I remember that I saw the trailer and loved it before it came out, I played it and fell in love, it filled my heart, made me buy the collector's edition, my first and maybe only anime figure, made me fill half my room with posters of it. Since then it's my N°1 game, I'll treasure it forever, to play it again as I get old ?
Isn’t it pronounced “Zil-lia”
Is it really pronounced Xillia (EX-ill-ee-uh)? I thought it was supposed to be closer to Xillia(ZHILL-ee-uh)
Before milla gets her body back she has a fight w her supposed sister that's super hard on moderate. Took over 50 tries to beat, seemed like. I don't recommend gm based off how unbalanced that fight is.
This was the first "Tales of" games and so far it my favorite
Honestly I could get over the lisp. Though both Milla and Elize voice actors are bad. Hell just read the subs and add in the original voice. Though from what I heard this game doesn't have that option which was a poor design. I mean if you're gonna do something, do it properly. It's like the people who recorded for the English just went through it once and did not try to perfect the voices.
I've cleared this game countless times I love tales
Ugh the way he says Xillia.
I've been pronouncing it shillia, was I wrong?
Way to take potshots at Milla's lisp. In all fairness, Milla was my favorite character in the game, so I am torn. :/
Is this 4 player local co op or just 1 player?
Do you need to play the other 13 to understand the story.
I LOVE this game which is surprising because I don't usually like Tales of games but this one is FANTASIC. I also don't agree with his opinion about Milla's voice actor I thought the voice suit her and she did an EXCELLENT job!!?
This game was meh… tales of vesperia was far better.
Okay so what? He wants MORE cut-scenes? I don't think he actually played the game. There are pretty much nonstop cut-scenes, in fact you will spend literally probably 50% of your entire time with the game powered on watching cut-scenes.
I've always felt like having dual-audio should always be in when JRPG's are released.
Pick up 3 tales game on PSN for $5 each on sale I think it was worth it
I love this game, still on Milla's side of story…. I finished the Jude story, and I am not a fan of the ending… I mean yeah sure it's an awesome game, but the Romance was missing… Bruhh Japan was like teasing us the whole story where Jude is like inlove with Milla, but in the end… Bruhh
Best game ever?
I don't have this game (yet) but I have a question. When doing a New Game+ for the first time can you pick the other character you didn't choose the first time (as in can you pick Millia for a New Game+ after completing it as Jude)?
i wish they would put this on ps4 or PC I never finished it on my ps3 ):
I like everything about this game except for the combat. I'm choosing artes, mashing buttons, linking with allies, and watching seizure inducing effects as a result, but I never feel like I have the system figured out.
Flash sale on PSN… Just bought this for $6!!!
I realize tales and star ocean are a kinda similar
I'm 10 hours into the game and the story/cutscenes bore me so much, will it get better later? Coming from Tales of Eternia(PS1), Tales of Innocents(NDS), and even Tales of Phantasia (SNES), those games are a lot more exciting. This game has like, boring musics, boring characters, monotone voices(Milla's especially), even the world/towns felt lifeless and boring… As a fan of the tales series, I really want to like this game, seeing how it gets a 8/10 rating here. This game does have an interesting Battle system, much like other in the Tales series, but I play RPGs to enjoy the stories actually.
I remember that I saw the trailer and loved it before it came out, I played it and fell in love, it filled my heart, made me buy the collector's edition, my first and maybe only anime figure, made me fill half my room with posters of it. Since then it's my N°1 game, I'll treasure it forever, to play it again as I get old ?
Isn’t it pronounced “Zil-lia”
Is it really pronounced Xillia (EX-ill-ee-uh)? I thought it was supposed to be closer to Xillia(ZHILL-ee-uh)
Before milla gets her body back she has a fight w her supposed sister that's super hard on moderate. Took over 50 tries to beat, seemed like. I don't recommend gm based off how unbalanced that fight is.
This was the first "Tales of" games and so far it my favorite
Honestly I could get over the lisp. Though both Milla and Elize voice actors are bad. Hell just read the subs and add in the original voice. Though from what I heard this game doesn't have that option which was a poor design. I mean if you're gonna do something, do it properly. It's like the people who recorded for the English just went through it once and did not try to perfect the voices.
I've cleared this game countless times I love tales
Ugh the way he says Xillia.
I've been pronouncing it shillia, was I wrong?
Way to take potshots at Milla's lisp. In all fairness, Milla was my favorite character in the game, so I am torn. :/
Is this 4 player local co op or just 1 player?
Do you need to play the other 13 to understand the story.
I LOVE this game which is surprising because I don't usually like Tales of games but this one is FANTASIC. I also don't agree with his opinion about Milla's voice actor I thought the voice suit her and she did an EXCELLENT job!!?
This game was meh… tales of vesperia was far better.
Okay so what? He wants MORE cut-scenes? I don't think he actually played the game. There are pretty much nonstop cut-scenes, in fact you will spend literally probably 50% of your entire time with the game powered on watching cut-scenes.
I've always felt like having dual-audio should always be in when JRPG's are released.
Pick up 3 tales game on PSN for $5 each on sale I think it was worth it
I love this game, still on Milla's side of story…. I finished the Jude story, and I am not a fan of the ending… I mean yeah sure it's an awesome game, but the Romance was missing… Bruhh Japan was like teasing us the whole story where Jude is like inlove with Milla, but in the end… Bruhh
Best game ever?
I don't have this game (yet) but I have a question. When doing a New Game+ for the first time can you pick the other character you didn't choose the first time (as in can you pick Millia for a New Game+ after completing it as Jude)?
i wish they would put this on ps4 or PC I never finished it on my ps3 ):
I like everything about this game except for the combat. I'm choosing artes, mashing buttons, linking with allies, and watching seizure inducing effects as a result, but I never feel like I have the system figured out.
Flash sale on PSN… Just bought this for $6!!!
I realize tales and star ocean are a kinda similar
I'm 10 hours into the game and the story/cutscenes bore me so much, will it get better later? Coming from Tales of Eternia(PS1), Tales of Innocents(NDS), and even Tales of Phantasia (SNES), those games are a lot more exciting. This game has like, boring musics, boring characters, monotone voices(Milla's especially), even the world/towns felt lifeless and boring… As a fan of the tales series, I really want to like this game, seeing how it gets a 8/10 rating here. This game does have an interesting Battle system, much like other in the Tales series, but I play RPGs to enjoy the stories actually.
X-box, that's right, the x isn't silent