John Mcafee sees Bitcoin at 100, 000K by …well see it yourself. Don’t forget to like and comment.
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78,000 …2018…..today is 6,560
Go figure…..who is the expert?
Visit our channel. Thanks.
CREDITS (CS) is going to eat the market cap of Ethereum over time and become a top 5 coin when mainnet gets released
Stop drugs John.
John you are doing too much cocaine buddy..
If your at a concert taking a photo what you need to do is talk to a ear doctor about your music listening habits. You may be listing to music too loud and for too long. You may be putting your hearing in jeopardy. Use this information at your own risk. Results are not guaranteed. I'm not a doctor. Peace.
Funny thing is: NOBODY that REALLY cares wants him to be wrong and it's NOT out of an altruistic concern for his genitals.
ECA = electra
He loves dime rocks from liberty city.. he loves the clean base rock!! he also killed his neighbors in south america. he will swallow his own cock dont wry it will be tasty// keep smokin john u rock monster..
Great video but prohibition was because automobiles ran on alcohol better than petroleum
You should want to get better … you have shit to do.
Sorry lol “ can” ….. well evidently that’s how much I care.
I can’t fix you if your not dead yet
You seem sick i don’t want to loose good minds I offer you free help …only to you … your money can’t buy that or you would be well. Simply because you need to continue . Or don’t.
Total bs
Plez sar BTC sapply is finite, but finanshel derivative that can be issue on BTC are not. That why, even if Bidcoin is tolerate on the long ran, McAfee will eat his willie. Thenk
Good grief! Is McAfee a chain smoker or what?!?!?! Sheesh.
John is unreliable, but in 2-3 years probablly we will be around 100k
Q: How many BTCs does Jamee own ? A: More than us ……
It can't cuz btc won't replace fiat
BTC is the past…the future is XRP
This is so simple…. John sold his mining farm…… in the agreement to the new buyers, he promises to pump up bitcoin…. not gonna be a $1 million bitcoin in your life time
Now I understand John's bet, he knows he's not going to live long enough to have to pay it. Jeebus he sounds bad.
From his "new paradigm" he said Golem would be at $5 this July 2018. It's at $0.14.
Someone need to force him to eat his own dick in 2020 because otherwise he won't
Common, John. Drop math. A lot of people here don't understand it…
Eating shit really gives you a nasty cough…
No he really does. Watch the documentary.
xrp the standard
Why does anyone still listen to this guy after he was shilling shitcoins during the ATH?
His eyes are looking into my soul
You can ban merchants from accepting bitcoin for payments, and you can ban banks from doing business with any company that converts crypto currency to fiat. Anything can be stopped by government power. The bet is does Trump want crypto. He seems to like it. We'll see.
Bla bla bla bla bla bla ?????? Bitcoin is an “ elite coin “ He is crazy ….
1:00 – the supply is limited, we cannot print more bitcoin – THE BIGGEST LIE EVER. Yes, there will be only 21 MIO BTC that is true, but what about all the fucking forking? bitcoin cash, bitcoin gold, bitcoin diamond…
bitcoin is just air. there are no garanties for the future.
McAfee will injects bullish BTC price in all peoples mind like a virus infected all computers on this globe ???
Ah, btc split into two different cryptos, thereby doubling the sum cryptos, couple with clones of BTC’s which, double, triple, quadroduppule cryptos, therefore cryptos like currency can simply make new denominations at will…. unlike crypto’s dollars are backed by marines, and WMD’s
"The word correction cannot be applied to Bitcoin" – yeah, erm, not so sure about that now John..