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Bitcoin is finished
If u use USDC , they can freeze it or do what they like with ur funds!!!! BTC is better to use ?
Great point Matt…now that you highlight this ? would have to agree. Hopefully there are unforeseen benefits for BTC as well.
This takes me back to 1 of my oldest points, as old as you parroting "set your stops"?, that is…fuk chasing "money" greed is ruining this opportunity to CHANGE THE?! EVERYONE should buy BITCOIN ONLY (no matter price) because a truly great/useful alt can be reborn at a later date. Right now BTC must be nutured to maturity, it has already taken root but now needs water, sunshine, & (for lack of a better term) "plant food"* to grow!
*???? inside joke…not trolling!
Be Well, BE Wise, BE LOVE ppl
True story…
I really don't think it matters. Maybe you have a little bit less volume but the people who were trading into Bitcoin with the idea of buying something else were getting right back out of it. Long-term holders didn't care about tether and won't care about USDC. I don't see how that is going to have any real effect on Bitcoin value
Let it drop, I need more btc!!!
When the USD falls. BTC will be A1 (literally).
Did you mean USDT?
Hi Mat.
Kehinde from Nigeria.