the game is terrible and clunky. in my opinion the visuals look unimpressive while still being hard as hell to run on pc.
I'm playing it, not really my kind of my game but I do enjoy some aspects of it lile the futuristic equipment. I don't like the investigations I have to do sense I really just want to shoot stuff but then again its a great change of pace, I get to be tactical and not be super nerfed or op (yet?). I never knew games lile this existed.
Digital Deluxe Edition is 9 dollars on Xbone right now. You're welcome.
it's $5 on steam right now
Am I the only one who thinks this guy sounds a little like sernandoe
Guess this’ll have to do until cyberpunk 2077 comes out
This game is a 7/10 max.
Save Alison or Bank Heist
This will have to do till CYBERPUNK 2077 comes out!
This should 100% have been 10/10
There's gotta be this one guy in every IGN review comment section to use the "7.8" meme. I'm getting tired of this now. 7.8 Too many memes.
He never ask for this
The story feels stuck in second gear…most likely because it's preparing for the third instalment
This game costs like 7 dollars on steam when it´s on sale. That's insane! Why is this game so cheap?
This guy didn't played the this game on consoles, so he doesn't know anything of the terrible frame rate
I gotta admit the Frame rate on the consoles is very annoying, especially exploring the streets of Plague
my friend got 3 copies of this game for 10$ and gave me one. I haven't tried it out yet, but I'm looking forward to it because of this review.
Only 8 dollars in the PlayStation store! I’m buying this game now
I have bought a PS4 Yesterday And I Bought Its CD And Its Awesome!
Is it open world?
I'm just now playing this game, and I have to say, its much more fun to play than the first one. I'm not finished with it yet, so I can't say much about the story, but I really like a game that rewards you for looking around and exploring, which I was very happy to say this game does.
it's only 10 euro's in my Country, thinking about own Deus ex myself
Just downloading it now free off psn
I'm still stuck in the intro video ?
Im about yo buy that game
I really liked it but I thought it ended very suddenly and was too short (my friend disagrees)
I cannot believe it got such a good score. I just finished it and the ending was TERRIBLE. I mean seriously, terrible. It makes the ending of Mass Effect 3 look like a masterpiece. Seriously, it's so sloppy it's almost insulting after having put so many hours into the game.
I just bought this game in PSN Flash Sale 7.49$, I hope it's good.
How sad is it when "the environments are actually designed around the abilities you have" is considered noteworthy and impressive? Isn't that game design 101? 'Cause that's game design 101.
7.50 on Xbox rn
It's like i said… The story isn't what keep this franchise intact. Its the atmosphere.
I agree with the score . One of the best games I’ve played on PS4 .This game gets me amped for cyberpunk 2077
Just got it today for $12.88 at Walmart brand new what a good buy
I love the details of the environment, such as street name plates in Prague style, many things in czech language and the buildings as well. The old town is well made.
(lots of patriotism :D)
Only just one year later and it's free ……
Bought this last year, still waiting for the opening intro to finish…
Yeah I am here because it's free on ps4
Who else is here to write the same comment everyone else did 100000 times?
A 9.2 is way too high for this game. I would rate it somwhere between a 7.5-8 . The game itself is quite boring, and has story and theme-wise not much more to offer than the more interesting Deus Ex: HR. Also the frame rate is so low sometimes that it becomes very annoying. Just my two cents, but this review is not good.
I'm about half way through the game (I think), and so far, I'm not impressed at all. It feels like a 360 game with a ton of frame drops and bad graphics. The gameplay is not good either, but that's just my personal opinion. I like to Rambo through a mission instead of the stealthy stuff. The story feels like a C movie or something, but maybe that'll change, idk. Let's just say I'm glad I got the complete edition for 15 euro's xD
9.2 this has to be either trolling us consumers or IGN is bought, (we all know the answer lel), however, the game is still plagued by the issues that were present at launch, don't get me wrong, i have played and truly enjoyed every edition of Deus ex, until this one, i pre-ordered mankind divided, one of my greatest mistakes, it was completely broken at launch, totally unfinished, unpolished, and here we are, 2018-01-25, and it is still sadly broken, as much as it hurts me to say, i can hardly recommend this game to anyone, unless you are a true fan of deus ex, and can see beyond the bugs, glitches, bad quests etc, i would love to recommend this game, but i simply cannot, therefore it is a 3.5/10.
Only $9 new at your local JB-Hifi store here in Australia haha
It seems hard af
the game is terrible and clunky. in my opinion the visuals look unimpressive while still being hard as hell to run on pc.
I'm playing it, not really my kind of my game but I do enjoy some aspects of it lile the futuristic equipment. I don't like the investigations I have to do sense I really just want to shoot stuff but then again its a great change of pace, I get to be tactical and not be super nerfed or op (yet?). I never knew games lile this existed.
Digital Deluxe Edition is 9 dollars on Xbone right now. You're welcome.
it's $5 on steam right now
Am I the only one who thinks this guy sounds a little like sernandoe
Guess this’ll have to do until cyberpunk 2077 comes out
This game is a 7/10 max.
Save Alison or Bank Heist
This will have to do till CYBERPUNK 2077 comes out!
This should 100% have been 10/10
There's gotta be this one guy in every IGN review comment section to use the "7.8" meme. I'm getting tired of this now.
7.8 Too many memes.
He never ask for this
The story feels stuck in second gear…most likely because it's preparing for the third instalment
This game costs like 7 dollars on steam when it´s on sale. That's insane! Why is this game so cheap?
This guy didn't played the this game on consoles, so he doesn't know anything of the terrible frame rate
I gotta admit the Frame rate on the consoles is very annoying, especially exploring the streets of Plague
my friend got 3 copies of this game for 10$ and gave me one. I haven't tried it out yet, but I'm looking forward to it because of this review.
Only 8 dollars in the PlayStation store! I’m buying this game now
I have bought a PS4 Yesterday And I Bought Its CD And Its Awesome!
Is it open world?
I'm just now playing this game, and I have to say, its much more fun to play than the first one. I'm not finished with it yet, so I can't say much about the story, but I really like a game that rewards you for looking around and exploring, which I was very happy to say this game does.
it's only 10 euro's in my Country, thinking about own Deus ex myself
Just downloading it now free off psn
I'm still stuck in the intro video ?
Im about yo buy that game
I really liked it but I thought it ended very suddenly and was too short (my friend disagrees)
I cannot believe it got such a good score. I just finished it and the ending was TERRIBLE. I mean seriously, terrible. It makes the ending of Mass Effect 3 look like a masterpiece. Seriously, it's so sloppy it's almost insulting after having put so many hours into the game.
I just bought this game in PSN Flash Sale 7.49$, I hope it's good.
How sad is it when "the environments are actually designed around the abilities you have" is considered noteworthy and impressive? Isn't that game design 101? 'Cause that's game design 101.
7.50 on Xbox rn
It's like i said…
The story isn't what keep this franchise intact.
Its the atmosphere.
I agree with the score . One of the best games I’ve played on PS4 .This game gets me amped for cyberpunk 2077
Just got it today for $12.88 at Walmart brand new what a good buy
I love the details of the environment, such as street name plates in Prague style, many things in czech language and the buildings as well. The old town is well made.
(lots of patriotism :D)
Only just one year later and it's free ……
Bought this last year, still waiting for the opening intro to finish…
Yeah I am here because it's free on ps4
Who else is here to write the same comment everyone else did 100000 times?
A 9.2 is way too high for this game. I would rate it somwhere between a 7.5-8 . The game itself is quite boring, and has story and theme-wise not much more to offer than the more interesting Deus Ex: HR. Also the frame rate is so low sometimes that it becomes very annoying.
Just my two cents, but this review is not good.
I'm about half way through the game (I think), and so far, I'm not impressed at all. It feels like a 360 game with a ton of frame drops and bad graphics. The gameplay is not good either, but that's just my personal opinion. I like to Rambo through a mission instead of the stealthy stuff. The story feels like a C movie or something, but maybe that'll change, idk. Let's just say I'm glad I got the complete edition for 15 euro's xD
9.2 this has to be either trolling us consumers or IGN is bought, (we all know the answer lel), however, the game is still plagued by the issues that were present at launch, don't get me wrong, i have played and truly enjoyed every edition of Deus ex, until this one, i pre-ordered mankind divided, one of my greatest mistakes, it was completely broken at launch, totally unfinished, unpolished, and here we are, 2018-01-25, and it is still sadly broken, as much as it hurts me to say, i can hardly recommend this game to anyone, unless you are a true fan of deus ex, and can see beyond the bugs, glitches, bad quests etc, i would love to recommend this game, but i simply cannot, therefore it is a 3.5/10.
Only $9 new at your local JB-Hifi store here in Australia haha
Free if you're a ps plus member!
This would be great on switch