Bitcoin is having a wild ride in 2018. The digital currency began the year on high note. Bitcoin prices nearly reached $20,000 in December 2017 as investors poured into cryptocurrencies. Here’s what five bullish experts had to tell CNBC about the future of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.
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Bitcoin Experts On Why Crypto May Get To $1,000,000 | CNBC
since BTC is low now is better I continue earning BTC with the help of Mr BTCKYLE's miners they are actually fast as I heard
Reading these comments people are missing the point. It doesn't matter if bitcoin is worth something or not. What matters is the technology that drives it. Currencies can come and go but the blockchain tech is here to stay
It could be a lot of things. But it’s not realistic.
Bitcoin is just another bubble.
Get "IQ" the baby netflix of China.
CNBC is pumping BTC again. Do not drink the Kool-Aid. Never ever fails. When CNBC pumps there’s fixing to be a dump.
If you're a bitcoin expert, you'd realize that it is a shitcoin
Wow I didnt realize how many uneducated people there are in the comments. Spewing anti bitcoin talk they know nothing about. Just wait til this ETF gets approved in a few weeks. Man you guys will be so mad.
Bitcoin will be worthless by the end of 2020
One camp. "Could hit millions!" Other camp, "It's worthless, will hit zero".. Looking at CoinDesk for with the 1 month filter, it is looking a bit pump and dump.. Up down, up, down.. Right now it's up!
"On why Crypto may get to $1,000,000" Wow, who decided to name this video? I didnt know "crypto" wasnt at a Million yet.
I like this.
The entire market is going to blast off soon enough. The worlds largest ETF, BlackRock, which holds over 6 trillion dollars in investors money(Higher than any countries GDP aside from USA or China) is now greatly looking into investing into cryptocurriencies. All the markets are GREEN today! Its up and away from here. My best advice to all if you are just starting out or not, is to invest into ALT coins rather than Bitcoin or Mining. Im particulary fond of Privacy Based coins, as Bitcoin was built to be anonymous and decentralized but failed at being truly anonymous. I believe privacy coins will be a HUGE future player in cryptocurrency and there are many under a dollar that are well worth investing into. XSH (Sheild), XSPEC (Spectrecoin), ZOI (Zoin), and my personal favorite Onion (DeepOnion). DeepOnion is currently at 75cents and had an ath of near 20$ last bull run… In the years time that they have been around they have created one of the most advanced privacy coins to date. Once DeepSend is launched it will have the ultimate obsfucation technology through a multi-sig mixer, ontop of being native to TOR w/obsf4 & meek and stealth addresses. Their development team never sleeps and updates are constant! Again, for ultimate profit returns I would look into altcoins, particulary privacy based ones.
$$$ http://exitscam.me/ponzi%20on%20a%20timer
Any top alt predictions?
"Is the dumbing down process working"?
Great success
"Lets see how dumb these people really are"
Mission accomplished
Cliff high
this guys hyping it up again, a bull run is on the way before the year ends.
When accountants and bookkeepers are called "miners", and the actual nature of the underlying "asset" is not yet stated, might there be some fluff in today's "super low" valuations? How about counterfeit issues? All solved by "uncrackable security"? My head hurts, the number of issues kept off the table in the hype (including obfuscation of definition of terms) is not small. Why it is that these geniuses make the big bucks, I suppose.
50,000$ by EOY??.
Hahahah, Good one mate. won't even come close to 20k again.
To all the haters, if its not worth anything why do you care enough to comment?
i have 2 bitcoins but i want maybe triple by the end of the year.