On this weeks episode of The Cryptoverse livestream we’ll be doing Q&A, price movements, technical analysis and catching up on all the news.
This gives me an opportunity to empty out my news pool of items that I didn’t get time to cover this week.
Links to all the stories covered on this stream are available here:
Stop searching and start learning by taking my structured cryptocurrency courses at: https://goo.gl/zXwKrV
How can you claim that you and other users owning BTC, are you not forced to use the Lightning network, when the Core developers and Blockstream are literally saying they do not want to increase the capacity of the Bitcoin system that BTC uses and that in order to use your funds for payments you need to switch into Lighting network system!? You ARE being forced into the Lightning network, not with police and military but with propaganda and misinformation, and social attacks and social engineering. Question is will you accept the negative side effects of it (Centralisation… yet again… and less secure system as two very negative things that raise the red flags on their own).
I thought your logic was better than that… looks like you completely forgot the reason why Bitcoin was created and why it was created to NOT be a centralised system. Looks to me that lot of people (all those that can't see the obvious and especially those that keep attacking Bitcoin Cash and smearing the people supporting it) need to get into the Lighting… and then one day one large hub needs to be attacked, hacked etc… and all of you lose your money… maybe THAT will teach you a lesson and remind you AGAIN why the world NEEDS a true Peer-to-Peer system and not another centralised shit system.
Please jump into content rather than the fluffy 2 min hello's
Weiss, huh??? had wanted to pay for service..
Hi Cryptoverse, I watch your vids and pick up a lot. I wondered if you could do a video that would appeal to many new people in the space. Something along the lines of a $500 starting portfolio based on todays date. If you only had $500 to start playing with where you would invest and how you would look to trade on each.
I only started recently and my portfolio is over 4figures but still very small and relatively low risk in terms of most people in cryptos. I am sure I would find huge benefit from such a video as would many of your other viewers. Thanks man
you sound a lot older.
You should set up a Lightning Node and accept Lightning Donations
Your question about EOS blocksizes once they reach 100s of thousands of tx per second is something Charles Hoskinson has asked on more than one occasion, which Dan Larimer has yet to answer… I'm a fan of both coins but am betting more on ADA because of how absolutely thorough they're being in the development their product.
Chris re CME futures, large institutions will use this to hedge their exposure to Btc volatility. So the cash settled price will be give them a few percent profit if Btc goes up ( but not the full gain) but avoid the large loss if Btc crashes. So it should encourage buying of real Btc by institutions now they are downside protected.
I dont use Dash, Bitcoin Cash only. Check daily volume for BCH!
I wonder if youtube failed to block Bitconnect promoters after receiving requests from users.
Nu bits is a stable $1 coin I have been researching it for several months now what do you think of it?
The man is shit..!! Just boasting how good he is…
Whoa that was early for US people. You seem nervous, just stick to the info and give us the latest updates clearly. I would have loved to hear about the CME Futures (ending today) and the latest DIP. You talk to much about time on each agenda just move on and go. Hard to follow.