article: https://dailyreckoning.com/the-death-of-bitcoin/. Thanks!
Love it… "Blockcharge. The future will be descentralized"
Aw, boo the livestream time was perfect for me, just on time for my morning coffees!
Are you familiar with this issue on Ethereum Classic going on now? https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/60ql37/attention_be_careful_using_ethereum_tokens/
you probably pay fiat to charge your car inside the store while buying your groceries
all i think of when i hear ethereum is potentially unlimited coin supply
dude the nano ledger s has gone from £60 to £75 in the last two weeks ?
very informative! thanks for sharing
Personally i dnt think thts gonna happen . the good solid cryptocurrencies with strong purpose are not going to go down. instead ppl will again invest more in established currencies and this will be good for smart investors
Always good to hear about the technology that Ethereum is adopting to support and make the community better, thanks for the update, always informative
Yes surely. cryptocurrencies are in infancy stage right now.
Surely more advanced token card will come (which will also cover US market) . But yesterday's ICO worried me . i was almost about to invest . and on the slack community everyone wrre saying its a scam . Just wanna know whether tht was real or not
was token card ico a scam?
what are your views on eth future ? will it go higher than 77 usd ?
first, support coney