The makers of Payday are back with Overkill’s The Walking Dead, a coop first person shooter set in the world of The Walking Dead. Overkill’s The Walking Dead …
The makers of Payday are back with Overkill’s The Walking Dead, a coop first person shooter set in the world of The Walking Dead. Overkill’s The Walking Dead …
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I was sitting around hoping to hear a Dying Light comparison (because it gives off that vibe), but figured maybe they didn’t play it to mention it. Lol But I did feel that Left 4 Dead may be a misleading comparison. Left 4 Dead feels more like a fun arcade zombie shooter (whether playing coop or solo), while this looks a lot more objective based in the Dying Light, or maybe a State of Decay essence. I don’t know though, I kind of feel like I’m going to give it some time to improve before buying. Maybe around time the console version drops, the PC version would have had a decent enough amount of TLC to get at a later date.
I had such huge hype for this game.
Left 4 Dead 2 is one of the best games ever made, and this doesn't come anywhere close to that game which came out in 2009.
start @ 24:52
Does it even have a single playwr story mode –____– i was hyped for the epic graphics and and story
I hated L4D because of how fast paced and arcadey it was. This seems to play way more realistic and looks way better than the first gameplay. Might be a decent game to pick up on sale
but… what is it? i can’t tell.
Best game and amazing
Um so let's get this straight… we have amazing co-op zombie shooters such as COD Zombies, Left 4 Dead, Dying light,Dead Island, and they are trying to sell us this sorry excuse for a Cod zombies clone with the walking dead brand tacked on.
I had such high hopes from this game but after playing 2 hrs of beta, I immediately refunded it. Biggest disappointment since No Man's Sky
Better avoid this garbage and wait for GTO 😉
lol the animations and guns look like payday 2 wth
I thought this was an open world co op zombie game. what is this?
نصابين الاعلان غير وهني غير مافي مشاهد سنمائيا ترقع للعبه
When i saw the trailer : "Wow!
When i tried the beta: "Ooook…. I guess the main game will be different"
After an hour in main game: "Yeeeah…This is not a Walking Dead game at all"
I would have like this if it where 3rd person!
If the game is like 30 dollars then maaaaybe.
Left 4 Paydead
Can't wait to see Angry joe's review of this ZOMBIE GAME.
its alot of cut and paste ideals that have already been done. come on IGN you cant fool us.
I’m so glad I watched this gameplay before purchasing this game, totally changed my mind. I feel like the trailers were misleading for me.
I don't know if I'm gonna get this or not. I'm not liking how there's no variety of enemies, not liking how there's roles for the characters. There's no interest in this game at all. It seems all the same.
Such a misleading game, avoid it like a plague
Nothing will beat left 4 dead ‼️
Always wanted a new Left 4 Dead.. theres Walking Dead feel here at all
Is this just a multi-co op game or is there an actual story mode?
45:34 ?
90% of the budget went to the cgi trailers
I am still interested in this game, but now, the biggest motivation for me getting this is the special edition, the one with the steelbook and stuff. I hope that the game is more interesting upon release. It should be, I have no doubt.
wow this is as bad as they say
Please tell me is on ps4
I would prefer this game be a open world single player where you transitions in between characters with the ability of coop.
But this shit looks like strictly horde mode , I could be wrong.
Bro did i miss some thing i remember hearing about this game but when did it drop ???
The part where a zombie seemed to bust through the gate was cool, but it was actually just a glitch that made the zombie clip through it lol!
I hope that this gets updated combat it looks to easy
I was so hyped after looking at the trailer that i announced on my stream that am going to stream this day on the first day of release but now I regret my decision
What in the dollar store Dying Light is this???
Edit: Dying Light not Dead By Daylight