*NEW* Overwatch League Teams CONFIRMED?!

In this video we discuss the new Overwatch League teams coming for Overwatch League season 2. It looks like Europe will be lacking teams again. Sources: …


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  1. I have been thinking this since Paris was leaked, PSG or Paris Saint Germain football team has a FIFA esport team under the same name. Any fans of football will know that PSG has major money from their investors. Paris team could potentially be PSG.

  2. I'd really like to know the real reasons why there aren't more European (It's not EU. Go look up what the EU is …) teams. With teams only located in California there will be no real changes in the times they are playing at.

  3. I would like to see a Puerto Rico team, but I doubt it would happen, since it costs a lot of money, to get in OWL. My original idea was that the team could play to raise money, for the island, but it fell apart at the redundancy of the cost. There ARE many rich foreign people, on the island, though. So, like, if one of them sponsored a team, it could work.

  4. Just 1 more EU team is surprising. But that just means the big moneybags guys in EU don't want to buy into the Overwatch League. Wish there was something us normal folks could do about it.

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