That is not a new map – It's for either a bops 1 or 2 dlc. This crap has been regurgitated for so long people don't even know what assets are being recycled anymore lolz.
So the game is basically 90% recycled content?
This game actually turned out surprisingly good. Although i think multiplayer took a bit of an L over zombies and blackout…
Where TF is nuketown!! I'm taking this pos game and returning to GameStop
That is not a new map – It's for either a bops 1 or 2 dlc. This crap has been regurgitated for so long people don't even know what assets are being recycled anymore lolz.
So the game is basically 90% recycled content?
This game actually turned out surprisingly good. Although i think multiplayer took a bit of an L over zombies and blackout…
Where TF is nuketown!! I'm taking this pos game and returning to GameStop
9:23 sick censoring bro
thats not a new map
Sup demons .its ..ya Boi
Honestly tho, Black Ops 4 is the prettiest CoD game regarding color palette or just art style in general
9:22 I thought that was my phone lmao! ?
Honestly ill not going to play multiplayer that much
Blackout was 2 much fun
I jumped up in shock at 9:23 and banged my knees off the desk
Paid review lmao
Who was wearing headphones and screamed at 9:20
I haven't even been able to play a throwback map like wtf broo
3 hit kills almost every kill. That's lame imo
is it just me or is cod slowly turning to csgo with this decrease in recoil.
Thx for saying its still the same trash as the beta. Not buying this. This is not cod
Rip head phone users 9:23. Why god whu
No party modes…
I haven’t even played yet and the reviews already out lol
Was the jumpscare intentional