Supercar Street Drifting.Anything can happen in real life, you can see on the channel Real GTA.
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It was not drifting
4:28 this is in Istanbul, Turkey
That drift was so nice
7:27 watch as the adult male audi stalks its pray, the unsuspecting zonda runs in fear for its life, but its too late. the audi has it within its grasp
This is what i called NFS rival
I must be blind since i don't see any drifting here -_-
Boring. I had a 70 nova that only cost about a 10th of what these cars cost and I could do the same thing. Boring
2:41 What kinda drift is this?
Car at 5:14?
See those people a 7:56 they look like they swipe right down the back of his car
Ferrari owners don't give a shit.
a burnout is not a drift!…
Is not drift is powerislide end bornuts kkkkkk noob
Koinsegge are so ugly
ninja tuna :3
What's with the ugly M4 at the end of the video? No Supercar, horrible paint job and no drifting.
5:58 we don't see a regera everyday..
*buys dream car*
*destroys it*
Oscar Sandoval
stock music from Windows 7 in the intro?… Really?
fuck you porches
@4:20 holy shit a p1 in VT..
Shit video
That’s called circles that’s not drifting at all I can see Honda Civic do better then that
And no poor people were harmed.
Dobre katowanie ;D
car at 6:00?
Koenigsegg's sound are just machiavélic
7:58 who else cringed at the lady bumping into the Ferrari like if it was a 1999 Honda Accord.
They're only doing burnouts and dounuts
hardly any of these were actual drifting
This regera went absolutely crazy
bmw bullshit
Donuts are so stupid. The driver looks like an insecure goof, and destroys at least two expensive tires. Twit.
idk why but the black laferrariferrari loooked fake
Nice vid
Only thing
That fucking annoying intro LMAO
Frik yi????????????????????????????????
This is not Drifting this is not Powersliding these are only bad types of Burnouts and Donuts.
But that Bugatti at 3:30 was drifting
This guy thinks that if the smoke is coming from tires, everything is drift.
You must be a non-car guy, right?
Add some music and some animation to this video then it becomes awesome
Man i love those lambos
походу я кончил
1:21 you can see that other super car started doing donuts too.