I purposefully didn't address copyright strikes on Youtube because I feel that's a whole different topic.
I try to not just report 'news' on this channel because that's boring as hell, so I hope you guys can appreciate some of the general Youtube commentary about the lack of rules, awareness, information and such I talk about after the IGN issue.
This really ticks me off
They fired the guy, what do you want?
I would like to know the name of the song
I feel like people taking clips from other channels for counter claims are perfectly acceptable. YouTube is a video sharing website, it's the best way to cite a source for a retort. Just straight up show the clip of what the opposition said.
Well, I still gotta stick with ign, considering that I've boycotted so many other news companies.
There's somewhat a grey area around "Fair use" but i believe if the guy who stole the review only chose his words more carefully and in his own original way it'd be perfectly fine to pass it as his own, but he was too lazy.
I don't think youtube should go on a witchhunt about it or this site will become a clusterfuck of copyright strikes and hundreds of thousands of videos getting taken down and new videos that don't last even 10 minutes before getting deleted.
A more strict copyright policy here would just kill this website completely. I understand it is frustrating though but the time you spend going after those people is time that you are not spending creating more content thus losing money either way.
I want to make clear i don't support any form of plagiarism, i just don't want youtube to become a "police state".
Justin Y. fucked his pet jellyfish
There's a difference between plagiarism and fair use. Clearly what IGN did was blatant plagiarism but using footage to make a response video is fair use, so saying that people have used your footage to make response videos and claim plagiarism is ridiculous.
Never trust mainstream gaming sites, trust content creators that you know and actually see that their opinions are genuine and personal
People using your footage for an argument in another video as you said absolutley falls under fair use. Look at the H3H3 lawsuit for the precident. People reloading content on another channel is super shady though.
I know this video mainly focuses on YouTube, but this story is really the tip of the iceberg of another big problem: general lack of understanding of plagiarism among people who work as writers. I work as an editor at a large company that produces a lot of content, and I can't tell you how often people try to take material from other sources without attribution and pass it off as their own. ALL. THE. TIME. Almost all of the writers I've worked with think that if you just change a couple words, it's not plagiarism anymore. They would have thought that what the IGN reviewer did is just fine. These aren't stupid writers; these are all college-educated people. But they don't seem to remember anything from their freshman writing class, and they've no real training on plagiarism since. Generally speaking, outside of academia and book publishing, nobody seems to take plagiarism seriously. And just based on how much I catch, I know that there's so much more that I don't that goes out the door.
Im pretty sure IGN has been doing this for years.
The actual comparison video is hilarious. The IGN guy copying everything he says with this weird, fake charisma. Just lol
Funny coming from you a person who just spouts out things others have already said.
You know you can steal movie and television footage and ideas too right? Until somebody sues you. It’s not YouTube’s job to police that
Good for that Youtuber. IGN sucks (reviews and all).
RIP in peace to Filip's career.
The creators of Dead Cells must be very happy right now with this big free AD
You are also a relatively small YouTube channel, in a sea of gaming channels.
"this is like plagiarism 2.0" no, copying or paraphrasing written content has always been viewed as plagiarism… journalists have lost their careers over it.
Boomstick gaming is now up 28,000 subscribers since this. It's the best thing that's ever happened to this guy on YouTube.
Keep making good content and hoping big channels steal it and then catch them. Boom, new subs.
You can’t blame IGN for one person …..
You should review gameranx.
Oh IGN did we expect anything less.
Damn this is a great free PR for the game.
DT Lies Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg For Gaming Community
Seriously, it's the youtuber's own fault. Big name youtubers like Jim Sterling love the defend the practice as 'Transformative Works', so that game-studios can only watch as youtubers get fat on game-studios' hard work. But turn it around and it's suddenly a bad thing? Get outta here.
You go girl! Although; you did get the plagiarism v. plagiarism_2.0 statement kinda 'bass ackwards' 'coz you know, plagiarism has existed long before there was even common enough tech to rip/copy someone elses' content/material..And plagiarism has been more common in academics (e.g: writing).. So what the IGN editor did; was indeed the good old', down to earth original plagiarism.
It wasn't their fault. The guy who made the script did it on his own. IGN didn't know about it.
You are as bad as them
The problem here was IGN, not Youtube, which has it's own problems, somebody using your video in a counter video is not plagiarism, as I am aware. Youtube doesn't need more rules and regulations, I wouldn't quite call it the wild west.
the main reason he copied it becaue he havent played the game or did not wanted to play the game
just stop calling his channel small ….32k aint bad right???
This video is a bit rich coming from you @downward thrust
4:50 "I dont feel the need to extend this video any further" Video is four more minutes longer
video about plagiarismplagiarizes jim sterlings thumbnail
As a college student studying Mass Communication, this is literally the first thing they tell you not to do
Probably a freelancer review
Making counter videos is Fair Use. As is taking someone footage and transforming it in some way with commentary or some such. It's not plagiarism, and it's not against copyright. The fact that it's allowed is literally one of the rules you're complaining about Youtube not having. Bad video is bad.
Source to the original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKF6xnvaCsE
I purposefully didn't address copyright strikes on Youtube because I feel that's a whole different topic.
I try to not just report 'news' on this channel because that's boring as hell, so I hope you guys can appreciate some of the general Youtube commentary about the lack of rules, awareness, information and such I talk about after the IGN issue.
This really ticks me off
They fired the guy, what do you want?
I would like to know the name of the song
I feel like people taking clips from other channels for counter claims are perfectly acceptable. YouTube is a video sharing website, it's the best way to cite a source for a retort. Just straight up show the clip of what the opposition said.
Well, I still gotta stick with ign, considering that I've boycotted so many other news companies.
There's somewhat a grey area around "Fair use" but i believe if the guy who stole the review only chose his words more carefully and in his own original way it'd be perfectly fine to pass it as his own, but he was too lazy.
I don't think youtube should go on a witchhunt about it or this site will become a clusterfuck of copyright strikes and hundreds of thousands of videos getting taken down and new videos that don't last even 10 minutes before getting deleted.
A more strict copyright policy here would just kill this website completely. I understand it is frustrating though but the time you spend going after those people is time that you are not spending creating more content thus losing money either way.
I want to make clear i don't support any form of plagiarism, i just don't want youtube to become a "police state".
Justin Y. fucked his pet jellyfish
There's a difference between plagiarism and fair use. Clearly what IGN did was blatant plagiarism but using footage to make a response video is fair use, so saying that people have used your footage to make response videos and claim plagiarism is ridiculous.
Never trust mainstream gaming sites, trust content creators that you know and actually see that their opinions are genuine and personal
People using your footage for an argument in another video as you said absolutley falls under fair use. Look at the H3H3 lawsuit for the precident. People reloading content on another channel is super shady though.
I know this video mainly focuses on YouTube, but this story is really the tip of the iceberg of another big problem: general lack of understanding of plagiarism among people who work as writers. I work as an editor at a large company that produces a lot of content, and I can't tell you how often people try to take material from other sources without attribution and pass it off as their own. ALL. THE. TIME. Almost all of the writers I've worked with think that if you just change a couple words, it's not plagiarism anymore. They would have thought that what the IGN reviewer did is just fine. These aren't stupid writers; these are all college-educated people. But they don't seem to remember anything from their freshman writing class, and they've no real training on plagiarism since. Generally speaking, outside of academia and book publishing, nobody seems to take plagiarism seriously. And just based on how much I catch, I know that there's so much more that I don't that goes out the door.
Im pretty sure IGN has been doing this for years.
The actual comparison video is hilarious. The IGN guy copying everything he says with this weird, fake charisma. Just lol
Funny coming from you a person who just spouts out things others have already said.
You know you can steal movie and television footage and ideas too right? Until somebody sues you. It’s not YouTube’s job to police that
Good for that Youtuber. IGN sucks (reviews and all).
RIP in peace to Filip's career.
The creators of Dead Cells must be very happy right now with this big free AD
You are also a relatively small YouTube channel, in a sea of gaming channels.
"this is like plagiarism 2.0" no, copying or paraphrasing written content has always been viewed as plagiarism… journalists have lost their careers over it.
Boomstick gaming is now up 28,000 subscribers since this. It's the best thing that's ever happened to this guy on YouTube.
Keep making good content and hoping big channels steal it and then catch them. Boom, new subs.
You can’t blame IGN for one person …..
You should review gameranx.
Oh IGN did we expect anything less.
Damn this is a great free PR for the game.
DT Lies Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg For Gaming Community
Seriously, it's the youtuber's own fault. Big name youtubers like Jim Sterling love the defend the practice as 'Transformative Works', so that game-studios can only watch as youtubers get fat on game-studios' hard work. But turn it around and it's suddenly a bad thing? Get outta here.
You go girl! Although; you did get the plagiarism v. plagiarism_2.0 statement kinda 'bass ackwards' 'coz you know, plagiarism has existed long before there was even common enough tech to rip/copy someone elses' content/material..And plagiarism has been more common in academics (e.g: writing).. So what the IGN editor did; was indeed the good old', down to earth original plagiarism.
It wasn't their fault. The guy who made the script did it on his own. IGN didn't know about it.
You are as bad as them
The problem here was IGN, not Youtube, which has it's own problems, somebody using your video in a counter video is not plagiarism, as I am aware. Youtube doesn't need more rules and regulations, I wouldn't quite call it the wild west.
They fired the IGN reviewer
https://youtu.be/GfB88BOifNY check this out too. It helps.?
the main reason he copied it becaue he havent played the game or did not wanted to play the game
just stop calling his channel small ….32k aint bad right???
This video is a bit rich coming from you @downward thrust
4:50 "I dont feel the need to extend this video any further" Video is four more minutes longer
video about plagiarism plagiarizes jim sterlings thumbnail
As a college student studying Mass Communication, this is literally the first thing they tell you not to do
Probably a freelancer review
Making counter videos is Fair Use. As is taking someone footage and transforming it in some way with commentary or some such. It's not plagiarism, and it's not against copyright. The fact that it's allowed is literally one of the rules you're complaining about Youtube not having. Bad video is bad.