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Saw ur youtube AD.
Haha. Really?? You made money from crypto?? Watching you since you started this during the last winter. I bet your profit was from your subscription fees. Nothing wrong but don't trick people.
2020 BTC=24,000-50k
2024 BTC=100,000-300k
2028 BTC=500,000-750k
2032 BTC=1,000,000 then 70% crash because we will all be buying Lambos with it. Those of us playing the long game, willing to wait 14 years for it, that is. At least 2.5k per year for the next 5 years and hodl until it crests 1mil for the first time. There WILL be a dramatic pullback following that landmark achievement. Buy back in around 250k-300k and wait for it to hit 1mil again and set for life. Could this be accurate?
Based on the approximate time that the blocks get more difficult and the payouts decrease.
* I went an additional 12 years further than that in my SRV session, and then sacrificed a chicken. Even poured it's entrails on a table and read those like tea leaves. BUT, that info is for insiders only. LULZ.*
So if I'm right, this will be here as evidence and we can all have a party on my island. If I'm wrong, I have plenty of company, and no island. (But we can hang out and drink cheap beer in the parking lot of the ball park near me) BYOB-itcoin
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xrp is a banker's whore.
Have xrp??- you are an accomplice! Don't be complaining about the bankers screwing the future of your kids if you have been helping the bankers to fuck it up.
Will xrp continue to grow.?
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The merchant will potentially incur ‘interchage fees’ for processing the payment.
what about matrix A.I.
I love the approach here. I share the suspicions about TA. It’s all fundamental analysis in one way or another, up to and including factoring in the degree of manipulation and movement by whales.
George, another reason why Crypto could rally heavily into the New Year is that Hedge funds are lagging the S&P index, thus far for the year and if that continues into the latter part of the year (Nov, Dec) and a BTC ETF is in full swing and available for trading, then look for Hedge funds to take chances with Crypto to help make their " annual bonuses". The percentage moves are significantly higher than in stocks and by that time, Cryptos will definitely be in play. What do you think about that ?
If you don't believe in TA, why don't you just show the price action through coinmarketcap? Why use Tradingview and why mention RSI and other indicators to your videos since you call all these nonsense?
With TA I hit the targets to the tick, and I let you wondering why the price stopped there, what were the news?
the saudis want blockchain to keep track of all the beheadings.
George keep up the good work my man. When everyone has fallen, you have stayed on top. Drinks to you.
This guy is the paul mampilly of the cryptocurrency market
I would love to see this guy debate with Clif High over LTC.
Why you always take a positive spin on the market? We dump 600 next day recover 200 you all smily we are recovering. I recommend you take a contrarian spin at least once just for the purpose of the exercise, maybe then your pink glasses will fall…
I'm surprised about how some people aren't more optimistic about XRP given all the news about their partnerships and the news that they are releasing XRapid. 95% of the market has been nothing but pure speculation. Now, there is an actual utilization that is unparalleled at this point.
Good show, George!
Whats up with NULS? Lowest its been since inception
Уже давно приходит публичная телеграмма ICO! Для получения более подробной информации перейдите к http://www.icostarter.online / telegram-токен
Which currencies do you think are likely to reach all time highs within 6 months? xrp, eth, btc, eos, xlm…
This year token Telegram will grow in price as well as bitcoin in due season. Now GRAM costs $1, but also 100 and 200 dollars are quite possible in a couple of years! I advise to buy and hold for a few years icovilla.ru/telegram
How can anyone thumbs down this man??
@cryptosRUs Thank you for always making your daily videos. I believe that you motivate hundreds or thousands of holders or people looking to get into cryptos. If crypto grows in the multi trillions and we all become wealthy through crypto currency..I will always be thank you for your continuous support and love for blockchain and cryptos. You are truly in my daily routine to stay up to date with news and without you I would feel knowledgeable about the market. Thank you again George! Your the best. Looking forward into our success in the market!
We've been getting great news all along the way, and the price wouldn't go up. This is just a quick bounce that may last momentarily. I think it bounced due to the announcement that we will hear more about Xrapid going live in about a month or so
Do you think it'll be profitable to GPU mine ethereum classic if the ETFs are approved?
The only way for LITECOIN to go up is to get rid of CHARLIE LEE because he has no reason to help the country go forward… he is DEAD WEIGHT AND DRAGGING THE PROJECT DOWN
Thanks for the video George!!
Thanks again for this video! So helpfull! ?
Please review apollo. I have been using it and so impressed. Nxt fork I think. Community is very supportive. Speeds are insane. Security the best. Coinshuffling. Ip masking. Also Hydro now integrated into TD wealth. Top 20 soon. Exchanges coming weekly. Thanks George.
ripple is such centralized database garbage. fuck my life