Bitcoin and cryptocurrency news – Tether fears stoke irregular market movements, Fidelity getting inot crypto is huge news for the industry, Ethereum upgrade delays and Liquid.com review.
Crypto Quiz Show
Tether Slips
OKEX Stablecoin
BitPay-Pal? BitPay Introduces Settlement in USD-Pegged Stablecoins
Ethereum Upgrade
Tether Safu
Fidelity Mining
Tether Cashes out
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LIQUID – https://accounts.liquid.com/sign-up?affiliate=Gtrf6wJG586147
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Custom intro and tunes created by The Maker’s Initiative – Auckland, NZ
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BINANCE https://www.binance.com/?ref=10192350
LIQUID – https://accounts.liquid.com/sign-up?affiliate=Gtrf6wJG586147
KUCOIN https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=18a8f
Caleb & Brown – OTC Services https://partners.calebandbrown.com/cryptolark
LEDGER NANO S https://www.ledgerwallet.com/r/6877
That was a brilliant opener.
Appreciate the additional effort on all of your intros Lark
Your a smart man Lark, best youtuber in the space, without a doubt!!
so funny cause its true
What is the purpose of a "stable" coin anyway? Aren't they all the same? We give them a real Bitcoin which grows 375% per year on average, and they give us a promise of a dollar. The only thing worse than a scam is falling for it!
This is gold. Subbed
Fidelity has the Illuminati symbol.
OMG I almost died laughing.
Great vid, Lark! Hope to see you round in Wellington
That was so bad it was good.
Agreed all of the legacy media are trash. I love Mises.org
Huge news coming on $XBP BUY now. Inside news.
I notice you didn't mention DAI or the Maker? The mechanics with the DAI and Maker are pretty unique in my opinion. Discover it at the bancor network along with liquidity and 3000+ trading pairs. https://ban.cr/discovery
Digix gold token sucks. Right now its trading at a 15% premium. For anyone who doesn't understand, this means that one token is 15% more expensive than the 1 gram of gold that backs it.
TY Lark.
Your introductions are the best. You are a creative genius Lark
hilarious intro , with the chimpanzee on the phone ??
Legacy media, I like it! ?
Hello, have you thought about uploading your videos also on Vevue?
Great intro Lark. The only improvement you could perhaps have made is that when you received that LAST phone call there, you could have said, "We look forward to welcoming you here at the office"……. and then you run out of the door, gathering as much cash as you can in your arms on the way ???.
Another great vid tho Lark. Keep up the great work ?
i'm glad kucoin just opened up 3 more stable coins. much choices.
Ever notice how when bitcoin or ethereum move up and down it influences the value of the other alt coins usually? This is do to people leaving open orders sit on alt-coins to trade against eth or btc.. so they hit by mistake and it artificially changes the price of that alt-coin that is traded against either of those…
Sometimes alt-coins do rise and fall based on their own intrinsic value but about half or better of the time it's because of chain reaction of what eth and btc are doing.
Because you are taking volatility and trading against volatility… which doesn't work too well. often it confuses people because they aren't always sure if they made a profit or not.
trading works best and simplest when it is volatility trading against something it can lean against.. a mountain that doesn't budge. That's why stable coins are quite useful, if you like what they are tethered to.
As stable coins become more and more popular as trading pairs, you are going to notice that alt-coins will gradually move more and more independently from bitcoin and ether's value.. so that you will see their charts no longer copying the patterns of those two coins.. and this is great because then we can measure each alt-coins progress towards value more accurately.
You will see some altcoins rise and even explode when bitcoin falls or vice versa.. .. because all of the trading pairs of stable-coins are going to smooth out the playing field.
This way alt-coin holders won't have to panic so much if they see bitcoin drop to nothing one day, because it won't have much influence any more.
Best opening ever!!
Hilarious intro! ??
Digitex will hit 1 $ at the end of 2018.
Hey Lark !
Love the new sort of format for the videos lately. You've been doing a great job. Keeping the sense of humor, no matter what !
loved the intro!!!! great informative video keep up the great work,,, now if BTG would only actually produce something for there platform,,,, we could all be rich!
Jajaja GREAT intro again !!
That GTA phone voice haha
Intro was awesome dude!!
Hi Lark. Great job. ????
??. ?
THanks for the fab vid, always enjoy ur content & humour :).
I know its not crypto related, but it could be?, scary. Your thoughts on this?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRtEgdgj_XQ
Has anyone ever told you that you sound like the Grand Nagis sometimes?
Create more tether; buy bitcoin, load the jets for the Bahamas.
@0:02 thought i was watching narcos for a min.
How come no one can see that we don't need no exchanges any more?
All we need is just a additional layer to all the blockchain projects – something like Segwit Escrow. Simple Escrow option will turn ANY coin to a market place in itself – able to swap values between them, any values, not only currency.
After all it's the crypto community that has all the knowledge and power of code-writing, not the lazy banksters, how come we still trust them with our private keys?
Always Love the truth bombs lark, those media outlets need to fox off