Rob Cash on the set. He has a fresh, unique view on Ripple XRP. I asked Rob Cash his thoughts on all the hottest topics in the XRP community. I asked him his thoughts on the EOY price prediction.
Check out Rob Cash’s channel. His link is below. He has a lot of energy, knowledge and wisdom. It was a honor to have Rob Cash on the show.
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CKJ Crypto News is not financial or investment expert. You should do your own research on each cryptocurrency and make your own conclusions and decisions for investment. Invest at your own risk, only invest what you are willing to lose. This channel and its videos are just for educational purposes and NOT investment or financial advice.
I like to Thank Rob_Cash for coming on show..Rob_Cash YouTube channel…….Are you XRP prepared??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMdUXO40oyw&t=5s…...
Rob_Cash Twitter https://twitter.com/Rob_Cash71
Rob_Cash You're the Man!
Rob Art You're the Fudster!
Rob Cash in the HOUSE!!!
R0B C@$H — DJ @ TH3 H0U5TON M33T UP?
CKJ Crypto news good stuff salute !!
Great interview!!!
Whats up CKJ. Who click thum down.
Robcash keeps it real ?? xrp baby!!
Great video guys! I love the energy of this community. Lets keep it going guys XRP moon ?
Rob Cash Investor > Customer good vid
Are you an investor or a customer?! ??? RC
Amen, about working together and getting rid of the divide.
Great interview with rob.i learned a boat load. Keep up the good work ckj. U da man. xrp baby! 589 & beyond!
Congratulations CKJ on 11000 subs, You are Amazing. Time to Celebrate I Feel Love
️ https://youtu.be/gh1GVuftrYU
Great interview,I`m an instant Rob Cash Fan!!!
RESPECT for having my boy Rob Ca$h on the set….
Great interview CKJ, Rob Cash loved the energy man! yo Rob Cash that may be my new favorite quote "Time is not refundable" that's for Sure!
I had a GREAT time and experience doing this video!!!! Thanks for taking the time and the interest to interview me ?… I am humbled.
I GREATLY appreciate all the love from CKJ and everyone in the comments??? #XRPcommunity #RipplePioneers #XRPbaby?
I hope this was informative and fun for everyone watching!?
He made my brother a believer ????????
Loved it! Great job guys. ?
canada has over 2000 Bitcoin ATM's!
Wassup Fellas, Big shout out from South Louisiana!!
great vid keepin it REAL!??
Whaaat!! How did I miss this!!! Silly notifactions not coming through!
Wear btc gear, hat and shirts, most have seen the symbol and will ask questions
I’m from Detroit and bitcoin machines are everywhere there!
no exit plan is needed just taken when you need it and Invest xrp will keep growing
I love this love we all have xrp and for one another ! thanks Rob Cash and CKJ!
Great video ckj and rob. First time I’ve watched your video rob. Your getting everyone pumped up my man. Subscribed right away
Rob cash on the set ! Legendary interview
589$ eoy
That was a great video. Full of knowledge!!! Loved it.
Another GREAT Interview CkJ
ROB_CASH ON THE SET experience, common sense, straight talk, spitting fire,…. love from London.
Cashhhhh robbbb??
You need to get that Steelers hat for a colts.
Rob Cash is the reason I'm in XRP so hard. He makes too much sense and speaks language I'm comfortable hearing. Great interview family!
The dynamic duo
Best interview since Bitcoin Ben.
Ah this is awsome
Love the XRP community , Rob Cash is awesome keeping it real , much respect !
Rob cash, legend
First! bring me on the show ckj ?