Those selfies, huh? They are, uh… not good ? Apple done f%^ked it up.
I love this quack
fuck company
I'm not convinced that the XS's image smoothing is just general low light processing. In Unbox Therapy's video, you can see that the entire image shifts color tones when he covers and uncovers his face, which sure makes it look like it's intelligently recognizing faces and adjusting the image accordingly.
I hav sprint and I really wish I didn’t
Front Page Tech=What is Cartman from South Park made a tech review channel. ?
How come other phones – including the iphone X- doesn't need this much pixel smoothing in low light? Galaxy? Pixel? This whole deal reminds me of those $150 Chinese phones with those beauty modes and fake bokeh effects.
Wait a min, did you even watch the unbox therapy vid? When he covers his face the smoothing goes away, not to mention that he has professional studio lights on his set. It's clearly not just a lighting issue
Haha you can't cuss anymore…. Fuck you
Why are apple products pure cancer these days
There are 4 big ones then the rest are poor people carriers
Apple is just doing these things for more publicity now then they fix it 2 months later
You know Tim Cook is an Homosexual that want to make boys and men to look pretty.
Duck you, Facebook!
Jern dropping that knowledge ????????
This Sense of entitlement that consumers have is ridiculous. Especially apple users.
Yay, no Pixel 3
I’m just waiting to see what the news is with charge gate
That outro was the best
It also has a charging problem
If you don’t censor it you don’t have to improvise with any duck noises at all.
Why say fuck? When you can say fuck is different language.. like.. say "otha" it means fuck in tamil. And YouTube won't even recognise it.
Let's not forget the sleep charging issue that's been popping up on the iPhone…. Premium device……. Did you know android for years offered fast charging in the box. Years later a "premium device"….. doesn't…. All about bleeding every penny not about quality anymore.
Timmy fix this shit !!
Boom now we need transparent phone screens and graphene solid state sodium silicon batteries
Taking better pictures… It looks terrible.
Laugh my ass off I'm so glad I never got a Facebook account
I have beauty mode on my phone, yes. I don't want it on my phone, yes. I have the option to turn it off on my phone, yes. Did it actually turn off? NO. It automatically sets itself back up, I don't know why.
Look, again, I'm not trying to hate, really, but I am just pointing out to you right now, as much as you don't like to admit it, but you are biased towards Apple. Jern, seriously, I don't hate you. The way you pointed out that XS problem is so sarcastic. It didn't feel neutral. But hey, you do you. You have an audience, you have power to change people's minds. I care about you, I used to be a fan.
Is apple low key calling us ugly??? ????????
Yeah, it's insane. Jon and I don't know what's going on! ?
Duck page tech
Now there is a chargegate issue with iphone xs and iphone xs max.
Man the duck noise at the end was awesome! Really made me laugh. Great video!!
Who loves apple
Not me ?
I never liked censor bleeps anyway, but does this mean YouTube is more strict than cable television?
Next Video: The Apple IPhone Xs has "An Other" Problem
Man wat a dumb theory to support the flaw in XS ?
I heard the duck noises and almost wet my damn pants. I'm tf dead.
Those selfies, huh? They are, uh… not good ? Apple done f%^ked it up.
I love this quack
fuck company
I'm not convinced that the XS's image smoothing is just general low light processing. In Unbox Therapy's video, you can see that the entire image shifts color tones when he covers and uncovers his face, which sure makes it look like it's intelligently recognizing faces and adjusting the image accordingly.
I hav sprint and I really wish I didn’t
Front Page Tech=What is Cartman from South Park made a tech review channel. ?
How come other phones – including the iphone X- doesn't need this much pixel smoothing in low light? Galaxy? Pixel? This whole deal reminds me of those $150 Chinese phones with those beauty modes and fake bokeh effects.
Wait a min, did you even watch the unbox therapy vid? When he covers his face the smoothing goes away, not to mention that he has professional studio lights on his set. It's clearly not just a lighting issue
Haha you can't cuss anymore…. Fuck you
Why are apple products pure cancer these days
There are 4 big ones then the rest are poor people carriers
Apple is just doing these things for more publicity now then they fix it 2 months later
You know Tim Cook is an Homosexual that want to make boys and men to look pretty.
Duck you, Facebook!
Jern dropping that knowledge ????????
This Sense of entitlement that consumers have is ridiculous. Especially apple users.
Yay, no Pixel 3
I’m just waiting to see what the news is with charge gate
That outro was the best
It also has a charging problem
If you don’t censor it you don’t have to improvise with any duck noises at all.
Why say fuck? When you can say fuck is different language.. like.. say "otha" it means fuck in tamil. And YouTube won't even recognise it.
Let's not forget the sleep charging issue that's been popping up on the iPhone…. Premium device……. Did you know android for years offered fast charging in the box. Years later a "premium device"….. doesn't…. All about bleeding every penny not about quality anymore.
Timmy fix this shit !!
Boom now we need transparent phone screens and graphene solid state sodium silicon batteries
Taking better pictures… It looks terrible.
Laugh my ass off I'm so glad I never got a Facebook account
I have beauty mode on my phone, yes. I don't want it on my phone, yes. I have the option to turn it off on my phone, yes. Did it actually turn off? NO. It automatically sets itself back up, I don't know why.
Look, again, I'm not trying to hate, really, but I am just pointing out to you right now, as much as you don't like to admit it, but you are biased towards Apple. Jern, seriously, I don't hate you. The way you pointed out that XS problem is so sarcastic. It didn't feel neutral. But hey, you do you. You have an audience, you have power to change people's minds. I care about you, I used to be a fan.
Is apple low key calling us ugly??? ????????
Yeah, it's insane. Jon and I don't know what's going on! ?
Duck page tech
Now there is a chargegate issue with iphone xs and iphone xs max.
Man the duck noise at the end was awesome! Really made me laugh. Great video!!
Who loves apple
Not me ?
I never liked censor bleeps anyway, but does this mean YouTube is more strict than cable television?
Next Video: The Apple IPhone Xs has "An Other" Problem
Man wat a dumb theory to support the flaw in XS ?
I heard the duck noises and almost wet my damn pants. I'm tf dead.