He didn’t get the big box sooo is it starting to ship to public
I want it but it’s like why
No Xbox! F1ck this
Xbox controller haha am i right fellow humans i made a basic observasion please validate me
Thanks but no thanks, I will stick with my 39$ xbox controller that last for years
If I have that much money to waste then I might as well save up and buy a switch
I honestly thought it was an Xbox PlayStation hybrid so it could be used on either console. Man that would be nice.
Scuf is dogshit
I’ll be picking up mine after work! ?
So basically a customisable Xbox controller
Looks cheaply made
With this Sony is actually admitting that the Xbox one controller is better lol
Чта!?. НЕТ НЕТ НЕТ. Надеюсь мне это приснилось. У сони закончилась фантазия теперь он плагиатит у китайских маленьких компаний джойстики. Запомните этот день
Basically an oversimplified xbox one elite controller
XBOX layout on a $200 controller…
The Question Is; Would They Work With The Nyko DualCharger, Where I Have A Magnet To Charge At The Back, Problem Is, Would They Fit?..
razer raiju best controller
200 dollar for that controller? i can't even afford the normal one :'(
This better controls my alcoholism
The faceplate makes it look like a cheap POS
Rubbish !
sue him mircosoft
How about… i buy a used ps4
If ps4 gets forza I'm done with xbox lol
Looks dope
Iam gonna bet Sony and M$ is going to use that back button as their default controler for the next gen console
Looks as cheap and tacky as the guys tattoos. When will scuff release something that looks even half as nice as the Elite controller.
I use the brook converter, just so that I can use my Xbox one controller on my ps4. For some reason my ps4 controller gives me cramps on my hands. Xbox one controller feels more natural for me.
Now PS4 owners can play as well as Xbox owners with the superior controller layout Sony just refuses to understand… Congrats!! It's only $200!!! ?
So thats why Sony's PS4 is wrecking MS's Xbox1, they focus more on first games rather than first party controllers(obviously this scuf vantage is third party)
Does not look high grade lol. So plasticy…
High tech bit looks total poopy
He didn’t get the big box sooo is it starting to ship to public
I want it but it’s like why
No Xbox! F1ck this
Xbox controller haha am i right fellow humans i made a basic observasion please validate me
Thanks but no thanks, I will stick with my 39$ xbox controller that last for years
If I have that much money to waste then I might as well save up and buy a switch
I honestly thought it was an Xbox PlayStation hybrid so it could be used on either console. Man that would be nice.
Scuf is dogshit
I’ll be picking up mine after work! ?
So basically a customisable Xbox controller
Looks cheaply made
With this Sony is actually admitting that the Xbox one controller is better lol
Чта!?. НЕТ НЕТ НЕТ. Надеюсь мне это приснилось. У сони закончилась фантазия теперь он плагиатит у китайских маленьких компаний джойстики. Запомните этот день
Basically an oversimplified xbox one elite controller
XBOX layout on a $200 controller…
The Question Is; Would They Work With The Nyko DualCharger, Where I Have A Magnet To Charge At The Back, Problem Is, Would They Fit?..
razer raiju best controller
200 dollar for that controller? i can't even afford the normal one :'(
This better controls my alcoholism
The faceplate makes it look like a cheap POS
Rubbish !
sue him mircosoft
How about… i buy a used ps4
If ps4 gets forza I'm done with xbox lol
Looks dope
Iam gonna bet Sony and M$ is going to use that back button as their default controler for the next gen console
Looks as cheap and tacky as the guys tattoos. When will scuff release something that looks even half as nice as the Elite controller.
I use the brook converter, just so that I can use my Xbox one controller on my ps4. For some reason my ps4 controller gives me cramps on my hands. Xbox one controller feels more natural for me.
Now PS4 owners can play as well as Xbox owners with the superior controller layout Sony just refuses to understand… Congrats!! It's only $200!!! ?
So thats why Sony's PS4 is wrecking MS's Xbox1, they focus more on first games rather than first party controllers(obviously this scuf vantage is third party)