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interesting, loved the ending bro. how much did everyone else make on the new giveaway. more info is at: http://colintelegraph.com/?news-Binance-Giveaway … I managed to make 2.5 BTC
Jeff Bridges should play McAfee!!!
Chicks dig the gravelly voice
@CryptosRUs Hi George! Can you please on your next video talk a little about OTC? I see the last month a lot going on, huge amounts of Bitcoin is bought Over The Counter. Will those of us using normal exchange lose? Is OTC going to catch up? Bridge the Gap? Thanks in advance
The Bitcoin Lightning Network is working OK. If you download the Eclair Wallet from Google Play and connect to a Lightning Node which are listed on 1ml . com website mine node is FastLightningNode LND.
Then you can make instant payments with Bitcoin
For example Bitrefill . com
nothing is worthless if its manage with smartness expecialy bitcoin the ( nr one from all crypto marketcap )
She probally buying it herself!
Etoro is good is legit george
sparkster ico is the ultimate diverse crypto! x500 ~ thank me laterrr
Thanks for pushing good info when you're sick, bruh!
Sniff some Rhino horn
found this clip to illustrate your point about the internet being new https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlJku_CSyNg
Xbi check this coin
its a fork of dash ,pivx and btc
Everyone is missing out on the EOS ecosystem bullrun. DICE price at 16x and adding games every month, dividends are crazy, in one hour last night they reached 10k EOS in the HOURLY dividend pool….they eventually want to be a platform for other game developers to use, still at only 30 mill MC
Painful George, get some of that tea. Chinese version at your local grocer
I vended a car this day) I invested in ADA, EOS and in ICO of the Telegram icomaster.site/gramnetwork I have high hopes on Telegram!
Even with the unstability of bitcoin, its still a very profitable business to invest your money. I was introduced to bitcoin trading by Mr Collins Ross who showed me how i can double 0.2 btc to 1 btc in a week, it was so suprising.
Im getting different info on Bakkt. Are they getting their BTC through OTC or through market? Ive heard both.
eToro is a CFD platform. It is not an exchange. With eToro you DO NOT own or have access to any tokens bought. Some find it good for speculation, however its always best to use a proper exchange.
oh got an idea, interview nuls for your coming 50K ?
Great info George. If BTC is not useful, why are whales buying it up over the last 4 weeks to the tune of 133k of bitcoins in 5 presumably institutional wallets? OTC is making bank!
Janet Yellen…anything but useful
geooorge…can't watch your live anymore. in europe we switch the time by an hour on autumn and spring. now ur streaming at 16:30 instead of 17:30 for me. I'm still working then ? replay is not the same…not a regular anymore ??
End The FED!!
The time for earning money is now! ICO Telegram and big growth of their GRAM coin will help us with it http://www.icovilla.ru/tokentelegram