Why are you blabbering about absolutely nothing??? I mean i quit at "pronunciation of Udacity" bullshit..
Any skills you learn in order to develop for VR will be usable in the more general field of computer graphics (gaming, medical imaging, scientific visualisation, simulations, etc. etc. … just like dude says.
Basic Skill set: C++, Visual Studio, Understanding of 3d computer graphics fundamentals, Understanding of Linear Algebra (matrix/vector math), Unreal Engine 4 (understand the engine architecture at source level, able to use it as a foundation to build on top of) – note: Unity might be ok as a beginner learning tool but not much else, 3d digital content creation tools (maya, 3d studio max, blender, etc.), HSL (hierarchical shader language) , Solid foundation in UI/UX design, Understanding of OSVR- OpenVR Api, OpenGL/Vulkan, DirectX12. To sum up: C++ programmer with strong 3D graphics and mathmatics skills and working knowlege of the toolset that is currently being used in VR, who also understands the 3D content production pipeline/workflow. Even better if you have artistic skill (asset production skills). I'm sure I've left more than a few things out but these technologies are the basics.
Wouldn't it be great if you could program in VR? Especially for web development, on one side the site and another area for your code. Dunno if it exists yet or not…
Hi, thanks a lot for the video! Great information, & just what I was looking for! By the way, can you tell me if the "Hired" website works worldwide, or only in America? Thanks
sir, what is the future of computer programmers ? Is it getting very competitive ? which field is less competitive ?
This is my problem with this channel… Not only are you milking your viewers with patreon but a 2 minute advertisement of hired.com soon as your video starts. Come on man….
Google is too, they give you a bonus Google VR when you buy the pixel phone.
There's a company in SFL that seems to be hiring a lot of people and offers internships for students(who are comfortable with c++). It's apparently doing very well.
Hell no it's not too early to 'specialize!' Well, perhaps if you specialize too deeply.
Will it be good to specialize and do an MS in machine learning/data mining if the your goal is to open a tech startup?
Hey John – if you haven't already heard about it you should keep your eye on Magic Leap. From what I understand they have a more novel approach to implementing Mixed Reality by using the brains ability to draw conclusions about light entering the eyes.
I like the bad Photoshop in the video thumbnail
It sounds like simphony… interesting points as always! Thanks!
In Game of thrones all the kings are squabbling while in the background winter is coming…along with the white walkers. This is what's happening now with VR. We're all squabbling about the latest JS frameworks and the coolest mobile app startup, meanwhile these will all be obsolete in 20 years as augmented reality and virtual reality will completely wash everything away. 2d flat panels will only be used minimally, so people that want to stay in this industry for a while should get to start learning C languages, learn Unity and get cracking so that in 10 years you can say you have 10 years worth of VR experience and still make mad dough.
please talk about robotics and anonymous cars? in a future video (can somebody self learn or just stick to university)
Well.. I think it'll die off. And when it dies off, that's when it's going to be the best time to strike. If you develop the skills now, when it goes back into a lull, you'll be right at the front line to spearhead the next iteration. And there will be a next iteration, probably several before we truly "get" it and it's as standard as 3D games.
I currently develop for various vr/ar technologies and would say this is a very good time to get involved in vr development. There is still a long way to go but i would predict that with the release of high end devices such as vive, oculus and play station vr recently and the quality they are already at as soon as they become cheap enough for the general consumer to purchase we will see an enormous demand.
MAGA hat
VR is already very attractive for technical people. It might be a crowded market for developers, compared to the audience size now and for the near future. So I think one successful approach would be: make tools to help people make stuff in VR.
Let's make America great again, John! Haha
Is that a trump make america great again cap in the background ?
Was looking for a video exactly like this, thanks.
How would one get into VR as a budding programmer?
VR is the future…..No doubt!
Why are you blabbering about absolutely nothing??? I mean i quit at "pronunciation of Udacity" bullshit..
Any skills you learn in order to develop for VR will be usable in the more general field of computer graphics (gaming, medical imaging, scientific visualisation, simulations, etc. etc. … just like dude says.
Basic Skill set: C++, Visual Studio, Understanding of 3d computer graphics fundamentals, Understanding of Linear Algebra (matrix/vector math), Unreal Engine 4 (understand the engine architecture at source level, able to use it as a foundation to build on top of) – note: Unity might be ok as a beginner learning tool but not much else, 3d digital content creation tools (maya, 3d studio max, blender, etc.), HSL (hierarchical shader language) , Solid foundation in UI/UX design, Understanding of OSVR- OpenVR Api, OpenGL/Vulkan, DirectX12. To sum up: C++ programmer with strong 3D graphics and mathmatics skills and working knowlege of the toolset that is currently being used in VR, who also understands the 3D content production pipeline/workflow. Even better if you have artistic skill (asset production skills). I'm sure I've left more than a few things out but these technologies are the basics.
Wouldn't it be great if you could program in VR? Especially for web development, on one side the site and another area for your code. Dunno if it exists yet or not…
Hi, thanks a lot for the video! Great information, & just what I was looking for! By the way, can you tell me if the "Hired" website works worldwide, or only in America? Thanks
sir, what is the future of computer programmers ? Is it getting very competitive ? which field is less competitive ?
This is my problem with this channel… Not only are you milking your viewers with patreon but a 2 minute advertisement of hired.com soon as your video starts. Come on man….
Google is too, they give you a bonus Google VR when you buy the pixel phone.
There's a company in SFL that seems to be hiring a lot of people and offers internships for students(who are comfortable with c++). It's apparently doing very well.
Hell no it's not too early to 'specialize!' Well, perhaps if you specialize too deeply.
Will it be good to specialize and do an MS in machine learning/data mining if the your goal is to open a tech startup?
Hey John – if you haven't already heard about it you should keep your eye on Magic Leap. From what I understand they have a more novel approach to implementing Mixed Reality by using the brains ability to draw conclusions about light entering the eyes.
I like the bad Photoshop in the video thumbnail
It sounds like simphony… interesting points as always! Thanks!
In Game of thrones all the kings are squabbling while in the background winter is coming…along with the white walkers. This is what's happening now with VR. We're all squabbling about the latest JS frameworks and the coolest mobile app startup, meanwhile these will all be obsolete in 20 years as augmented reality and virtual reality will completely wash everything away. 2d flat panels will only be used minimally, so people that want to stay in this industry for a while should get to start learning C languages, learn Unity and get cracking so that in 10 years you can say you have 10 years worth of VR experience and still make mad dough.
Well.. I think it'll die off. And when it dies off, that's when it's going to be the best time to strike. If you develop the skills now, when it goes back into a lull, you'll be right at the front line to spearhead the next iteration. And there will be a next iteration, probably several before we truly "get" it and it's as standard as 3D games.
I currently develop for various vr/ar technologies and would say this is a very good time to get involved in vr development.
There is still a long way to go but i would predict that with the release of high end devices such as vive, oculus and play station vr recently and the quality they are already at as soon as they become cheap enough for the general consumer to purchase we will see an enormous demand.
MAGA hat
VR is already very attractive for technical people. It might be a crowded market for developers, compared to the audience size now and for the near future. So I think one successful approach would be: make tools to help people make stuff in VR.
Let's make America great again, John! Haha
Is that a trump make america great again cap in the background ?
Was looking for a video exactly like this, thanks.
How would one get into VR as a budding programmer?