I see that with the VR headset on objects are further away than they appear
Go back in here and get out of the car and have Rex’s notice you and then get back into the car, there is a cool little thing you can do. Aka the T-Rex breaks into the car
A horror game in the style of alien isolation HAS to be made
You can't outrun a T-Rex without high heels silly
Any chance to move the camera down so it doesn’t look like you’re looking up?? Weird to my eye but much love!!!
I want to have a full game of this
It doesn’t have good depth because it’s not designed to be played in vr ://
Hey Bestinslot i think you should remove the Jurassic World: Evolution soon bit from your outro but besides that keep up the good work I love your videos
Is it even possible to beat this? I have never seen anyone actually win
This is how the t rex should've looked in jurassic world evolution
@2:58 you think it’s weird now but what about when find a house you want to live in your gonna wanna see the bathroom up close
When do u think your gonna get back to king kong game again
Did you say you did the raptor kitchen scene? Have you got a link? Keep up the great work loving your content
They should add more of the park such as Gallimimus valley and the trex jeep chase scene
There is a button to do a light like in the movie
This game is an amazing example of what you can do if you put your mind to something this guy deserves better as he has clearly put a lot of time and effort into making this game
Now if this guy can make the original JP models as just a fan without the money of a multi million dollar company then frontier can definitely do it ( I know universal have to pass off everything but still , it's encouraging for the future of JWE?)
This game was made by a fan of gaming beaver so the fan made this game for the gaming beaver
Back with this game but with VR,oh yeah!
I saw this on thegamingbeaver’s channel
This game is absolutely beautiful!!!!
Looked like you were having fun, can't wait to see how it works out with other games!
I see that with the VR headset on objects are further away than they appear
Go back in here and get out of the car and have Rex’s notice you and then get back into the car, there is a cool little thing you can do. Aka the T-Rex breaks into the car
A horror game in the style of alien isolation HAS to be made
You can't outrun a T-Rex without high heels silly
Any chance to move the camera down so it doesn’t look like you’re looking up?? Weird to my eye but much love!!!
I want to have a full game of this
It doesn’t have good depth because it’s not designed to be played in vr ://
Hey Bestinslot i think you should remove the Jurassic World: Evolution soon bit from your outro but besides that keep up the good work I love your videos
Is it even possible to beat this? I have never seen anyone actually win
This is how the t rex should've looked in jurassic world evolution
@2:58 you think it’s weird now but what about when find a house you want to live in your gonna wanna see the bathroom up close
When do u think your gonna get back to king kong game again
Did you say you did the raptor kitchen scene? Have you got a link? Keep up the great work loving your content
They should add more of the park such as Gallimimus valley and the trex jeep chase scene
There is a button to do a light like in the movie
This game is an amazing example of what you can do if you put your mind to something this guy deserves better as he has clearly put a lot of time and effort into making this game
Now if this guy can make the original JP models as just a fan without the money of a multi million dollar company then frontier can definitely do it ( I know universal have to pass off everything but still , it's encouraging for the future of JWE?)
This game was made by a fan of gaming beaver so the fan made this game for the gaming beaver
Back with this game but with VR,oh yeah!
I saw this on thegamingbeaver’s channel
This game is absolutely beautiful!!!!
Looked like you were having fun, can't wait to see how it works out with other games!
"I'm inside you. I'm inside a T.rex" -BIS 2018
It's like Five Nights at Rexy's.
Awesome video
Holy shit, I didn’t know BestInSlot was cute
I want a proper WW2 VR experience