Looks like R* is pretty obsessed with sci-fi aliens,maybe they can make a game about aliens.
Well you Changed the title too late! Got spoiled 24 hours before the Game releases. Thanks ign vor ruining a Part of the Game for ne!
Cowboys vs aliens dlc
a reference to the heavens gate cult by the looks of it I think
Love them both..?
i hope they put a Westworld easter egg inside the game
Jesus christ when there is a spoiler in the video DON'T INCLUDE THE SPOILER IN THE TITLE ya feckin dipshits
heavens gate?
If anybody was curious, this is a reference to the Heaven's Gate cult.
Whoah ?
Its not IGN's fault, they game is already out in places like Australia ??
Great spoiler ign. The game isn't even out yet.
This has nothing to do with Undead DLC, Cowboys and Aliens, etc…..This is a clear reference of the early 90's cult Heavens Gate. Look it up. The resemblence is uncanny.
Who puts spoilers (even if minor) in a video title before the game is even released to the whole public?!!????!!!!! Hell, even the thumbnail is suggesting the content pretty clearly.Thanks for ruining that surprise in a game I've had pre-ordered for 2 years…
Since the first game had a zombie DLC i was really hoping the second game would have a DLC involving aliens. Rockstar's own version of Cowboys vs Aliens.
For everyone saying that their unsubscribing you know you'll be back.
Got the title wrong again ign. This is red dead 3
I'm hoping there's a hateful eight Easter egg in this game
What did they title say before it was changed?
Hey IGN how about you let us play the game for at least a day first. I'm sure the players you know the people that matter would have enjoyed finding this on our own. Not cool ign not cool.
I bet these guys will spoil the next Avengers too when the first day release.
Cowboys vs aliens
It makes me genuinely sad that I saw the original title. Like, seriously. Sigh. ?
The games not even out ffs just stop
Dead Space Redemption
Doot Doot this is so much spooky. Updoot now for extra calcium
Lol they renamed it and added a spoiler warning in the video
I don't really like the Red Dead series, but this is cool. Clicked to see if it's like GTAV's mysteries, and was delighted to see that it is.
I think undead nightmare will be Alien..instead of zombies.
Expansion pack. Undead ALIEN ? NIGHTMARE..
Spoiler?? Nahhh, it's just an Amazon delivery drone delivering blankets, 1st aid kits, shovels, cutlery and coffee.
Guys it’s a video, that you can CHOOSE to watch. DONT WATCH IT, IF YOU DONT WANT SPOILERS.
Cry babies
Thumnail looked like Bonnie and clyde. I was so confused when it was a freaking alien.
This is defenitely a reference to the real life suicide cult Heaven's Gate. Look it up.
I really hope this is setting up a Undead Nightmare 2 DLC, but it the style of the movie Cowboys And Aliens. That’d be so awesome!
D bag move stating alien spoiler. You didn't ask for our consent. I feel violated. At same time didn't think the IGN soy boys could be so agro.
I love the thumbnail. Great Photoshop skills
Anyone else found the dinosaur yet?
Looks like R* is pretty obsessed with sci-fi aliens,maybe they can make a game about aliens.
Well you Changed the title too late! Got spoiled 24 hours before the Game releases. Thanks ign vor ruining a Part of the Game for ne!
Cowboys vs aliens dlc
a reference to the heavens gate cult by the looks of it I think
Love them both..?
i hope they put a Westworld easter egg inside the game
Jesus christ when there is a spoiler in the video DON'T INCLUDE THE SPOILER IN THE TITLE ya feckin dipshits
heavens gate?
If anybody was curious, this is a reference to the Heaven's Gate cult.
Whoah ?
Its not IGN's fault, they game is already out in places like Australia ??
Great spoiler ign. The game isn't even out yet.
This has nothing to do with Undead DLC, Cowboys and Aliens, etc…..This is a clear reference of the early 90's cult Heavens Gate. Look it up. The resemblence is uncanny.
Who puts spoilers (even if minor) in a video title before the game is even released to the whole public?!!????!!!!! Hell, even the thumbnail is suggesting the content pretty clearly.Thanks for ruining that surprise in a game I've had pre-ordered for 2 years…
Since the first game had a zombie DLC i was really hoping the second game would have a DLC involving aliens. Rockstar's own version of Cowboys vs Aliens.
For everyone saying that their unsubscribing you know you'll be back.
Got the title wrong again ign. This is red dead 3
I'm hoping there's a hateful eight Easter egg in this game
What did they title say before it was changed?
Hey IGN how about you let us play the game for at least a day first. I'm sure the players you know the people that matter would have enjoyed finding this on our own. Not cool ign not cool.
I bet these guys will spoil the next Avengers too when the first day release.
Cowboys vs aliens
It makes me genuinely sad that I saw the original title. Like, seriously. Sigh. ?
The games not even out ffs just stop
Dead Space Redemption
Doot Doot this is so much spooky. Updoot now for extra calcium
Lol they renamed it and added a spoiler warning in the video
I don't really like the Red Dead series, but this is cool. Clicked to see if it's like GTAV's mysteries, and was delighted to see that it is.
I think undead nightmare will be Alien..instead of zombies.
Expansion pack. Undead ALIEN ? NIGHTMARE..
Spoiler?? Nahhh, it's just an Amazon delivery drone delivering blankets, 1st aid kits, shovels, cutlery and coffee.
Guys it’s a video, that you can CHOOSE to watch. DONT WATCH IT, IF YOU DONT WANT SPOILERS.
Cry babies
Thumnail looked like Bonnie and clyde. I was so confused when it was a freaking alien.
This is defenitely a reference to the real life suicide cult Heaven's Gate. Look it up.
I really hope this is setting up a Undead Nightmare 2 DLC, but it the style of the movie Cowboys And Aliens. That’d be so awesome!
D bag move stating alien spoiler. You didn't ask for our consent. I feel violated. At same time didn't think the IGN soy boys could be so agro.
I knew rockstar would make another ufo Easter egg