? PUBLIC TRADE ALERTS- https://t.me/AltCoinParty
Follow @ https://twitter.com/CryptoKirby
Is this a Bitcoin (BTC) trend reversal alert or just more choppy trading action?! Let’s discuss some cryptocurrency price analysis and current news on today’s live stream!
? Let’s get this crypto!
Disclaimer: The content covered in this video/live stream is NOT investment advice. I’m NOT a financial adviser. These are only my own personal opinions, ideas, charts, technical analysis, insights, news and price predictions. Always do your own research and only invest solely based on your own findings and personal judgement. Deciding to invest in and/or buy Bitcoin (BTC) or any other type of cryptocurrency is extremely high risk and can crash at any time! This video/live stream is purely for entertainment purposes only!
? PUBLIC TRADE ALERTS- https://t.me/AltCoinParty
Follow @ https://twitter.com/CryptoKirby
I had ELA as a long term hold. Got in at 20 and thought it was a solid plan. Got rekt ahaha. In the back of my mind your voice was saying I'll be slaughtered with the pigs. Should have listened to it LOL.
"Picked the pack of pickled poop coins" XD rofl
Nice video. I have been scammed by many others believe me I thought all managers were scams but Prof. Peter Rush is a good manager thank you for assistance ???????
The likes have been mooned!
Bitcoin will continue to move sideways until hell freezes over! That's what's going on.
Best part starts 17:52
This is summer time.. go outside and end looking btc stuff. Most people and investor resume by end august.
At first I thought the kirby voice was strange… now I freaking crack up when ever I hear it; I cant wait for it at every moment of moonboy needling. How do you only have 6k subs?
I did get lucky and caught an uptick in volume on gochain a few weeks ago. My first triple digit return. But I sold because of what I learned from you. Bought at .025 and sold at .115. So thanks for what you do. Damn the trolls and moonboys.
It's just healthy consolidation. Lol
kirb your right. But some savages ride 30 neo till 40.. its ok
AAAaaahhhh F'me I'm done, Lol
Never seen them again ?
LMAO! Classic man! I can't tell u how much I appreciate your T.A. and awesome commentary bro! Shit is funny as f*ck. For real though, thanks for the on-point analysis. Ur def 1 of the best T.A. guys who I follow (and trust) and I only follow 3, maybe 4 people on YT. The commentary though brotha, lol shit is too good… Some of these cats in crypto straight up make me wanna punch my laptop! Keep up the good shit man, peace from Denver, CO…
someone needs to make a fucken music remix of "james at the water cooler" for real, grandma's cookies real.
I'm going follow you just so i can laugh at this video in september
Not FOMO'ing into the likes in a bear market, very risky, no trade zone… hahahaha

Kirbs I have been following the bots over at bitmex…. Riding the wave.. turned $100 to $900… :)… Thx to ur analysis
trade opposite your hopes and you'll do fine
When homeless….oh…sorry…… I mean…..when moon!!!!!!
I asked Jane at the water cooler but she doesn't know crap ???
Kirby you call as it is let us take care of the trolls
Are you sick hahahaha. Love your video’s
We have been on the same position last year you have to ride the waves and if they don't think its not gonna get better they haven't don't know . but great video kirby you have a great vision i support your comments and agree
James and Fomo Joe driving to Reck City. Eating grandmas cookies hitting the dashboard. Waving the pennets of BTC Riding down the Titanic wave of DGB! With the Trolls under the bridge following right behind! Idiots!!
Thank you. I look forward to your videos daily.
Haha Kirby!… you suck! Haha
Absolutely love this channel! Keep doing your thing Kirbz, those paying attention are learning a lot.