IGN gives its exclusive video review on the new game Dark Souls. From Software brings us another punishing role playing game in their Souls series. IGN’s …
Purely sadistic?..its really not that hard,once you get a feel for the game its not hard to get good.
This is my favorite series of all time
Did he just say he's 30 hours in and stuck in Blighttown?
Using the n00b sword tut tut…
the person reviewing the game sounds like a 12-14 year old boy XD
yes I know its a girl
I’m sorry how does someone get an exclusive review of something?
This is a 10/10 game IGN.
Does it really matter what class you pick. And I am not sure should I pick dark soul 1 or just go for dark soul 3 ( but I have never played dark soul before )
Not for the timid?? How is that a mark down on the game? Pricks
Dark souls, where dark souls meets dark souls
Not for the timid? Oh sorry let's put some QTEs for the scrubs
>Drake Sword
nintendo switch
I love the games, but I feel like I would have more fun if it was easier. The more I die, the more boring it gets
anyone else watching this in 2018, just after they announced a dark souls remaster?
It sounds like the difficulty is something out of an old school Resident Evil game
Woooo this game is coming on the Nintendo Switch
coming to Nintendo Switch baby!
This or Dark Souls 3? Not sure which one to buy.
Not for the timid… 9/10 yeah cuckbois
Who is watching this for the first time thanks to the Nintendo direct that announced this for the switch?
Who is here after remaster announcement
10/10 on Nintendo Switch. Plus I can take it on the go!
The newly announced Switch Version brought me here!?????
"If you play games to be entertained Dark Souls isn't for you." Guess it's not for me then.
cant wait to try it on Switch
Nintendo direct ?
I bet they leveled resistance too
That moment when someone compares dark souls to monster hunter 6 years ago, but now people compare monster hunter world to dark souls. God damn, dark souls gets all the credit now n days.
When ign still had a soul
Worst reviewer ever.
Not for the timid? Wtf IGN…
I still remember not knowing a thing about souls and seeing this review for the first time, Don't think I've ever wanted a game quicker
*it was actually gamespots review, This review didn't do anything for me at the time weirdly enough
The comment section proves one thing that the dark souls community is garbage.
Not for the timid are u high or what ?
Remaster it please ?
IGN logic: "Game is challenge, points deducted"
i miss the days when dark souls was new oh the memories, the fear, the jolly cooperations… shame it's all gone now this game is extremely desolate on PC…
Lol one more comment, to clarify, I give out a 9/10 for the game (in all aspects / game design / etc), but 4/10 on the Sen's Fortress particular stage. As I said, there is definitely an inbalance in difficulty and the element of surprise there, almost to the point of the game literarily trolling you. I am gonna buy a gameplay recording device for my ps3 in the future and I will record this particular stage gameplay and make a commentary-based video about it, to explain in detail my points for this. This is gonna be interesting haha… also not something I ever planned before. Phst. sigh
And you know what, I would take the challenge of learning on my own and going through each stage and all, but judging the fact that the difficulty is so fucken rigged against the player in this particular game, I am gonna watch experts going through the fucken game and once I see everything, then I am gonna go play the game myself.
If anyone ever wants to challenge my claims of considering Dark Souls a game with unfair game design / difficult settings, I will be more than happy to show you why I am right with recordings and everything!
I am a fan of the Dark Souls series, truly. And After beating DS2 SCOTFS on my ps3, I decided to buy and play the first Dark Souls. After about 28 hrs in, I was like, wow, what a nice game, a walk in the park compared to DS2. But then I got to the Sen's Fortress stage. Now, the game warns you earlier that this is gonna be a challenge right? But then you actually get there and you realize that anything kills you, literarily…
I'm too timid for this game 'Y_Y
I'm a gamer that just likes having fun. And this game is it!
It's Like Dark souls/10
Not for the timid wtf ign
Whos here after remastered?
You died!
Fake irish shemale didn't git gud
Purely sadistic?..its really not that hard,once you get a feel for the game its not hard to get good.
This is my favorite series of all time
Did he just say he's 30 hours in and stuck in Blighttown?
Using the n00b sword tut tut…
the person reviewing the game sounds like a 12-14 year old boy XD
yes I know its a girl
I’m sorry how does someone get an exclusive review of something?
This is a 10/10 game IGN.
Does it really matter what class you pick. And I am not sure should I pick dark soul 1 or just go for dark soul 3 ( but I have never played dark soul before )
Not for the timid?? How is that a mark down on the game? Pricks
Dark souls, where dark souls meets dark souls
Not for the timid? Oh sorry let's put some QTEs for the scrubs
>Drake Sword
nintendo switch
I love the games, but I feel like I would have more fun if it was easier. The more I die, the more boring it gets
anyone else watching this in 2018, just after they announced a dark souls remaster?
It sounds like the difficulty is something out of an old school Resident Evil game
Woooo this game is coming on the Nintendo Switch
coming to Nintendo Switch baby!
This or Dark Souls 3? Not sure which one to buy.
Not for the timid… 9/10 yeah cuckbois
Who is watching this for the first time thanks to the Nintendo direct that announced this for the switch?
Who is here after remaster announcement
10/10 on Nintendo Switch. Plus I can take it on the go!
The newly announced Switch Version brought me here!????
"If you play games to be entertained Dark Souls isn't for you." Guess it's not for me then.
cant wait to try it on Switch
Nintendo direct ?
I bet they leveled resistance too
That moment when someone compares dark souls to monster hunter 6 years ago, but now people compare monster hunter world to dark souls. God damn, dark souls gets all the credit now n days.
When ign still had a soul
Worst reviewer ever.
Not for the timid? Wtf IGN…
I still remember not knowing a thing about souls and seeing this review for the first time, Don't think I've ever wanted a game quicker
*it was actually gamespots review, This review didn't do anything for me at the time weirdly enough
The comment section proves one thing that the dark souls community is garbage.
Not for the timid are u high or what ?
Remaster it please ?
IGN logic: "Game is challenge, points deducted"
i miss the days when dark souls was new
oh the memories, the fear, the jolly cooperations… shame it's all gone now
this game is extremely desolate on PC…
Lol one more comment, to clarify, I give out a 9/10 for the game (in all aspects / game design / etc), but 4/10 on the Sen's Fortress particular stage. As I said, there is definitely an inbalance in difficulty and the element of surprise there, almost to the point of the game literarily trolling you.
I am gonna buy a gameplay recording device for my ps3 in the future and I will record this particular stage gameplay and make a commentary-based video about it, to explain in detail my points for this. This is gonna be interesting haha… also not something I ever planned before. Phst. sigh
And you know what, I would take the challenge of learning on my own and going through each stage and all, but judging the fact that the difficulty is so fucken rigged against the player in this particular game, I am gonna watch experts going through the fucken game and once I see everything, then I am gonna go play the game myself.
If anyone ever wants to challenge my claims of considering Dark Souls a game with unfair game design / difficult settings, I will be more than happy to show you why I am right with recordings and everything!
I am a fan of the Dark Souls series, truly. And After beating DS2 SCOTFS on my ps3, I decided to buy and play the first Dark Souls. After about 28 hrs in, I was like, wow, what a nice game, a walk in the park compared to DS2. But then I got to the Sen's Fortress stage. Now, the game warns you earlier that this is gonna be a challenge right? But then you actually get there and you realize that anything kills you, literarily…
I'm too timid for this game 'Y_Y
I'm a gamer that just likes having fun. And this game is it!
Fun I mean