Hit that LIKE button!! Follow me on TWitter! Http://www.twitter.com/bobloblawtx #Blackops4review #blackops4 #blackops4gameplay This video is a review of call …
Hit that LIKE button!! Follow me on TWitter! Http://www.twitter.com/bobloblawtx #Blackops4review #blackops4 #blackops4gameplay This video is a review of call …
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Black Ops 1 was the best. Others are trash…
This game might be trash but annual Boblowlaw video is pure gold.
It does suck I'm not longer a call of duty fan I enjoyed more battlefield 5 gameplay way better then this
New sup thanks for your videos
The hit detection issue has been a common problem in CoD for years. Doesn't seem this will be fixed anytime soon. The devs will laugh and blame it on your internet.
Hate it so far, I play hc and the guns are utter crap, hope it improves from this current rubbish!
80-90% of my deaths are headshots…
Fuck cheap OP "Crash"
+ 50 HP
Plus Body Armor.
I skipped purchasing ww2 because I played it in advance and hate it. Gave bo4 a shot and bought it .. regretted it after an hour man. This multiplayer is horrendous. And anyone saying otherwise is being a delusional over hyping fanboy. Nothing innovative. Nothing risky. Nothing new. Shitty spawns. Shitty map design and pacing. Weapon balancing is horrible. I have not enjoyed one match , even matches where I’ve done exceptional don’t feel satisfying. Blackout will stay over shadowed by fortnite and as a zombies fanboy who started gaming because of cod zombies I have to say I’m let down. Call of duty games are no longer made for fans they are made for YouTubers and YouTube is the reason gaming has gone to shit
I can't dropshot. I can't rush. I can't do anything 'fancy' in this game. I regret buying it again.
With your Hellstorm Missile you don't seem to be bothering to aim the final missile?
good review man , i played the beta , its more of the same
The hit detection is terrible, and players have a little too much health.
I don’t think this game would last long with some of the bullshit things they’ve added.
Also the “Kill cam” or whatever you wanna call it is overdone, pretty cringe worthy if you ask me.
But since this game was released this week, maybe cod will clutch with an update, who knows, but I’d prefer Bo3 more than this quite honestly.
I must be the only one who thinks the graphics are bad I play on xbox one s but someone told me to turn off my HDR settings
Garbage game like the people that support it
Game is garbage. Its literally and, i mean literally , call of duty 4s outdated ass engine with the tank-like, slow and clunky, gameplay. This shit is horrible because COD was never a tactical game for the longest time, it was always run and gun. Thats what made COD stand out and have an identity- the arcade fps is what it was and not a fuckin tactical simulator. And it pisses me off that blops 3 plays better than this. The engine of this game is so bad you can feel the slow and clunkiness of this shit and the clay-like looking graphics are absymal. Im calling it now, treyarch didnt utilize there 3 years and rushed this. A lot happened behind the scenes with this horrendous game. Please save us infinity ward, you guys always had the best physics and engine in your games. Give us modern warfare 4 and a modern warfare 2 remaster for its 10th anniversary next year.
Bog= camp for streaks
I haven't seen you since mw3 days holy shit
yall addme on psn UrMomIsMyMILFYOO
spawns have been crap in cod for a few yrs now..i hate the fact that theres not much guns..thats my only complaints so far lol
Still debating on getting this, not sure if my laptop is good enough to run it since I never bought the next gen consoles
I miss the good old days of playing The 1st Black Ops and MW2 and MW3. COD needs to go back to that era!!! Maybe that’s just me.
This game is trash
So basically this is black ops 1 and 2 all over again? ?
I mostly play multiplayer and blackout it is the best game I have ever owned!!!!!!
An honest review from youtubers that make money off these games? Bwaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha! I needed a good laugh!
Your not gonna see you tubers hating on Bo4 because they need to play it cause of views. Played it for 8 hours and I’m done with it. Black out is ok. But I’m selling this game ASAP
Call of duty black ops 4 = ps3 graphics=
We make fun of your intelligence and cheat you.
So far so good.
Good to hear your voice and your thoughts, Bob. I agree with you about CoD being sweaty in very lobby. I think it's been that way since IW really. I'm OK with it, it just takes a little more mental commitment.
always trust your opinion
I hate the inconsistency with the hit detection. One game it feels bang on and I do quite well, the next game I'm getting absolutely melted. And I think they should change the name to Back Ops because I am forever shot from behind. I just wish I could play this game without getting pissed off.