In this video I overview my new DIY VR headset. This works very similar to Occulus Rift, allows you to play most Oculus rift games, and most PC games …
Ahead of the time lol thats what im trying to do in 2018
are the leds infored
I wanna join the oasis
where can i get this
How did you split the screen? program?
Your updated version was taken down by youtube, please reupload here and/or somewhere else and link it!
what about getting some hand function in diy vr gyroscopic phone or wii remote or something like that
what is that software u used for tracking head plzzzz
this seems like a huge waste of money just use the more expensive alternative and buy motion tracking sensors
awesome video! does the distance between the three LEDs matter at all?
this led is normal
why not just use the gyroscope in the phone? instead of the LED setup?
just get google cardboard instead of this
Parts list please and measurement
Can I play brutal doom on this and get PTSD? XD
Is there any way I can play Flight Simulator X with this ?
but how about them youtube videos ?
you didnt mention if i need a 7000 dollar pc to use it, because if so, 20-50 bucks aint gonna make much difference, and also nobodys got time for an expensive pc just to get this even at its cheapest.
would this work for csgo?
fix the link for the updated video
can u make n ship it wats your number or email
Does this work with games like euro truck simulator, and other driving games? Also does it work with games that you can use wheel setups with?
what do you use for the mirroring
how did you connect your phone to pc?
how about the gyroscope on your phone for head tracking
one of the best diy videos man. great work
This is cool man!
does euro truck 2 work?
Is there a free alternative to Tridef 3D?
also it has no lag …max like 2ms ..thats max
mate use gyroscopic mouse it costs 20 $ here is my model name Natec Air Mouse AM20 Wireless 2.4ghz it looks like remote from tv but its like Wii remote for pc mouse
Ahead of the time lol thats what im trying to do in 2018
are the leds infored
I wanna join the oasis
where can i get this
How did you split the screen? program?
Your updated version was taken down by youtube, please reupload here and/or somewhere else and link it!
what about getting some hand function in diy vr gyroscopic phone or wii remote or something like that
what is that software u used for tracking head plzzzz
this seems like a huge waste of money just use the more expensive alternative and buy motion tracking sensors
awesome video! does the distance between the three LEDs matter at all?
this led is normal
why not just use the gyroscope in the phone? instead of the LED setup?
just get google cardboard instead of this
Parts list please and measurement
Can I play brutal doom on this and get PTSD? XD
Is there any way I can play Flight Simulator X with this ?
but how about them youtube videos ?
you didnt mention if i need a 7000 dollar pc to use it, because if so, 20-50 bucks aint gonna make much difference, and also nobodys got time for an expensive pc just to get this even at its cheapest.
would this work for csgo?
fix the link for the updated video
can u make n ship it wats your number or email
Does this work with games like euro truck simulator, and other driving games? Also does it work with games that you can use wheel setups with?
what do you use for the mirroring
how did you connect your phone to pc?
how about the gyroscope on your phone for head tracking
one of the best diy videos man. great work
This is cool man!
does euro truck 2 work?
Is there a free alternative to Tridef 3D?
also it has no lag …max like 2ms ..thats max
mate use gyroscopic mouse it costs 20 $ here is my model name Natec Air Mouse AM20 Wireless 2.4ghz it looks like remote from tv but its like Wii remote for pc mouse
do i need 3 leds ?
Your updated video was removed?
Is there a way to head track without the led?
gta V ?