Hey everyone thanks for watching there is a annoying error going on right now when it comes to uploading your stats to the server I am sure this will be fixed soon.
Just picked it up for 30 bucks, great deal! This game is very underrated, if you enjoy racing genre games definitely pick this up.
ffs do u hit anything right? and u still pass every1 lol damn dude fk this game…did u even fkn play it? u cant even make a left turn as the only BIKE on the track lol WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
There's a sucker born every minute
So, This or Mx vs atv, all out?
Do not buy for switch is looks very potato like
Is this game split screen?
Dont buy it for xbox one or ps4.fps drops. Maybe for x or pro.
Finally a Motocross game that doesn't look ugly and can actually be enjoyable! I may consider getting this in time, assuming the Switch version doesn't have too many problems.
Is there much change in the track as the race goes on?
Career mode is dumb. Corrupt data all the time and getting stuck in the menu bugs to where you have to restart the game
Good game but are you kidding me the pro riders have monster Red Bull wraps on their bikes but I can't get them in career mode only shit ones how is that I paid 60$ but you guys got me good thanks for the uncomplete game
Does the switch version have track editor?
I loved the MXGP series and it looks like milestone has further improved their Motocross game series with this. Thanks for a great, unbiased review.
So is it worth it
In the discription it says that the game he is playing in iron man 3 the offical game
Seriously does anyone know how to not case every single freaking tripple. The last mx game I really played was mx vs atv unleashed and it had preloading. I can't seem to make them no matter what. The one gameplay aspect that is really bugging me. Ruins the flow of the race
I give it 9/10
If its not bring compared to reflex the review is not worth watching…
This could have been a better game to be honest. Though, once the issues are ironed out, I can see this having a huge replay value in the track editor (much like the course editor in Golf It).
I'm burned out on the indie and no name games…….
damn, this looked pretty fun until you said $60. I'd give it a try for $30, tops.
Hey everyone thanks for watching there is a annoying error going on right now when it comes to uploading your stats to the server I am sure this will be fixed soon.
Just picked it up for 30 bucks, great deal! This game is very underrated, if you enjoy racing genre games definitely pick this up.
ffs do u hit anything right? and u still pass every1 lol damn dude fk this game…did u even fkn play it? u cant even make a left turn as the only BIKE on the track lol WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
There's a sucker born every minute
So, This or Mx vs atv, all out?
Do not buy for switch is looks very potato like
Is this game split screen?
Dont buy it for xbox one or ps4.fps drops. Maybe for x or pro.
Finally a Motocross game that doesn't look ugly and can actually be enjoyable! I may consider getting this in time, assuming the Switch version doesn't have too many problems.
Is there much change in the track as the race goes on?
Career mode is dumb. Corrupt data all the time and getting stuck in the menu bugs to where you have to restart the game
Good game but are you kidding me the pro riders have monster Red Bull wraps on their bikes but I can't get them in career mode only shit ones how is that I paid 60$ but you guys got me good thanks for the uncomplete game
Does the switch version have track editor?
I loved the MXGP series and it looks like milestone has further improved their Motocross game series with this. Thanks for a great, unbiased review.
So is it worth it
In the discription it says that the game he is playing in iron man 3 the offical game
Seriously does anyone know how to not case every single freaking tripple. The last mx game I really played was mx vs atv unleashed and it had preloading. I can't seem to make them no matter what. The one gameplay aspect that is really bugging me. Ruins the flow of the race
I give it 9/10
If its not bring compared to reflex the review is not worth watching…
This could have been a better game to be honest. Though, once the issues are ironed out, I can see this having a huge replay value in the track editor (much like the course editor in Golf It).
I'm burned out on the indie and no name games…….
damn, this looked pretty fun until you said $60. I'd give it a try for $30, tops.