IGN has been reviewing Call of Duty games since way back in 2003, when the first duty called. Curious about which one scored the highest? Call of Duty: Black …
Yyoooouuuuuurrrrreeee ttteeellllliiiinnnnggggg mmmmeeeee ghosts was better than Bo4???????
Aren’t they all 9’s? (This is before watching)
Let’s just admit it now, Black Ops 4 is the best. Only legitimate argument you can make to say it’s bad is it’s lack for campaign, but aside from that it’s amazing even with a score of 8.4.
When they rate cod ghost and aw higher than bo1 and bo4 LOLLL
MW2 still on top
Black Ops 1 music is the best… Brings back memories.
A review on every call of duty by IGN? ????
24 COD games so far…
MW3 had the best campaign
In my opinion Modern Warfare 1-3 and Black Ops 1 and 2 were the best of all time. World at War also
This is how IGN follows the trend, Infinite Warfare deserves a higher score than 7.7 notice the games like Black Ops 1 got 8.5 Treyarch wasn't the favored developer then but Modern Warfare 3 got a 9.0
i love this channel but can i have 10m subs lets see am subbing any one who subs me.???
All should be 5 or lower tbh
Ghosts got a higher score than black ops 1? That seems right…
Why the same game get different score in different years?
Why is black ops 1 so low ?
Cod 2 will always have a special place in my heart
Black ops 1 was way better than mw3 and ghost combined.
Ghosts got way more hate than it deserved
screeching intensifies
best youtuber ever?
Who else notices that they uses Black Ops 2 theme at the beginning of the video…miss that game so much…don't even play my PS3 no more.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Is Only SIX Days Away !!! Its Time To Get Very Excited !!!
IGN: we love the same repetitive crap every year 9.0
Call of duty on the DS
How did Modern Warfare 3 get a higher score than Black Ops (the original) clearly a more evolved Campaign, 2 Zombie maps with Dead Ops Arcade, awesome content, some of the best maps and weapons in Multiplayer
It'd be nice if they credited the names of the reviewers for each score
Modern Warfare 2 was the epitome of Call of Duty! The world rumbled more than hiroshima when that dropped! Too bad the modders/noobtubers took over the fun towards the mid-end of MW2’s run sooo…FOR THE REMASTERED VERSION, DECREASE COMMANDO’S RANGE AND ELIMINATE UNLIMITED OMA GRENADE LAUNCHER AMMO! THAT’S IT AND IT’LL BE PERFECT! though play-to-win mechanisms may be inevitable?.. 1. MW2 2. BO1 3. COD4/W@W
infinite has the best campaign so far.
Cant wait for mordern warfare 4!! Thats the only game i want.
MW – WaW – MW2 was the greatest streak Cod has ever had and I don’t think any release afterwards has really surpassed them, BO had a great campaign (probably beat in the series) but it lacked in other areas.
Also where is the love for WaW? So many people seem to forget this one ?
IGN is kinda shooting themself in the foot
Call of Duty 1
Faltó el de móviles actual
When all I had was a DS, I used to grind the heck out of Modern Warfare and BO1.
That Ghosts score is something
Yyoooouuuuuurrrrreeee ttteeellllliiiinnnnggggg mmmmeeeee ghosts was better than Bo4???????
Aren’t they all 9’s? (This is before watching)
Let’s just admit it now, Black Ops 4 is the best. Only legitimate argument you can make to say it’s bad is it’s lack for campaign, but aside from that it’s amazing even with a score of 8.4.
When they rate cod ghost and aw higher than bo1 and bo4 LOLLL
MW2 still on top
Black Ops 1 music is the best… Brings back memories.
A review on every call of duty by IGN? ????
24 COD games so far…
MW3 had the best campaign
In my opinion Modern Warfare 1-3 and Black Ops 1 and 2 were the best of all time. World at War also
This is how IGN follows the trend, Infinite Warfare deserves a higher score than 7.7 notice the games like Black Ops 1 got 8.5 Treyarch wasn't the favored developer then but Modern Warfare 3 got a 9.0
i love this channel but
can i have 10m subs lets see
am subbing any one who subs me.???
All should be 5 or lower tbh
Ghosts got a higher score than black ops 1? That seems right…
Why the same game get different score in different years?
Why is black ops 1 so low ?
Cod 2 will always have a special place in my heart
Black ops 1 was way better than mw3 and ghost combined.
Ghosts got way more hate than it deserved
screeching intensifies
best youtuber ever?
Who else notices that they uses Black Ops 2 theme at the beginning of the video…miss that game so much…don't even play my PS3 no more.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Is Only SIX Days Away !!! Its Time To Get Very Excited !!!
IGN: we love the same repetitive crap every year 9.0
Call of duty on the DS
How did Modern Warfare 3 get a higher score than Black Ops (the original) clearly a more evolved Campaign, 2 Zombie maps with Dead Ops Arcade, awesome content, some of the best maps and weapons in Multiplayer
It'd be nice if they credited the names of the reviewers for each score
Modern Warfare 2 was the epitome of Call of Duty! The world rumbled more than hiroshima when that dropped! Too bad the modders/noobtubers took over the fun towards the mid-end of MW2’s run sooo…FOR THE REMASTERED VERSION, DECREASE COMMANDO’S RANGE AND ELIMINATE UNLIMITED OMA GRENADE LAUNCHER AMMO! THAT’S IT AND IT’LL BE PERFECT! though play-to-win mechanisms may be inevitable?..
1. MW2
2. BO1
3. COD4/W@W
infinite has the best campaign so far.
Cant wait for mordern warfare 4!! Thats the only game i want.
MW – WaW – MW2 was the greatest streak Cod has ever had and I don’t think any release afterwards has really surpassed them, BO had a great campaign (probably beat in the series) but it lacked in other areas.
Also where is the love for WaW? So many people seem to forget this one ?
IGN is kinda shooting themself in the foot
Call of Duty 1
Faltó el de móviles actual
When all I had was a DS, I used to grind the heck out of Modern Warfare and BO1.
To much….am going to puke
I honestly thought ghosts wasn’t that bad
Cod2 will always be the best!!