what is the music name at the very end of this video?
Watching this on android 4.4
I feel like for tablets, Apple makes better ones but Androids better for phones.
Watching this video caused my phone to open Google
I know this is old, but you can use android. Go use it.
ipad is better, iphones sux, android is the best tho, but ipad is revolutionary.
The funny thing is the iPad 2 is still running the latest version of iOS. And I'm guessing that android tablet never got another update. Still stuck on android 4.0 or something.
iPad > any tablet
Android m
ios is boring
Android ftw
I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Google and Android
still go for an android tablet.nexus 9 is coller than that ipad air and pro
I think that its funny that this video is almost 4 years old and people are stil trying to convince you. Personally, I am starting to have very divided opinions on Android vs. iOS. I prefer the simplicity of iOS for my phone, the customization and features of the Android for consuming media on my Nexus 7 (it real is the perfect size and shape for this) but I fall back to iOS for ease of use and the vast amount of realestate of my iPad for content CREATION.
You use a bunch of Google Apps. Use the Android.
Hey I use a windows phone!
transformer prime is better! iOS IS JUST AN BORING OS. unless you jailbroken it.
I would go with the iPad
android tablet as i can personalize,multiple,user accounts,
I would go with the Transformer prime. I have an iPad mini retina and I love it. But if the hardware of both tablets are virtually the same, I would go with the transformer prime, mostly because the google apps that you use are better optimized for android.
Fuck crapple m8
If you want build quality then get an Ipad but if you want a cuztomizable OS GET AN ANDROID
I game on my tablet so I would choose android 5.0 or 4.4 vs ups 6 or 8 because ups is nice and all but android tablets are better for gaming, the nvidia shield is better than any iPad and ups doesn't use all the screen space like android so personally on a tablet I would take android or even Windows over ios
So I know that you're currently busy with CES and other epic stuff – but when you get a chance, could you make a video about Android vs iOS. Esp with the "big sellers" (Samsung, HTC, Sony, Nexus) Mainly because I am fed up of explaining and re-explaining to friends and family why I've stuck to Android since the G1. -Side note – they used to mock me for having an android device for the last 5-6 years and now they're the ones trying to tell me why android is better in some cases – what pricks.
Anyways, It seems to be a trend now, a lot of iphone users I know are moving to Android mainly because they're tired of the same OS and bad battery life. Concluding the video with some recommendations (or just linking them to the smartphone awards [which is epic])
Cheers broski! Sorry about the essay. Enjoy Vegas! Tweet me @punit991
i think this fight between close or open OS or more like MAC VS Linux so it's come to your personality
hey why would some onre
I would recommend the Asus tablet because since you are a google heavy user you will find IOS too simple. I switched from IOS to android a few times and now I am on android and I wouldn't go back to IOS because IOS is too simple and everything thats in IOS is on android.
Safari es google ???????????
Apple is the way to go
Use witch ever one makes you happy. I had only tried the iPhone drove me up the wall but has some good features I love my Android. To each their own.
what the fuck are those bezels
Just can't make one believe that this is the same mkbhd few years ago
jeezus man! so freakin nostologic
love ya! appreciate ya!
I would love it if you made a modern version of this video!
I'm watching this after 5 years
you came a long way bro!!
This was the time when apple actually was better than android.
transformer prime(its Androiddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) LOL 2017
Android is better
what is the music name at the very end of this video?
Watching this on android 4.4
I feel like for tablets, Apple makes better ones but Androids better for phones.
Watching this video caused my phone to open Google
I know this is old, but you can use android. Go use it.
ipad is better, iphones sux, android is the best tho, but ipad is revolutionary.
The funny thing is the iPad 2 is still running the latest version of iOS. And I'm guessing that android tablet never got another update. Still stuck on android 4.0 or something.
iPad > any tablet
Android m
ios is boring
Android ftw
I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Google and Android
still go for an android tablet.nexus 9 is coller than that ipad air and pro
I think that its funny that this video is almost 4 years old and people are stil trying to convince you. Personally, I am starting to have very divided opinions on Android vs. iOS. I prefer the simplicity of iOS for my phone, the customization and features of the Android for consuming media on my Nexus 7 (it real is the perfect size and shape for this) but I fall back to iOS for ease of use and the vast amount of realestate of my iPad for content CREATION.
You use a bunch of Google Apps. Use the Android.
Hey I use a windows phone!
transformer prime is better! iOS IS JUST AN BORING OS. unless you jailbroken it.
I would go with the iPad
android tablet as i can personalize,multiple,user accounts,
I would go with the Transformer prime. I have an iPad mini retina and I love it. But if the hardware of both tablets are virtually the same, I would go with the transformer prime, mostly because the google apps that you use are better optimized for android.
Fuck crapple m8
If you want build quality then get an Ipad but if you want a cuztomizable OS GET AN ANDROID
I game on my tablet so I would choose android 5.0 or 4.4 vs ups 6 or 8 because ups is nice and all but android tablets are better for gaming, the nvidia shield is better than any iPad and ups doesn't use all the screen space like android so personally on a tablet I would take android or even Windows over ios
So I know that you're currently busy with CES and other epic stuff – but when you get a chance, could you make a video about Android vs iOS. Esp with the "big sellers" (Samsung, HTC, Sony, Nexus)
Mainly because I am fed up of explaining and re-explaining to friends and family why I've stuck to Android since the G1.
-Side note –they used to mock me for having an android device for the last 5-6 years and now they're the ones trying to tell me why android is better in some cases – what pricks.
Anyways, It seems to be a trend now, a lot of iphone users I know are moving to Android mainly because they're tired of the same OS and bad battery life.
Concluding the video with some recommendations (or just linking them to the smartphone awards [which is epic])
Cheers broski! Sorry about the essay.
Enjoy Vegas!
Tweet me @punit991
i think this fight between close or open OS or more like MAC VS Linux so it's come to your personality
hey why would some onre
I would recommend the Asus tablet because since you are a google heavy user you will find IOS too simple. I switched from IOS to android a few times and now I am on android and I wouldn't go back to IOS because IOS is too simple and everything thats in IOS is on android.
Safari es google ???????????
Apple is the way to go
Use witch ever one makes you happy. I had only tried the iPhone drove me up the wall but has some good features I love my Android. To each their own.