[VRChat] I had to tell her the truth … (Virtual Reality RP Episode 10) Ashunera Games — July 21, 2018 19 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest RP BTW ~ ———————————————————————————————————– SUBSCRIBE … source adorable amazing anime Ashu Ashunera awesome beautiful blood brutal chainsaw Chibi crazy cute drama Emmitt epic family Fighting friends fun Funny games gaming gore horror HTC Vive Jakkuba Kawaii kiss knife laugh lewd Loli love magic Manga matsix montage murder nagzz21 Neko Oathmeal Oculus Rift online pistol redhead roleplay romance rp Ryan Powell scary sexy social StealthRG Videogames violence Virtual Reality vive vr vrchat VRTrapman yandere Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
it's great seeing this, but the sound and video not lining up is tough to watch at times. I'll bear through it, because i really enjoyed this cycle
Satchi is soo cute! I love that smile and those fangs… ahhh.. too adorable. :3 I mean… the personality is also pretty cool, but I wanna have a model/avatar like that too. 🙂
SCP: Secret Laboratory Event is starting RIGHT NOW!! I am going to Livestream it on Twitch if you're interested to watch!
the truth is just so crazy.
Good video ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Damn, satchi makes some sugary faces… and that smile?
Why is everything out of syce
it's great seeing this, but the sound and video not lining up is tough to watch at times. I'll bear through it, because i really enjoyed this cycle
Satchi is soo cute! I love that smile and those fangs… ahhh.. too adorable. :3
I mean… the personality is also pretty cool, but I wanna have a model/avatar like that too. 🙂
ahh yes the good old Noble Prize worthy rping
Also best ship in the beginning
Dose this mean Ash is gay? He seems to like him a lot! ❤
Best yandere in internet upload a video
Satchii and Ash's ship name: Satchiinera. Im sorry but I do ship it
My ship is sat x ash
SCP: Secret Laboratory Event is starting RIGHT NOW!! I am going to Livestream it on Twitch if you're interested to watch!
oh um