This sequel does a lot right to reinvigorate the franchise, but everything crashes down during its frenzied, messy final act. Watch more movie reviews here!
I couldn’t care less about the the script I just wanna see predators.
6.5 – not cod
Well the original predator has a 45 on metacritic so seems as though this is better than original according to IGN
It's not a Marvel movie. What did you expect.
The voice of cinafix 7 things you probably didn’t know
Why did you spoil that Sterling K. Brown is the human villian? What the heck, Ign?
Too much Predators:IGN
The predator story that i wrote is milion times better More twisted and more smart
gimme a break, skyscraper was so bad ad I think this is one should be better, I am gonna wait to see it myself
Arnie, should be back, if this is a sequel, i don´t understand Shane´s choice on this, but i´ll have to see it in a theather, this is my favorite alien creature ever, hope they can make a sequel every 2 years
Well, I guess this explains why the Upgrades aren't around anymore by the time of the Predators movie, if the upgrade is no more effective.
Seems they shouldn't have changed the final act completely, gosh I wish I knew how both versions played out
So many spoilers
I've expected worst tbh
You guys do know a 5-6 is an average movie. Not all movie can be 8-10s
Christopher Robin – 4.0 Mission Impossible: Fallout – 7.7 The Predator- 6.5
The Happytime Murders – 8.0
Not starting anything here. Just presenting the facts.
When the hell did Clint move to ign??
The predator is hot
Tbh im mostly here for the kills
I really liked Predators
I’m still watching this regardless, how bad the film is lol
Will I knew it was gonna flop
Is Lt. Harrigan in this at all or is this just a waste of my time?
How does the kid get predator tech in the mail?
i give ign -00.01
Interesting. This review is kinda what I anticipated the movie would be. Still debating whether I should watch it to form my own opinion.
Also, not that I mind Clint narrating IGN videos, but can someone explain to me why Cinefix and IGN are collaborating more and more these days?
Gave skyscraper an 8 tho legit how could that bore fest be better than this
C'mon guys,we all knew it was gonna be dogshit to begin with
Don't trust ign reviews at all
Ign review's are getting worse
I stopped watching when I saw Jim’s name
I knew this was coming.
6.5? C'mon! !!!!
I'll give it this, at least it's better than AVP: Requiem.
If you think this is gonna be amazing…… turn around……
I can't wait to see the 2018's the predator and I give this movie a 4 out of 5.
0:23 WOW
6.5/10, no Aliens – IGN
I couldn’t care less about the the script I just wanna see predators.
6.5 – not cod
Well the original predator has a 45 on metacritic so seems as though this is better than original according to IGN
It's not a Marvel movie. What did you expect.
The voice of cinafix 7 things you probably didn’t know
Why did you spoil that Sterling K. Brown is the human villian? What the heck, Ign?
Too much Predators:IGN
The predator story that i wrote is milion times better
More twisted and more smart
gimme a break, skyscraper was so bad ad I think this is one should be better, I am gonna wait to see it myself
Arnie, should be back, if this is a sequel, i don´t understand Shane´s choice on this, but i´ll have to see it in a theather, this is my favorite alien creature ever, hope they can make a sequel every 2 years
Well, I guess this explains why the Upgrades aren't around anymore by the time of the Predators movie, if the upgrade is no more effective.
Seems they shouldn't have changed the final act completely, gosh I wish I knew how both versions played out
So many spoilers
I've expected worst tbh
You guys do know a 5-6 is an average movie. Not all movie can be 8-10s
Christopher Robin – 4.0
Mission Impossible: Fallout – 7.7
The Predator- 6.5
The Happytime Murders – 8.0
Not starting anything here. Just presenting the facts.