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Hey, what about a show on crypto's that Pays dividends. That would be cool right.
They should have a conference where noobs get in free
That bull run really coming on strong huh…
Augur has 38 users in a 24 hour window…nuf' said
What about the market cap and it needing to be $100 billion for BTC to qualify for an SEC approval on ETFs?
Maybe some manipulators want to keep it the wild Wild West!
lets do 1 in nyc i thru events for partys n music artist & have lots of people im teaching about crypto
Ashton Clegg is not just an amazing trader but an angel and expert when it comes to cryptocurrency. Investing in Bitcoin has always been a passion for me, I lost my portfolio to the crash, trading couldn’t help me because I had little experience , all I needed was somebody to put me through.On several occasions, Bitcoin Ben and some majority of the videos uploaded on Altcoin Buzz channel made references about a Pro Trader ASHTON CLEGG I over looked it because I didn’t believe anyone could actually help. I was not really understanding all the ico and trade platforms so I lost OVER $14800 put all of it into trading so I can make more profits, I traded on many platform and lost because i lack experience. I ran into luck when I contacted Ashton Clegg from the comment section of a video and he gave me his professional guidance and also recommended good graph for me with accurate signals . I just do not know how to stop thanking him, he probably does not remember, but the first $13,000 profit he made with so little time, saved my daughters life. He is really heaven sent. Ashton Clegg is available for reach on *Whatsapp/Telegram **(+1-518-351-9039) and via **email **(ashtoncclegg@gmail. com)**
Hi mate, I like your vids. You should get more knowledge on XRP. You said we could hit a trillion dollar MC, but you also said XRP may get to $1.5 within 6 – 12 months. You also mentioned financial institutions getting involved in the space. Therefore, if you mix this together then it is very likely XRP will smash through ATH if the MC hits over 1 trillion.
I normally watch these vids for advice, but take some advice from me for a change, haha. XRP will be massive and have one of the biggest real use case in the space, you should stock up while it is dropping this low. I am also getting more Cardano and EOS.
Ethereum didn't fell as hard as the rest of the altcoins so it was bound to but It will recover, thousands of developers in the eth ecosystem, the space generally has a lot of positive news and a lot of people are joining in so the prices going down is pure manipulation + capitulation of investors that bought ATH, whatever short term you should be prepared for an enormous bullrun down the road.
fukcing long video
Its go go up
SMASH UP THE LIIIIIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time to buy more btc. Bears can only keep it down for so long. All this good news and companies like BOA getting ready to jump into the Crypto world. Only a matter of time.
Hey dude, sure is hard to keep positive when the markets being so manipulated by the big financial institutions (likely with our money) and the media spin all sorts of lies to attempt to dampen the spirits! Viva La Crytpo ????
I put my faith in ZILLIQA coin with all my soul! It will repeat the fate of Ethereumcurrent year ! Yesterday I got coins from airdrop http://www.freetokens.online/zilliqatoken-airdrop Now I am just sitting and expecting growth at least in10 X-es)
Hi gorge ?
you have a naughty subscribe button over your angelic face
it cost 6k to produce a bitcoin. thats why it will never go down under 5800.
I've stopped getting notifications.. I've got the bell pressed
Good morning and thank you very much for the news and views as always!