And it’s LIVE! ? The @xrptipbot App. Now available in the Google Play Store and Apple AppStore ? Up to 20 XRP per tip ? Tell your favourite restaurant, bar, pub, store, friends, family, …. https://www.xrptipbot.com/app/ ?
CKJ interview Wieste wind
Blockchains for Sustainable Development world investment forum
Ripple’s Chris Larsen Makes Strategic Investment in David Chaum’s New Crypto Project Elixxir
Ripple Says XRP Cryptocurrency Sales Doubled in Q3 2018
https://youtu.be/U73S_LPHge4 Rob_CASH
https://youtu.be/xu-KXUpQ-Ng Malpass from the office
King blue
Death of wall street birth of the New asset class x
https://youtu.be/WfPUhFA1KpU Ripple swift Earthport connection
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Ripple XRP rKfzfrk1RsUxWmHimWyNwk8AoWHoFneu4m
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$10 of free Bitcoin when you buy at least $100 on coinbase
sighn up to coinbase
CKJ Crypto News is not financial or investment expert. You should do your own research on each cryptocurrency and make your own conclusions and decisions for investment. Invest at your own risk, only invest what you are willing to lose. This channel and its videos are just for educational purposes and NOT investment or financial advise
Xrp for life.a new life.bigger better.
I share your info. And still I have problem talking t p family and friends
Where about the news start & end?
1982 ?
Of course the banks will use xrp because the bankers will own xrp thus giving the incentive to use more and more. The xrp tech not only saves $$$ for the customer and the business. XRP makes you money personally
So why not to speak about DENT ? I predict a strong growth current year!! I have already got 20 000 tokens from the airdrop x-airdrops.info/DENT/DENT
Ckj will live in fear if XRP moons. He will be on the top 10 target list of terrorists.
It's totally ludicrous, when people say that it is impossible to receive coins free of charge! I have personally received 10 000 coins yesterday, I used free distribution of coins on http://www.goldtokens.info/airdrop/DENT-coin
Google, Twitter, Facebook forbade advertizing of cryptocurrencies! This is not very good! Only Telegram resolves and will never forbid it! I recommend to participate in their ICO while business is looking well http://www.icorating2018.info/telegramblockchain
Can you start back making short videos with news as well? Some of us don’t have time to go through a hour long live stream to get the news in the title. Even if you do it after your live stream I would greatly appreciate it ??
So with all the stable coins coming onto the market, what are the chances the banks or institutions prefer to use these as cryptos and render XRP and all the others useless?
Ripple Army
I had the fever when I got started .keeping it rea
As much as you can loose.
Xrp the greatest digital asset
What it be like
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